private static Recurring cursorToRecurring(Cursor c) { int i = 0; Calendar start; try { start = DateTimeHelper.parseDateTime(c.getString(8)); } catch (ParseException e) { start = null; Log.d(TAG, "cannot parse Date"); } Calendar end; try { end = DateTimeHelper.parseDateTime(c.getString(9)); } catch (ParseException e) { Log.d(TAG, "cannot parse Date"); end = null; } SparseBooleanArray weekdays = new SparseBooleanArray(); weekdays.put(Calendar.MONDAY, c.getInt(12) == 1); weekdays.put(Calendar.TUESDAY, c.getInt(13) == 1); weekdays.put(Calendar.WEDNESDAY, c.getInt(14) == 1); weekdays.put(Calendar.THURSDAY, c.getInt(15) == 1); weekdays.put(Calendar.FRIDAY, c.getInt(16) == 1); weekdays.put(Calendar.SATURDAY, c.getInt(17) == 1); weekdays.put(Calendar.SUNDAY, c.getInt(18) == 1); Integer derivedFrom = c.isNull(19) ? null : c.getInt(19); return new Recurring( c.getInt(i++), c.getString(i++), c.getInt(i++), c.getInt(i++), c.getInt(i++), c.getInt(i++), c.getInt(i++), c.getInt(i++) == 1, start, end, c.getInt(10) == 1, c.getInt(11) == 1, weekdays, derivedFrom); }
public static Recurring get( int minutes, int hours, int days, int month, int years, Calendar start, Calendar end) { String cal = ""; if (start != null) { cal += " start_date=" + DateTimeHelper.formatDateTime(start); } if (end != null) { cal = cal + (cal.equals("") ? "" : " and") + " end_date=" + DateTimeHelper.formatDateTime(end); } Cursor cursor = database.query( TABLE, allColumns, "minutes=" + minutes + " and hours=" + hours + " and days=" + days + " and months=" + month + " and years=" + years + cal, null, null, null, null); cursor.moveToFirst(); if (cursor.getCount() != 0) { Recurring r = cursorToRecurring(cursor); cursor.close(); return r; } cursor.close(); return null; }
private CharSequence getDateText(final @Nullable Calendar c) { return DateTimeHelper.formatDate(ctx, c); }
public View createView(final LayoutInflater inflater) { this.ctx = new ContextThemeWrapper(getActivity(),; final List<Pair<Integer, String>> recurring = Recurring.getForDialog(this.mForDue); this.extraItems = 1; final CharSequence[] items = new String[recurring.size() + this.extraItems]; // there is a button... items[0] = this.ctx.getString(R.string.recurrence_custom); this.mPosition = 0; for (int i = this.extraItems; i < (recurring.size() + this.extraItems); i++) { items[i] = recurring.get(i - this.extraItems).second; if (this.mRecurring.isPresent() && items[i].equals(this.mRecurring.get().getLabel())) { this.mPosition = i; } } final View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.recurrencepicker, null); boolean isNotTwoRows = view.getMeasuredWidth() > MIN_SCREEN_WIDTH_FOR_SINGLE_ROW_WEEK; this.mWeekGroup = (LinearLayout) view.findViewById(; this.mWeekGroup2 = (LinearLayout) view.findViewById(; final String[] dayOfWeekString = new DateFormatSymbols().getShortWeekdays(); if (isNotTwoRows) { this.numOfButtonsInRow1 = 7; this.mWeekGroup2.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { this.numOfButtonsInRow1 = 4; this.mWeekGroup2.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } List<Integer> weekdays = new ArrayList<>(); this.mWeekGroup.removeAllViews(); this.mWeekGroup2.removeAllViews(); if (this.mRecurring.isPresent()) { weekdays = this.mRecurring.get().getWeekdays(); } final int startDay = DateTimeHelper.getFirstDayOfWeek(); for (int i = startDay; i < (startDay + 7); i++) { final int day = i % 7; // Create Button final WeekButton item = new WeekButton(this.ctx); item.setTextAppearance(this.ctx,; item.setTextOff( dayOfWeekString[TIME_DAY_TO_CALENDAR_DAY[day]].toUpperCase(Helpers.getLocale(this.ctx))); item.setTextOn( dayOfWeekString[TIME_DAY_TO_CALENDAR_DAY[day]].toUpperCase(Helpers.getLocale(this.ctx))); item.setChecked(weekdays.contains(day + 1)); item.setTextColor( new ColorStateList( new int[][] {new int[] {android.R.attr.state_checked}, new int[] {}}, new int[] { ThemeManager.getPrimaryThemeColor(), ThemeManager.getColor(R.attr.colorTextGrey) })); // Add