private void setTOrder(int t) { try { ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().setPersistentProperty(T_INTERACTION, t + ""); } catch (CoreException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } }
public boolean isImplied() { if (isImplied == null) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().reportBug(278); return false; } return isImplied; }
private void setMax(int max) { try { ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().setPersistentProperty(MAX, max + ""); } catch (CoreException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } }
private static void setTest(boolean test) { try { ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().setPersistentProperty(TEST, test + ""); } catch (CoreException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } }
private static void setOrder(String order) { try { ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().setPersistentProperty(ORDER, order); } catch (CoreException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } }
private static void setGenerate(String generate) { try { ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().setPersistentProperty(GENERATE, generate); } catch (CoreException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } }
/** Saves the toggle state of the dialog at persistent properties */ protected static void setTWise(String algorithm, int t) { try { ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().setPersistentProperty(T_WISE, algorithm + "|" + t); } catch (CoreException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } }
/** Gets the toggle state from persistent properties */ protected static String getTWise() { try { return ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getPersistentProperty(T_WISE); } catch (CoreException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } return null; }
private String getMax() { String returnValue = ""; try { returnValue = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getPersistentProperty(MAX); } catch (CoreException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } return returnValue != null ? returnValue : ""; }
public void writeToFile(File file) { FileOutputStream output = null; try { if (!file.exists()) file.createNewFile(); output = new FileOutputStream(file); output.write(writeToString().getBytes(Charset.availableCharsets().get("UTF-8"))); output.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } finally { try { if (output != null) { output.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } } }
public Comparison compare(FeatureModel oldModel, FeatureModel newModel) { this.oldModel = oldModel; this.newModel = newModel; try { addedFeatures = calculateAddedFeatures(oldModel, newModel); deletedFeatures = calculateAddedFeatures(newModel, oldModel); HashMap<Object, Node> oldMap = NodeCreator.calculateReplacingMap(oldModel); HashMap<Object, Node> newMap = NodeCreator.calculateReplacingMap(newModel); optimizeReplacingMaps(oldMap, newMap); oldRoot = NodeCreator.createNodes(oldModel, oldMap); newRoot = NodeCreator.createNodes(newModel, newMap); oldRoot = createFalseStatementForConcreteVariables(addedFeatures, oldRoot); newRoot = createFalseStatementForConcreteVariables(deletedFeatures, newRoot); oldRootUpdated = removeIdenticalNodes(oldRoot, newRoot); newRootUpdated = removeIdenticalNodes(newRoot, oldRoot); removedProducts = new ExampleCalculator(oldModel, timeout); implies = implies(oldRoot, newRootUpdated, removedProducts); addedProducts = new ExampleCalculator(newModel, timeout); isImplied = implies(newRoot, oldRootUpdated, addedProducts); if (implies) if (isImplied) result = Comparison.REFACTORING; else result = Comparison.GENERALIZATION; else if (isImplied) result = Comparison.SPECIALIZATION; else result = Comparison.ARBITRARY; } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { result = Comparison.OUTOFMEMORY; } catch (TimeoutException e) { result = Comparison.TIMEOUT; } catch (Exception e) { if (FMCorePlugin.getDefault() != null) FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); else e.printStackTrace(); result = Comparison.ERROR; } return result; }
@Override public Configuration clone() { if (!this.getClass().equals(Configuration.class)) { try { return (Configuration) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } } return new Configuration(this); }
private static String getOrder() { try { final String generate = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getPersistentProperty(ORDER); if (generate == null) { return DEFAULT; } return generate; } catch (CoreException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } return DEFAULT; }
private static String getGenerate() { try { final String generate = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getPersistentProperty(GENERATE); if (generate == null) { return ALL_VALID_CONFIGURATIONS; } return generate; } catch (CoreException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } return ALL_VALID_CONFIGURATIONS; }
/** Gets the toggle state from persistent properties */ protected static int getT_Interaction() { try { final String generate = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getPersistentProperty(T_INTERACTION); if (generate == null) { return 2; } return Integer.parseInt(generate); } catch (CoreException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } return 2; }
private static boolean getTest() { try { final String test = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getPersistentProperty(TEST); if ("true".equals(test)) { return true; } if ("false".equals(test)) { return false; } return true; } catch (CoreException e) { FMCorePlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } return false; }