   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @see com.xpn.xwiki.test.AbstractBridgedXWikiComponentTestCase#setUp()
  protected void setUp() throws Exception {

    XWikiConfig config = new XWikiConfig();

    Mock mockServletContext = mock(ServletContext.class);
    ByteArrayInputStream bais =
        new ByteArrayInputStream("code=wiki:code:type:content".getBytes("UTF-8"));
        .will(returnValue(new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes("UTF-8"))));
        .will(returnValue(new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes("UTF-8"))));
    XWikiServletContext engineContext =
        new XWikiServletContext((ServletContext) mockServletContext.proxy());

    xwiki =
        new XWiki(config, getContext(), engineContext, false) {
          public String getSkin(XWikiContext context) {
            return "skin";

          public String getXWikiPreference(
              String prefname, String defaultValue, XWikiContext context) {
            return defaultValue;

          public String getSpacePreference(
              String prefname, String defaultValue, XWikiContext context) {
            return defaultValue;

          protected void registerWikiMacros() {}

          public XWikiRightService getRightService() {
            return new XWikiRightServiceImpl() {
              public boolean hasProgrammingRights(XWikiDocument doc, XWikiContext context) {
                return true;

    // Ensure that no Velocity Templates are going to be used when executing Velocity since
    // otherwise
    // the Velocity init would fail (since by default the macros.vm templates wouldn't be found as
    // we're
    // not providing it in our unit test resources).
    xwiki.getConfig().setProperty("xwiki.render.velocity.macrolist", "");

    this.engine = (DefaultXWikiRenderingEngine) xwiki.getRenderingEngine();

    // Make sure the wiki in the context will say that we have programming permission.