public void update() {
    if (timer > 10000) {
      Random rand = new Random();
      boolean ok = false;
      while (!ok) {
        int randomInt = rand.nextInt(100);
        if (randomInt <= pbedroom1) {
          room = map.getRooms().get(0);
          if (room.getHumans() == 0) ok = true;
        } else if (randomInt <= pbedroom2) {
          room = map.getRooms().get(1);
          if (room.getHumans() == 0) ok = true;
        } else if (randomInt <= pkitchen) {
          room = map.getRooms().get(2);
          if (room.getHumans() < 2) ok = true;
        } else {
          room = map.getRooms().get(3);
          if (room.getHumans() < 3) ok = true;

      positionX = room.getPositionX() + room.getWidth() / 2;
      positionY = room.getPositionY() + room.getHeight() / 2;
   * Instantiate and populate a pems aggregate object from the next item in the result set of a pems
   * aggregate query.
   * @param query string
   * @return PeMSStationAggregate
  protected PeMSStationAggregate aggregateFromQueryRS(
      String query, PeMSAggregate.AggregationLevel level) throws DatabaseException {

    PeMSStationAggregate sagg = null;

    if (dbr.psRSNext(query)) {
      // String columns = org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.join(dbr.psRSColumnNames(query), ",
      // ");
      // System.out.println("columns: [" + columns + "]");

      sagg = new PeMSStationAggregate();

      Long vdsId = dbr.psRSGetBigInt(query, "VDS_ID");
      edu.berkeley.path.model_elements.DateTime timeMeasured =
          new edu.berkeley.path.model_elements.DateTime(
              dbr.psRSGetTimestampMilliseconds(query, "MEASURE_DT"));


      PeMSAggregate total = new PeMSAggregate();

      total.setSamples(dbr.psRSGetBigInt(query, "TOTAL_SAMPLES"));
      total.setObserved(dbr.psRSGetDouble(query, "PERCENT_OBSERVED"));
      total.setFlow(dbr.psRSGetDouble(query, "TOTAL_FLOW"));

      if (level == PeMSAggregate.AggregationLevel.PEMS_5MIN
          || level == PeMSAggregate.AggregationLevel.PEMS_1HOUR) {
        total.setAvgOccupancy(dbr.psRSGetDouble(query, "AVG_OCC"));
        total.setAvgSpeed(dbr.psRSGetDouble(query, "AVG_SPEED"));


      if (level == PeMSAggregate.AggregationLevel.PEMS_1HOUR
          || level == PeMSAggregate.AggregationLevel.PEMS_1DAY) {

        Map<CharSequence, Double> delay = new HashMap<CharSequence, Double>();

        for (Integer mph = 35; mph <= 60; mph += 5) {
          delay.put(mph.toString(), dbr.psRSGetDouble(query, "DELAY_VT_" + mph));


      if (level == PeMSAggregate.AggregationLevel.PEMS_5MIN
          || level == PeMSAggregate.AggregationLevel.PEMS_1HOUR) {

        List<PeMSAggregate> byLane = null;

        byLane = new ArrayList<PeMSAggregate>();

        for (int lane = 1; lane <= 8; lane++) {
          PeMSAggregate agg = new PeMSAggregate();

          String prefix = "LANE_" + lane + "_";

          agg.setFlow(dbr.psRSGetDouble(query, prefix + "FLOW"));
          agg.setAvgOccupancy(dbr.psRSGetDouble(query, prefix + "AVG_OCC"));
          agg.setAvgSpeed(dbr.psRSGetDouble(query, prefix + "AVG_SPEED"));

          if (level == PeMSAggregate.AggregationLevel.PEMS_5MIN) {
            agg.setSamples(dbr.psRSGetBigInt(query, prefix + "SAMPLES"));
            String obs = dbr.psRSGetVarChar(query, prefix + "OBSERVED");
            if (obs.equals("1")) {
            } else if (obs.equals("0")) {
            } else {
              System.out.println("Warning: unrecognized 'observed' value: '" + obs + "'.");
              // throw? log warning?



    return sagg;