to view final ViewGroup root; if ((i - startDay) >= this.numOfButtonsInRow1) { root = this.mWeekGroup2; } else { root = this.mWeekGroup; } final LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); lp.setMargins( ViewHelper.dpToPx(ctx, 5), ViewHelper.dpToPx(ctx, 5), ViewHelper.dpToPx(ctx, 5), ViewHelper.dpToPx(ctx, 5)); item.setLayoutParams(lp); root.addView(item); this.mWeekByDayButtons[day] = item; } this.mUseExact = (CheckBox) view.findViewById(; this.mUseExact.setChecked(this.mInitialExact); mUseExact.setVisibility(mForDue ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); this.mIntervalType = (Spinner) view.findViewById(; this.mIntervalCount = (EditText) view.findViewById(; this.mIntervalCount.setText("1"); this.mIntervalValue = 1; updateIntervalType(); this.mIntervalCount.addTextChangedListener( new TextWatcher() { @Override public void onTextChanged( final CharSequence s, final int start, final int before, final int count) { int newValue; try { newValue = Integer.parseInt(s.toString()); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {, e); newValue = 0; } if (newValue == 0) { mIntervalCount.setText(String.valueOf(mIntervalValue)); } mIntervalValue = newValue; updateIntervalType(); } @Override public void beforeTextChanged( final CharSequence s, final int start, final int count, final int after) {} @Override public void afterTextChanged(final Editable s) {} }); final int weekdayPosition = this.mForDue ? 0 : 2; this.mIntervalType.setOnItemSelectedListener( new OnItemSelectedListener() { @Override public void onItemSelected( final AdapterView<?> parent, final View v, final int position, final long id) { if (position == weekdayPosition) { view.findViewById(; view.findViewById(; mIntervalCount.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { view.findViewById(; view.findViewById(; mIntervalCount.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } @Override public void onNothingSelected(final AdapterView<?> parent) { // nothing } }); this.mRadioGroup = (RadioGroup) view.findViewById(; this.mRadioGroup.setVisibility(View.GONE); // Don't support this for // now... this.mEndButton = (TextView) view.findViewById(; view.findViewById(; this.mStartButton = (TextView) view.findViewById(; view.findViewById(; if (!this.mForDue) { this.mUseExact.setVisibility(View.GONE); } if (this.mRecurring.isPresent() && this.mRecurring.get().isTemporary()) { final Recurring recurringRaw = mRecurring.get(); if (!recurringRaw.getWeekdays().isEmpty()) { this.mIntervalType.setSelection(this.mForDue ? 0 : 2); this.mIntervalCount.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else if (recurringRaw.getMinutes() != 0) { this.mIntervalType.setSelection(0); this.mIntervalCount.setText(String.valueOf(recurringRaw.getMinutes())); this.mIntervalValue = recurringRaw.getMinutes(); } else if (recurringRaw.getHours() != 0) { this.mIntervalType.setSelection(1); this.mIntervalCount.setText(String.valueOf(recurringRaw.getHours())); this.mIntervalValue = recurringRaw.getHours(); } else if (recurringRaw.getDays() != 0) { this.mIntervalType.setSelection(this.mForDue ? 1 : 3); this.mIntervalCount.setText(String.valueOf(recurringRaw.getDays())); this.mIntervalValue = recurringRaw.getDays(); } else if (recurringRaw.getMonths() != 0) { this.mIntervalType.setSelection(this.mForDue ? 2 : 4); this.mIntervalCount.setText(String.valueOf(recurringRaw.getMonths())); this.mIntervalValue = recurringRaw.getMonths(); } else if (recurringRaw.getYears() != 0) { this.mIntervalType.setSelection(this.mForDue ? 3 : 5); this.mIntervalCount.setText(String.valueOf(recurringRaw.getYears())); this.mIntervalValue = recurringRaw.getYears(); } this.mStartDate = recurringRaw.getStartDate(); this.mEndDate = recurringRaw.getEndDate(); } mStartButton.setText(getDateText(mStartDate.or(new GregorianCalendar()))); if (this.mEndDate.isPresent()) { mEndButton.setText(getDateText(mEndDate.get())); } else { mEndButton.setText(getDateText()); } return view; }