public Vector getAllOrganizations(int iFKCompanyID) { Vector v = new Vector(); Connection con = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; /* * Change(s) : Changed the SQL statement to get the company name as well * Reason(s) : Able to set the selected company name when company selection is changed in OrganizationList.jsp * Updated By: Gwen Oh * Updated On: 26 Sep 2011 */ // String sSQL="SELECT * FROM tblOrganization WHERE FKCompanyID= "+ iFKCompanyID; String sSQL = "SELECT tblOrganization.*, tblConsultingCompany.CompanyName FROM " + "tblOrganization INNER JOIN tblConsultingCompany ON tblOrganization.FKCompanyID = tblConsultingCompany.CompanyID " + "WHERE tblOrganization.FKCompanyID=" + iFKCompanyID; try { /* * Re-edited by Eric Lu 15-May-08 * * Added sort and toggle functionality for getting organizations */ sSQL = sSQL + " ORDER BY "; if (SortType_org == 1) sSQL = sSQL + "OrganizationName"; else if (SortType_org == 2) sSQL = sSQL + "OrganizationCode"; else if (SortType_org == 3) sSQL = sSQL + "NameSequence"; if (Toggle_org[SortType_org - 1] == 1) sSQL = sSQL + " DESC"; con = ConnectionBean.getConnection(); st = con.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery(sSQL); while ( { votblOrganization vo = new votblOrganization(); vo.setEmailNom(rs.getString("EmailNom")); vo.setEmailNomRemind(rs.getString("EmailNomRemind")); vo.setEmailPart(rs.getString("EmailPart")); vo.setEmailPartRemind(rs.getString("EmailPartRemind")); vo.setExtraModule(rs.getInt("ExtraModule")); vo.setFKCompanyID(rs.getInt("FKCompanyID")); vo.setNameSequence(rs.getInt("NameSequence")); vo.setOrganizationCode(rs.getString("OrganizationCode")); vo.setOrganizationLogo(rs.getString("OrganizationLogo")); vo.setOrganizationName(rs.getString("OrganizationName")); vo.setPKOrganization(rs.getInt("PKOrganization")); // Gwen Oh - 26/09/2011: Set the company name vo.setCompanyName(rs.getString("CompanyName")); v.add(vo); } } catch (SQLException SE) { System.err.println(" - getAllOrganizations - " + SE.getMessage()); } finally { ConnectionBean.closeRset(rs); // Close ResultSet ConnectionBean.closeStmt(st); // Close statement ConnectionBean.close(con); // Close connection } return v; }
public votblOrganization getAllOrganizations(int iFKCompanyID, int iOrganisationID) { Vector v = new Vector(); Connection con = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; votblOrganization vo = new votblOrganization(); String sql = ""; if (iOrganisationID != 0) { sql = "SELECT * FROM tblConsultingCompany a, tblOrganization b"; sql = sql + " WHERE a.CompanyID = b.FKCompanyID AND a.CompanyID = " + iFKCompanyID + " AND b.PKOrganization =" + iOrganisationID; } else { sql = "SELECT * FROM tblConsultingCompany WHERE CompanyID = " + iFKCompanyID; } try { con = ConnectionBean.getConnection(); st = con.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery(sql); if ( { // 27 May 2008 by Hemilda - cause iOrganisationID == 0 the query only retrieve // tblConsultingCompany column if (iOrganisationID != 0) { vo.setEmailNom(rs.getString("EmailNom")); vo.setEmailNomRemind(rs.getString("EmailNomRemind")); vo.setEmailPart(rs.getString("EmailPart")); vo.setEmailPartRemind(rs.getString("EmailPartRemind")); vo.setExtraModule(rs.getInt("ExtraModule")); vo.setFKCompanyID(rs.getInt("FKCompanyID")); vo.setNameSequence(rs.getInt("NameSequence")); vo.setOrganizationCode(rs.getString("OrganizationCode")); vo.setOrganizationLogo(rs.getString("OrganizationLogo")); vo.setOrganizationName(rs.getString("OrganizationName")); vo.setPKOrganization(rs.getInt("PKOrganization")); } vo.setCompanyName(rs.getString("CompanyName")); } } catch (SQLException SE) { System.err.println(" - getAllOrganizations - " + SE.getMessage()); } finally { ConnectionBean.closeRset(rs); // Close ResultSet ConnectionBean.closeStmt(st); // Close statement ConnectionBean.close(con); // Close connection } return vo; }
