   * Insert the new weixin order for take out according to builder {@link
   * WxOrder#InsertBuilder4Takeout}.
   * @param dbCon the database connection
   * @param staff the staff to perform this action
   * @param builder the builder {@link WxOrder#InsertBuilder4Takeout}
   * @return the id to weixin order just inserted
   * @throws SQLException throws if failed to execute any SQL statement
   * @throws BusinessException throws if the take-out address to this order does NOT exist
  public static int insert(DBCon dbCon, Staff staff, WxOrder.InsertBuilder4Takeout builder)
      throws SQLException, BusinessException {
    WxOrder wxOrder = builder.build();

    Member member = MemberDao.getByWxSerial(dbCon, staff, wxOrder.getWeixinSerial());
    if (TakeoutAddressDao.getByCond(
            new TakeoutAddressDao.ExtraCond()
        .isEmpty()) {
      throw new BusinessException("外卖地址信息不属于此会员", WxOrderError.WX_TAKE_OUT_ORDER_NOT_ALLOW);

        TakeoutAddressDao.getById(dbCon, staff, wxOrder.getTakeoutAddress().getId()));

    int id = insert(dbCon, staff, wxOrder);
    String sql;
    sql =
        " UPDATE "
            + Params.dbName
            + ".weixin_order SET "
            + " wx_order_id = "
            + id
            + " ,address_id = "
            + wxOrder.getTakeoutAddress().getId()
            + " ,address = '"
            + wxOrder.getTakeoutAddress().getAddress()
            + "'"
            + " WHERE wx_order_id = "
            + id;

    // Update the last used to take-out address
    sql =
        " UPDATE "
            + Params.dbName
            + ".take_out_address SET "
            + " last_used = NOW() "
            + " WHERE id = "
            + wxOrder.getTakeoutAddress().getId();

    return id;
 private static void fillDetail(DBCon dbCon, Staff staff, WxOrder wxOrder)
     throws SQLException, BusinessException {
   String sql;
   sql =
       " SELECT * FROM "
           + Params.dbName
           + ".weixin_order_food WHERE wx_order_id = "
           + wxOrder.getId();
   dbCon.rs = dbCon.stmt.executeQuery(sql);
   while (dbCon.rs.next()) {
     OrderFood of = new OrderFood();
     of.asFood().copyFrom(FoodDao.getById(staff, dbCon.rs.getInt("food_id")));
   wxOrder.setMember(MemberDao.getByWxSerial(dbCon, staff, wxOrder.getWeixinSerial()));
  private static int insert(DBCon dbCon, Staff staff, WxOrder wxOrder)
      throws SQLException, BusinessException {

    String sql;

    // Check to see whether the member to this weixin serial exist.
    if (MemberDao.getByCond(
            new MemberDao.ExtraCond().setWeixinSerial(wxOrder.getWeixinSerial()),
        .isEmpty()) {
      throw new BusinessException("微信序列号对应的会员不存在", MemberError.MEMBER_NOT_EXIST);

    // Generate the operation code.
    sql =
        " SELECT IFNULL(MAX(code) + 1, 100) FROM "
            + Params.dbName
            + ".weixin_order WHERE restaurant_id = "
            + staff.getRestaurantId();
    dbCon.rs = dbCon.stmt.executeQuery(sql);
    int code = 0;
    if (dbCon.rs.next()) {
      code = dbCon.rs.getInt(1);

    // Insert the weixin order.
    sql =
        " INSERT INTO "
            + Params.dbName
            + ".`weixin_order` "
            + " (restaurant_id, weixin_serial, weixin_serial_crc, birth_date, status, type, code) "
            + " VALUES( "
            + staff.getRestaurantId()
            + ","
            + "'"
            + wxOrder.getWeixinSerial()
            + "',"
            + "CRC32('"
            + wxOrder.getWeixinSerial()
            + "'),"
            + " NOW(), "
            + wxOrder.getStatus().getVal()
            + ","
            + wxOrder.getType().getVal()
            + ","
            + code
            + " ) ";
    dbCon.stmt.executeUpdate(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
    dbCon.rs = dbCon.stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
    int wxOrderId;
    if (dbCon.rs.next()) {
      wxOrderId = dbCon.rs.getInt(1);
    } else {
      throw new SQLException("The id to wx order is NOT generated successfully.");

    // Insert the associated order foods.
    for (OrderFood of : wxOrder.getFoods()) {
      sql =
          " INSERT INTO "
              + Params.dbName
              + ".weixin_order_food "
              + " (wx_order_id, food_id, food_count) VALUES( "
              + wxOrderId
              + ","
              + of.getFoodId()
              + ","
              + of.getCount()
              + ")";

    return wxOrderId;