/** * Creates the screen of a level within the placement mode. This is the * screen which is presented to the user upon entering a recoloring or * termedit level. * * @param game * the backreference to the central game * @param controller * the game controller, which is responsible for the played level */ public PlacementModeScreen(AlligatorApp game, GameController controller) { super(game); gameController = controller; AssetManager assetManager = AssetManager.getInstance(); assetManager.load(getAssetDirPath() + "textures/pack.atlas", TextureAtlas.class); goalDialog = new Dialog("", StyleHelper.getInstance().getDialogStyle()); fillTable(); final int packageIndex = gameController.getLevel().getPackageIndex(); final LevelPackagesController packagesController = game .getLevelPackagesController(); final LevelPackage pack = packagesController.getLevelPackages().get( packageIndex); setBackground(pack.getDesign()); game.getSettingController().addSettingChangeListener(this); // load graphics for animation/tutorial if (gameController.getLevel().hasAnimation()) { List<String> animations = gameController.getLevel().getAnimation(); for (String animation : animations) { assetManager.load(animation, Texture.class); } } }
private void buildTutorialDialog(String animationPath) { AssetManager manager = AssetManager.getInstance(); StyleHelper helper = StyleHelper.getInstance(); final Dialog tutorial = new Dialog("", StyleHelper.getInstance() .getDialogStyle()); tutorial.clear(); tutorial.fadeDuration = 0f; Table buttonTable = new Table(); Drawable drawable = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion( manager.get(animationPath, Texture.class))); // used image button here because it keeps the ratio of the texture ImageButton tutorialImage = new ImageButton(drawable); ImageButton okay = new ImageButton( helper.getImageButtonStyleRound("widgets/icon-check")); okay.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { tutorial.hide(); } }); buttonTable.add(okay).size(100).bottom().right().expand().pad(30); tutorial.stack(tutorialImage, buttonTable).height(500).width(800); tutorial.show(stage); }
@Override public void draw(com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.SpriteBatch batch, float parentAlpha) { if (de.croggle.AlligatorApp.DEBUG) { batch.draw( de.croggle.data.AssetManager.getInstance() .getColorTexture(de.croggle.game.Color.uncolored()), getX(), getY(), getWidth() * getScaleX(), getHeight() * getScaleY()); } }
public ColorButton(Color c) { this.c = c; AssetManager assets = AssetManager.getInstance(); Drawable up; if (colorBlindEnabled) { up = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(assets.getPatternTexture(c))); } else { up = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(assets.getColorTexture(c))); } this.setStyle(new Button.ButtonStyle(up, up, up)); }
/** * Returns the asset manager which controls all kinds of game media, e.g. graphics. * * @return the asset manager */ public AssetManager getAssetManager() { return de.croggle.data.AssetManager.getInstance(); }