private String getInterpolatedAttributeValue( String name, Object attribute, boolean escaped, JadeModel model, JadeTemplate template) throws JadeCompilerException { // if (!preparedAttributeValues.containsKey(name)) { // preparedAttributeValues.put(name, Utils.prepareInterpolate((String) attribute, // escaped)); // } List<Object> prepared = Utils.prepareInterpolate((String) attribute, escaped); try { return Utils.interpolate(prepared, model, template.getExpressionHandler()); } catch (ExpressionException e) { throw new JadeCompilerException(this, template.getTemplateLoader(), e); } }
protected String visitAttributes(JadeModel model, JadeTemplate template) { LinkedList<Attr> newAttributes = new LinkedList<Attr>(attributes); if (attributeBlocks.size() > 0) { // Todo: AttributesBlock needs to be evaluated for (String attributeBlock : attributeBlocks) { HashMap<String, String> o = null; try { o = (HashMap<String, String>) template.getExpressionHandler().evaluateExpression(attributeBlock, model); } catch (ExpressionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (o != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : o.entrySet()) { Attr attr = new Attr(); attr.setName(String.valueOf(entry.getKey())); attr.setValue(entry.getValue()); newAttributes.add(attr); } } } LinkedHashMap<String, String> attrs = attrs(model, template, newAttributes); return attrsToString(attrs, template); } else { LinkedHashMap<String, String> attrs = attrs(model, template, newAttributes); return attrsToString(attrs, template); } }
@Test public void testThatTagNodeIsNotSelfClosingIfXmlDoctype() { template.setMode(Jade4J.Mode.XML); for (int i = 0; i < selfClosing.length; i++) { tagNode.setName(selfClosing[i]); assertFalse(tagNode.isSelfClosing(template)); } }
@Test public void testThatTagNodeIsNotTerseIfTempalteSettingIsNotTerse() { template.setMode(Jade4J.Mode.XHTML); for (int i = 0; i < selfClosing.length; i++) { tagNode.setName(selfClosing[i]); assertFalse(tagNode.isTerse(template)); } }
@Test public void testThatTagNodeIsNotSelfclosingIfTheTagIsNotSelfclosing() { template.setMode(Jade4J.Mode.HTML); for (int i = 0; i < notSelfClosing.length; i++) { tagNode.setName(notSelfClosing[i]); assertFalse(tagNode.isTerse(template)); } }
@Test public void testThatTagNodeIsTerse() { template.setMode(Jade4J.Mode.HTML); for (int i = 0; i < selfClosing.length; i++) { tagNode.setName(selfClosing[i]); assertTrue(tagNode.isTerse(template)); } }
protected LinkedHashMap<String, String> attrs( JadeModel model, JadeTemplate template, LinkedList<Attr> attrs) { ArrayList<String> classes = new ArrayList<String>(); LinkedHashMap<String, String> newAttributes = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (Attr attribute : attrs) { try { addAttributesToMap(newAttributes, classes, attribute, model, template); } catch (ExpressionException e) { throw new JadeCompilerException(this, template.getTemplateLoader(), e); } } LinkedHashMap<String, String> finalAttributes = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); finalAttributes.putAll(newAttributes); if (!classes.isEmpty()) { finalAttributes.put("class", StringUtils.join(classes, " ")); } return finalAttributes; }
@Before public void setup() { tagNode = new TagNode(); template = new JadeTemplate(); template.setMode(Jade4J.Mode.XHTML); }
public boolean isSelfClosing(JadeTemplate template) { return !template.isXml() && ArrayUtils.contains(selfClosingTags, name); }
public boolean isTerse(JadeTemplate template) { return isSelfClosing(template) && template.isTerse(); }
private void addAttributesToMap( HashMap<String, String> newAttributes, ArrayList<String> classes, Attr attribute, JadeModel model, JadeTemplate template) throws ExpressionException { String name = attribute.getName(); String key = name; boolean escaped = false; // if ("class".equals(key)) { // classes.push(attr.val); // classEscaping.push(attr.escaped); // } else if (isConstant(attr.val)) { // if (buffer) { // this.buffer(runtime.attr(key, toConstant(attr.val), escaped, this.terse)); // } else { // var val = toConstant(attr.val); // if (key === 'style') val =; // if (escaped && !(key.indexOf('data') === 0 && typeof val !== 'string')) { // val = runtime.escape(val); // } // buf.push(utils.stringify(key) + ': ' + utils.stringify(val)); // } // } else { // if (buffer) { // this.bufferExpression('jade.attr("' + key + '", ' + attr.val + ', ' + // utils.stringify(escaped) + ', ' + utils.stringify(this.terse) + ')'); // } else { // var val = attr.val; // if (key === 'style') { // val = '' + val + ')'; // } // if (escaped && !(key.indexOf('data') === 0)) { // val = 'jade.escape(' + val + ')'; // } else if (escaped) { // val = '(typeof (jade_interp = ' + val + ') == "string" ? // jade.escape(jade_interp) : jade_interp)'; // } // buf.push(utils.stringify(key) + ': ' + val); // } // } String value = null; Object attributeValue = attribute.getValue(); if ("class".equals(key)) { if (attributeValue instanceof String) { escaped = attribute.isEscaped(); value = getInterpolatedAttributeValue(name, attributeValue, escaped, model, template); } else if (attributeValue instanceof ExpressionString) { escaped = ((ExpressionString) attributeValue).isEscape(); Object expressionValue = evaluateExpression( (ExpressionString) attributeValue, model, template.getExpressionHandler()); if (expressionValue != null && expressionValue.getClass().isArray()) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(""); boolean first = true; if (expressionValue instanceof int[]) { for (int o : (int[]) expressionValue) { if (!first) s.append(" "); s.append(o); first = false; } } else { for (Object o : (Object[]) expressionValue) { if (!first) s.append(" "); s.append(o.toString()); first = false; } } value = s.toString(); } else if (expressionValue != null && expressionValue instanceof Boolean) { if ((Boolean) expressionValue) value = expressionValue.toString(); } else if (expressionValue != null) { value = expressionValue.toString(); } } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(value)) classes.add(value); return; // }else if("id".equals(key)){ // value = (String) attribute; } else if (attributeValue instanceof String) { escaped = attribute.isEscaped(); value = getInterpolatedAttributeValue(name, attributeValue, escaped, model, template); } else if (attributeValue instanceof Boolean) { if ((Boolean) attributeValue) { value = name; } else { return; } if (template.isTerse()) { value = null; } } else if (attributeValue instanceof ExpressionString) { escaped = ((ExpressionString) attributeValue).isEscape(); Object expressionValue = evaluateExpression( (ExpressionString) attributeValue, model, template.getExpressionHandler()); if (expressionValue == null) { return; } // TODO: refactor if (expressionValue instanceof Boolean) { if ((Boolean) expressionValue) { value = name; } else { return; } if (template.isTerse()) { value = null; } } else { value = expressionValue.toString(); value = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(value); } } else if (attributeValue instanceof String) { value = (String) attributeValue; // } else { // return ""; } newAttributes.put(name, value); }