private static int importFromBookmarks( BookmarksDB db, final DigestURI baseURL, final InputStreamReader input, final String tag, final boolean importPublic) { int importCount = 0; Map<MultiProtocolURI, Properties> links = new HashMap<MultiProtocolURI, Properties>(); String title; MultiProtocolURI url; Bookmark bm; final Set<String> tags = ListManager.string2set(tag); // this allow multiple default tags try { // load the links final ContentScraper scraper = new ContentScraper(baseURL); // OutputStream os = new htmlFilterOutputStream(null, scraper, null, false); final Writer writer = new TransformerWriter(null, null, scraper, null, false); FileUtils.copy(input, writer); writer.close(); links = scraper.getAnchors(); } catch (final IOException e) { Log.logWarning( "BOOKMARKS", "error during load of links: " + e.getClass() + " " + e.getMessage()); } for (final Entry<MultiProtocolURI, Properties> link : links.entrySet()) { url = link.getKey(); title = link.getValue().getProperty("name", ""); Log.logInfo("BOOKMARKS", "links.get(url)"); if ("".equals(title)) { // cannot be displayed title = url.toString(); } bm = Bookmark(url.toString()); bm.setProperty(Bookmark.BOOKMARK_TITLE, title); bm.setTags(tags); bm.setPublic(importPublic); db.saveBookmark(bm); importCount++; } return importCount; }
private static int parseXMLimport(BookmarksDB db, final Node doc, final boolean importPublic) { int importCount = 0; if ("post".equals(doc.getNodeName())) { final NamedNodeMap attributes = doc.getAttributes(); final String url = attributes.getNamedItem("href").getNodeValue(); if ("".equals(url)) { return 0; } final Bookmark bm = Bookmark(url); String tagsString = ""; String title = ""; String description = ""; String time = ""; if (attributes.getNamedItem("tag") != null) { tagsString = attributes.getNamedItem("tag").getNodeValue(); } if (attributes.getNamedItem("description") != null) { title = attributes.getNamedItem("description").getNodeValue(); } if (attributes.getNamedItem("extended") != null) { description = attributes.getNamedItem("extended").getNodeValue(); } if (attributes.getNamedItem("time") != null) { time = attributes.getNamedItem("time").getNodeValue(); } Set<String> tags = new HashSet<String>(); if (title != null) { bm.setProperty(Bookmark.BOOKMARK_TITLE, title); } if (tagsString != null) { tags = ListManager.string2set(tagsString.replace(' ', ',')); } bm.setTags(tags, true); if (time != null) { Date parsedDate = null; try { parsedDate = ISO8601Formatter.FORMATTER.parse(time); } catch (final ParseException e) { parsedDate = new Date(); } bm.setTimeStamp(parsedDate.getTime()); } if (description != null) { bm.setProperty(Bookmark.BOOKMARK_DESCRIPTION, description); } bm.setPublic(importPublic); db.saveBookmark(bm); importCount++; } final NodeList children = doc.getChildNodes(); if (children != null) { for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { importCount += parseXMLimport(db, children.item(i), importPublic); } } return importCount; }