/** * Get Organization * * @param iFKCompanyID * @return * @author James */ public votblOrganization getOrganization(int iOrgID) { votblOrganization vo = new votblOrganization(); Connection con = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; String command = "SELECT * FROM tblOrganization WHERE PKOrganization= " + iOrgID; try { con = ConnectionBean.getConnection(); System.out.println("con:" + con); st = con.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery(command); if ( { vo.setEmailNom(rs.getString("EmailNom")); vo.setEmailNomRemind(rs.getString("EmailNomRemind")); vo.setEmailPart(rs.getString("EmailPart")); vo.setEmailPartRemind(rs.getString("EmailPartRemind")); vo.setExtraModule(rs.getInt("ExtraModule")); vo.setFKCompanyID(rs.getInt("FKCompanyID")); vo.setNameSequence(rs.getInt("NameSequence")); vo.setOrganizationCode(rs.getString("OrganizationCode")); vo.setOrganizationLogo(rs.getString("OrganizationLogo")); vo.setOrganizationName(rs.getString("OrganizationName")); vo.setPKOrganization(rs.getInt("PKOrganization")); // Added by DeZ, 18/06/08, to add function to enable/disable Nominate Rater vo.setNomRater(rs.getBoolean("NominationModule")); } } catch (SQLException SE) { System.err.println(" - getOrganization - " + SE.getMessage()); } finally { ConnectionBean.closeRset(rs); // Close ResultSet ConnectionBean.closeStmt(st); // Close statement ConnectionBean.close(con); // Close connection } return vo; }
private void _jspService( javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl pageContext, javax.servlet.ServletContext application, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, TagState _jsp_state) throws Throwable { javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); final javax.el.ELContext _jsp_env = pageContext.getELContext(); javax.servlet.ServletConfig config = getServletConfig(); javax.servlet.Servlet page = this; javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag _jsp_parent_tag = null; com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl _jsp_parentContext = pageContext; response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); out.write(_jsp_string0, 0, _jsp_string0.length); CP_Classes.EthnicGroup ethnic; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { ethnic = (CP_Classes.EthnicGroup) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("ethnic"); if (ethnic == null) { ethnic = new CP_Classes.EthnicGroup(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("ethnic", ethnic); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Login logchk; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { logchk = (CP_Classes.Login) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("logchk"); if (logchk == null) { logchk = new CP_Classes.Login(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("logchk", logchk); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Translate trans; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { trans = (CP_Classes.Translate) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("trans"); if (trans == null) { trans = new CP_Classes.Translate(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("trans", trans); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); // added to check whether organisation is a consulting company // Mark Oei 09 Mar 2010 out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Organization Org; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { Org = (CP_Classes.Organization) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("Org"); if (Org == null) { Org = new CP_Classes.Organization(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("Org", Org); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey CE_Survey; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { CE_Survey = (CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("CE_Survey"); if (CE_Survey == null) { CE_Survey = new CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("CE_Survey", CE_Survey); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); // by lydia Date 05/09/2008 Fix jsp file to support Thai language out.write(_jsp_string3, 0, _jsp_string3.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Delete Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string4, 0, _jsp_string4.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Edit Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string5, 0, _jsp_string5.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Please enter Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string6, 0, _jsp_string6.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Add Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string7, 0, _jsp_string7.