private String getParentOrgan(
      Document document,
      Element description,
      Element parentStructure,
      String parentOfParentStructure) {
    // check for 'part_of' relation on parentstructure
    String partOfChain =
        getPartOfChain(document, description, parentStructure, 0)
            .replace(" of ", ",")
            .trim(); // part of organ of organ
    if (!partOfChain.isEmpty()) { // use explicit part_of
      parentOfParentStructure = partOfChain;

    // add constraint organ to parentorgan list
    String parentStructureConstraint = parentStructure.getAttributeValue("constraint");
    if (parentStructureConstraint != null) {
      if (characterKnowledgeBase.isEntityStructuralContraint(parentStructureConstraint)) {
        // parentorgan = constraint; //use the constraint of parentstruct as parentorgan, e.g. leaf
        // blade ..., petiole ..., vein ....
        parentOfParentStructure =
            parentStructureConstraint + "," + parentOfParentStructure; // blade, leaf
    // add name organ to parentorgan list
    // parentorgan = parentofparentstructure+" "+parentstruct.getAttributeValue("name");//leaf blade
    return parentStructure.getAttributeValue("name") + "," + parentOfParentStructure; // blade, leaf
  * @param struct
  * @return true if the structure element has a constraint that refers to a(nother) structure
 private boolean hasStructuralConstraint(Element struct) {
   String constraint = struct.getAttributeValue("constraint");
   if (constraint == null || constraint.isEmpty()) return false;
   if (characterKnowledgeBase.isEntityStructuralContraint(constraint)) return true;
   return false;
  public List<Token> tag(List<Token> sentence) {
    List<Token> posedSentence = new ArrayList<Token>();

    for (int i = 0; i < sentence.size(); i++) {

      Token token = sentence.get(i);
      String word = token.getContent();

      String p = "";

      boolean isState = false;
      boolean isOrgan = false;
      boolean isVerb = false;
      // if(word.contains("~list~") || word.contains("_c_") ||
      // organStateKnowledgeBase.isState(word))
      // don't send numbers, values to learnedCharacterKnowledgeBase
      if (word.contains("~list~")
          || word.contains("_c_")
          || ((word.matches("[^a-z]+")
                  || word.contains("=")
                  || word.matches(".*?(^|[^a-z])(" + units + ")([^a-z]|$).*"))
              && word.matches(".*?\\d.*"))) { // units could be mixed in the numbers
        isState = true;
      } else if (learnedCharacterKnowledgeBase.isCategoricalState(word)) {
        isState = true;
        CharacterMatch m = learnedCharacterKnowledgeBase.getCharacterName(word);
        if (m != null
            && m.getCategories() != null
            && m.getCategories().matches("(^|.*?_)position_relational(_.*|$)")) {
          isVerb = true;
      } else {
        // isOrgan = organStateKnowledgeBase.isOrgan(word);
        isOrgan = learnedCharacterKnowledgeBase.isEntity(word);

      Map<String, Set<String>> wordsToRoles = terminologyLearner.getWordsToRoles();
      if (word.length() > 0
          && !word.matches("\\W")
          && !word.matches("(" + prepositions + ")")
          && !stopWords.contains(word)) {
        if (wordsToRoles.containsKey(word)) p = wordsToRoles.get(word).iterator().next();

      // Hong TODO modifiertokens
      Matcher mc = compreppattern.matcher(word);
      if (word.equals("lengths") || word.equals("length")) {
            new POSedToken(word, POS.NNS)); // stanford parser would sometimes take "lengths" as IN
      } else if (word.equals("moreorless")) {
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word, POS.RB));
      } else if (mc.matches()) {
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word, POS.IN));
      } else if (word.matches("in-.*?(-view|profile)")) {
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word, POS.RB));
      } else if (word.endsWith("ly") && word.indexOf("~") < 0) {
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word, POS.RB));
      } else if (word.compareTo("becoming") == 0 || word.compareTo("about") == 0) {
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word, POS.RB));
      } else if (word.compareTo("throughout") == 0
          && (i + 1 == sentence.size() || sentence.get(i + 1).getContent().matches("(,|or)"))) {
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word, POS.RB));
      } else if (word.contains("#")) {
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word.replace('#', '-'), POS.RB));
      } else if (word.compareTo("plus") == 0 || word.compareTo("and-or") == 0) {
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word, POS.CC));
      } else if (word.matches("\\d+[cmd]?m\\d+[cmd]?m")) {
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word, POS.CD));
      } else if (word.matches("(" + units + ")")) {
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word, POS.NNS));
      } else if (word.matches("as-\\S+")) {
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word, POS.IN));
      } else if (p.contains("op")) { // <inner> larger.
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word, POS.NNS));
      } else if (p.contains("os") || (p.length() == 0 && isOrgan)) {
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word, POS.NN));
      } else if (word.matches("(\\{?\\b" + roman + "\\b\\}?)")) { // mohan
        // code
        // to
        // mark
        // roman
        // numbers
        // {ii}
        // or ii
        // as
        // ii/NNS
        word = word.replaceAll("\\{|\\}", "");
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word, POS.NNS));
      } else if (word.matches("\\d*.{0,1}\\d+")) {
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word, POS.CD));
      } else if (isVerb) {
        posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(word, POS.VB));
      } else if (p.contains("c") || isState) {
        int wordFrequency = corpus.getFrequency(word);
        if (wordFrequency > 79) {
          posedSentence.add(new Token(word));
        } else {
          posedSentence.add(new POSedToken(token.getContent(), POS.JJ));
      } else {
        posedSentence.add(new Token(token.getContent()));

    return posedSentence;