private void createLabel(Composite c, int span, String content, Image image, LabelAttributes la) { if (content == null && image == null) return; Label l = new Label(c, la.getFontStyle()); GridData gd = new GridData(); gd.verticalSpan = span; gd.horizontalIndent = 5; if (content != null) l.setText(content); if (image != null) l.setImage(image); if (la.getForegroundColor() != null) l.setForeground(new Color(DisplayManager.getDefaultDisplay(), la.getForegroundColor())); Font initialFont = l.getFont(); FontData[] fontData = initialFont.getFontData(); for (int i = 0; i < fontData.length; i++) { fontData[i].setHeight(la.getFontSize()); fontData[i].setStyle(la.getFontStyle()); } Font newFont = new Font(DisplayManager.getDefaultDisplay(), fontData[0]); l.setFont(newFont); l.pack(); l.setBackground(c.getBackground()); l.setLayoutData(gd); }
protected void setDialogPosition(Shell shell) { String position = this.getConfiguration().getProperty(CFG_POSITION, "left-top"); if (DisplayManager.getDefaultDisplay() == null) { this.m_logger.severe("Could not get monitor device object for dialog."); return; } Monitor primaryMonitor = DisplayManager.getDefaultDisplay().getPrimaryMonitor(); int offset = m_instance_count * 15; int x = 0, y = 0; // added 2008/04/07: set minimal width and height shell.setBounds( x, y, Math.max(shell.getBounds().width, 165), Math.max(shell.getBounds().height, 115)); if (position.equalsIgnoreCase("left-top")) { x = 5 + offset; y = 5 + offset; } if (position.equalsIgnoreCase("right-top") || position.length() == 0) { y = 5 + offset; x = primaryMonitor.getClientArea().width - shell.getBounds().width - 30 - offset; } if (position.equalsIgnoreCase("left-bottom")) { x = 5; y = primaryMonitor.getClientArea().height - shell.getBounds().height - 35 - offset; } if (position.equalsIgnoreCase("right-bottom")) { x = primaryMonitor.getClientArea().width - shell.getBounds().width - 30 - offset; y = primaryMonitor.getClientArea().height - shell.getBounds().height - 35 - offset; } if (position.equalsIgnoreCase("center")) { x = (primaryMonitor.getClientArea().width / 2) - (shell.getBounds().width / 2) - 1 - offset; y = (primaryMonitor.getClientArea().height / 2) - (shell.getBounds().height / 2) - 35 - offset; } // dialog has free defined position if (this.isFreePositioning()) { x = this.getFreePosX(); y = this.getFreePosY(); } shell.setBounds(x, y, shell.getBounds().width, shell.getBounds().height); }
public ExtendedBalloonDialog(Properties config, ICall call) { super(DisplayManager.getDefaultDisplay(), SWT.ON_TOP | SWT.CLOSE | SWT.TITLE); if (m_instance_count > 2) m_instance_count = -1; m_instance_count++; this.m_logger = LogManager.getLogManager().getLogger(IJAMConst.DEFAULT_LOGGER); IEventBroker eventBroker = this.getRuntime().getEventBroker(); eventBroker.register(this); eventBroker.register(this, eventBroker.createEvent(IEventConst.EVENT_TYPE_CALLCLEARED)); eventBroker.register(this, eventBroker.createEvent(IEventConst.EVENT_TYPE_CALLACCEPTED)); eventBroker.register(this, eventBroker.createEvent(IEventConst.EVENT_TYPE_CALLREJECTED)); eventBroker.register(this, eventBroker.createEvent(IEventConst.EVENT_TYPE_CALLMARKEDSPAM)); this.m_configuration = config; this.m_call = call; this.setAnchor(SWT.NONE); this.setText( this.getI18nManager() .getString( this.getNamespace(), (isOutgoing(call) ? "outgoing" : "call"), "label", this.getLanguage())); this.setImage( SWTImageManager.getInstance(this.getRuntime()) .get( (isOutgoing(call) ? IJAMConst.IMAGE_KEY_OUTGOING_GIF : IJAMConst.IMAGE_KEY_ACCEPTED_GIF))); }
public synchronized void run() { Viewer v = this.m_app.getApplication().getViewer(); if (v != null && v instanceof Viewer) { final IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) v.getSelection(); if (!selection.isEmpty()) { if (selection.getFirstElement() instanceof ICaller) { ProgressMonitorDialog pmd = new ProgressMonitorDialog(DisplayManager.getDefaultDisplay().getActiveShell()); try { IRunnableWithProgress r = new IRunnableWithProgress() { public void run(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) { progressMonitor.beginTask( getI18nManager() .getString(getNamespace(), "identifyprogress", "label", getLanguage()), IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); progressMonitor.worked(1); final ICaller caller = (ICaller) selection.getFirstElement(); List phones = new ArrayList(); if (caller instanceof IMultiPhoneCaller) { phones.addAll(((IMultiPhoneCaller) caller).getPhonenumbers()); } else { phones.add(caller.getPhoneNumber()); } String ignoreCM = ""; IAttribute att = caller.getAttribute(IJAMConst.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CALLERMANAGER); if (att != null) { ignoreCM = att.getValue(); } List activeCMs = getAllActiveCallerManagers(getRuntime(), ignoreCM); ICaller identifiedCaller = null; // identification only makes sence if there are active CMs or if there are // numbers if (activeCMs.size() > 0 && phones.size() > 0) { IPhonenumber pn = null; for (int i = 0; i < phones.size(); i++) { pn = (IPhonenumber) phones.get(i); identifiedCaller = Identifier.identify(getRuntime(), pn, activeCMs); if (identifiedCaller != null) break; } } progressMonitor.done(); if (identifiedCaller == null) { progressMonitor.beginTask( getI18nManager() .getString(getNamespace(), "failedidentify", "label", getLanguage()), IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); PropagationFactory.getInstance() .fire( new Message( Message.INFO, getNamespace(), "failedidentify", new Exception( "Caller with number " + caller.getPhoneNumber() + " not identified..."))); return; } // remove repository flag and set all numbers if (!(identifiedCaller instanceof IMultiPhoneCaller)) { identifiedCaller = getRuntime().getCallerFactory().toMultiPhoneCaller(identifiedCaller); } ((IMultiPhoneCaller) identifiedCaller).setPhonenumbers(phones); ((IMultiPhoneCaller) identifiedCaller) .setPhoneNumber((IPhonenumber) phones.get(0)); IAttributeMap m = getRuntime().getCallerFactory().createAttributeMap(); m.addAll(caller.getAttributes()); m.addAll(identifiedCaller.getAttributes()); m.remove(IJAMConst.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CALLERMANAGER); identifiedCaller.setAttributes(m); final ICaller theIdentifiedCaller = identifiedCaller; new SWTExecuter() { protected void execute() { if (MessageDialog.openConfirm( new Shell(DisplayManager.getDefaultDisplay()), getI18nManager() .getString(getNamespace(), "identify", "label", getLanguage()), getI18nManager() .getString( getNamespace(), "identify", "description", getLanguage()))) { ICaller newCaller = openCallerWizard(theIdentifiedCaller); if (newCaller != null) { ICallerList list = getRuntime().getCallerFactory().createCallerList(1); list.add(caller); m_app.getController().deleteElements(list); list.clear(); list.add(newCaller); m_app.getController().addElements(list); m_app.updateViews(true); } } } }.start(); } }; pmd.setBlockOnOpen(false);, false, r); //, true, pmd.getProgressMonitor(), // DisplayManager.getDefaultDisplay()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { m_logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { m_logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } } } } }