protected void setInlineIconStyle( Style style, org.geotools.styling.Style sld, IconProperties properties, KmlEncodingContext context) { final String name = properties.getIconName(sld); Map<String, org.geotools.styling.Style> iconStyles = context.getIconStyles(); if (!iconStyles.containsKey(name)) { final org.geotools.styling.Style injectedStyle = IconPropertyInjector.injectProperties(sld, properties.getProperties()); iconStyles.put(name, injectedStyle); } final Double scale = properties.getScale(); final String path = "icons/" + name + ".png"; IconStyle is = style.createAndSetIconStyle(); if (properties.getHeading() != null) { is.setHeading(0.0); } if (scale != null) { is.setScale(scale); } Icon icon = is.createAndSetIcon(); icon.setHref(path); }
protected void setLiveIconStyle( Style style, org.geotools.styling.Style sld, IconProperties properties, KmlEncodingContext context) { final Double opacity = properties.getOpacity(); final Double scale = properties.getScale(); final Double heading = properties.getHeading(); IconStyle is = style.createAndSetIconStyle(); if (opacity != null) { is.setColor(colorToHex(Color.WHITE, opacity)); } if (scale != null) { is.setScale(scale); } if (heading != null) { is.setHeading(heading); } // Get the name of the workspace WorkspaceInfo ws = context.getWms().getCatalog().getStyleByName(sld.getName()).getWorkspace(); String wsName = null; if (ws != null) wsName = ws.getName(); Icon icon = is.createAndSetIcon(); icon.setHref( properties.href( context.getMapContent().getRequest().getBaseUrl(), wsName, sld.getName())); }
protected void setDefaultIconStyle( Style style, SimpleFeature feature, KmlEncodingContext context) { // figure out if line or polygon boolean line = feature.getDefaultGeometry() != null && (feature.getDefaultGeometry() instanceof LineString || feature.getDefaultGeometry() instanceof MultiLineString); boolean poly = feature.getDefaultGeometry() != null && (feature.getDefaultGeometry() instanceof Polygon || feature.getDefaultGeometry() instanceof MultiPolygon); // Final pre-flight check if (!line && !poly) { LOGGER.log( Level.FINER, "Unexpectedly entered encodeDefaultIconStyle() " + "with something that does not have a multipoint geometry."); return; } IconStyle is = style.createAndSetIconStyle(); // make transparent if they ask for attributes, since we'll have a label if (context.isDescriptionEnabled()) { is.setColor("00ffffff"); } // if line or polygon scale the label if (line || poly) { is.setScale(0.4); } String imageURL = "" + (poly ? "poly.1" : "line.1") + ".png"; Icon icon = is.createAndSetIcon(); icon.setHref(imageURL); icon.setViewBoundScale(1); }