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Please enter Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string8, 0, _jsp_string8.length); String username = (String) session.getAttribute("username"); if (!logchk.isUsable(username)) { out.write(_jsp_string9, 0, _jsp_string9.length); } else { if (request.getParameter("proceed") != null) { int PKOrg = new Integer(request.getParameter("proceed")).intValue(); logchk.setOrg(PKOrg); } if (request.getParameter("Delete") != null) { int Ethnic_ID = new Integer(request.getParameter("ethnic_ID")).intValue(); boolean bIsDeleted = ethnic.deleteRecord(Ethnic_ID, logchk.getPKUser()); if (bIsDeleted) { out.write(_jsp_string10, 0, _jsp_string10.length); } } if (request.getParameter("Edit") != null) { int Ethnic_ID = new Integer(request.getParameter("ethnic_ID")).intValue(); String txtEthnic = request.getParameter("txtEthnic"); boolean bIsEdited = ethnic.editRecord(Ethnic_ID, txtEthnic, logchk.getOrg(), logchk.getPKUser()); if (bIsEdited) { out.write(_jsp_string11, 0, _jsp_string11.length); } else { out.write(_jsp_string12, 0, _jsp_string12.length); } } if (request.getParameter("Add") != null) { String txtEthnic = request.getParameter("txtEthnic"); boolean bExist = ethnic.existRecord(txtEthnic, logchk.getOrg()); if (!bExist) { boolean bIsAdded = ethnic.addRecord(txtEthnic, logchk.getOrg(), logchk.getPKUser()); if (bIsAdded) { out.write(_jsp_string13, 0, _jsp_string13.length); } } else { out.write(_jsp_string14, 0, _jsp_string14.length); } } out.write(_jsp_string15, 0, _jsp_string15.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string16, 0, _jsp_string16.length); out.print((trans.tslt("To Add, click on the Add button"))); out.write(_jsp_string17, 0, _jsp_string17.length); out.print( (trans.tslt("To Edit, click on the relevant radio button and click on the Edit button"))); out.write(_jsp_string17, 0, _jsp_string17.length); out.print( (trans.tslt( "To Delete, click on the relevant radio button and click on the Delete button"))); out.write(_jsp_string18, 0, _jsp_string18.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Organisation"))); out.write(_jsp_string19, 0, _jsp_string19.length); // Added to check whether organisation is also a consulting company // if yes, will display a dropdown list of organisation managed by this company // else, it will display the current organisation only // Mark Oei 09 Mar 2010 String[] UserDetail = new String[14]; UserDetail = CE_Survey.getUserDetail(logchk.getPKUser()); boolean isConsulting = true; isConsulting = Org.isConsulting(UserDetail[10]); // check whether organisation is a consulting company if (isConsulting) { Vector vOrg = logchk.getOrgList(logchk.getCompany()); for (int i = 0; i < vOrg.size(); i++) { votblOrganization vo = (votblOrganization) vOrg.elementAt(i); int PKOrg = vo.getPKOrganization(); String OrgName = vo.getOrganizationName(); if (logchk.getOrg() == PKOrg) { out.write(_jsp_string20, 0, _jsp_string20.length); out.print((PKOrg)); out.write(_jsp_string21, 0, _jsp_string21.length); out.print((OrgName)); out.write(_jsp_string22, 0, _jsp_string22.length); } else { out.write(_jsp_string20, 0, _jsp_string20.length); out.print((PKOrg)); out.write('>'); out.print((OrgName)); out.write(_jsp_string22, 0, _jsp_string22.length); } } } else { out.write(_jsp_string23, 0, _jsp_string23.length); out.print((logchk.getSelfOrg())); out.write('>'); out.print((UserDetail[10])); out.write(_jsp_string24, 0, _jsp_string24.length); } // End of isConsulting out.write(_jsp_string25, 0, _jsp_string25.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string26, 0, _jsp_string26.length); /** ****************** Edited by James 17 Oct 2007 ********************** */ Vector v = ethnic.getAllEthnics(logchk.getOrg()); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { voEthnic vo = (voEthnic) v.elementAt(i); int ethnic_ID = vo.getPKEthnic(); String ethnic_Desc = vo.getEthnicDesc(); out.write(_jsp_string27, 0, _jsp_string27.length); out.print((ethnic_ID)); out.write(_jsp_string28, 0, _jsp_string28.length); out.print((ethnic_Desc)); out.write(_jsp_string29, 0, _jsp_string29.length); out.print((ethnic_Desc)); out.write(_jsp_string30, 0, _jsp_string30.length); } out.write(_jsp_string31, 0, _jsp_string31.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string32, 0, _jsp_string32.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Add"))); out.write(_jsp_string33, 0, _jsp_string33.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Edit"))); out.write(_jsp_string34, 0, _jsp_string34.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Delete"))); out.write(_jsp_string35, 0, _jsp_string35.length); } out.write(_jsp_string36, 0, _jsp_string36.length); // by lydia Date 05/09/2008 Fix jsp file to support Thai language out.write(_jsp_string37, 0, _jsp_string37.length); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); int year = c.get(Calendar.YEAR); out.write(_jsp_string38, 0, _jsp_string38.length); // Denise 05/01/2010 update new email address out.write(_jsp_string39, 0, _jsp_string39.length); out.print((year)); out.write(_jsp_string40, 0, _jsp_string40.length); }