/** * Overrides the parent implementation to provide a more efficient mechanism for generating * primary keys, while generating the primary key support on the fly. * * @param count the batch size * @param entity the entity requesting primary keys * @param channel open JDBCChannel * @return NSArray of NSDictionary where each dictionary corresponds to a unique primary key value */ public NSArray newPrimaryKeys(int count, EOEntity entity, JDBCChannel channel) { if (isPrimaryKeyGenerationNotSupported(entity)) { return null; } EOAttribute attribute = (EOAttribute) entity.primaryKeyAttributes().lastObject(); String attrName = attribute.name(); boolean isIntType = "i".equals(attribute.valueType()); NSMutableArray results = new NSMutableArray(count); String sequenceName = sequenceNameForEntity(entity); DB2Expression expression = new DB2Expression(entity); boolean succeeded = false; for (int tries = 0; !succeeded && tries < 2; tries++) { while (results.count() < count) { try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("SELECT "); sql.append("next value for " + sequenceName + " AS KEY"); sql.append(" from sysibm.sysdummy1"); expression.setStatement(sql.toString()); channel.evaluateExpression(expression); try { NSDictionary row; while ((row = channel.fetchRow()) != null) { Enumeration pksEnum = row.allValues().objectEnumerator(); while (pksEnum.hasMoreElements()) { Number pkObj = (Number) pksEnum.nextElement(); Number pk; if (isIntType) { pk = Integer.valueOf(pkObj.intValue()); } else { pk = Long.valueOf(pkObj.longValue()); } results.addObject(new NSDictionary(pk, attrName)); } } } finally { channel.cancelFetch(); } succeeded = true; } catch (JDBCAdaptorException ex) { throw ex; } } } if (results.count() != count) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unable to generate primary keys from the sequence for " + entity + "."); } return results; }
public WOActionResults delete() { NSMutableArray personList = (NSMutableArray) session().valueForKey("personList"); if (personList != null && personList.count() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < personList.count(); i++) { PersonLink pers = (PersonLink) personList.objectAtIndex(i); if (item == EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(ec, pers.person())) { personList.removeObjectAtIndex(i); break; } } } return context().page(); // onEdit = null; }
public void search() { try { found = Person.Utility.search(ec, entity(), searchString); if ((found == null || found.count() == 0) && alterEntity() != null) found = Person.Utility.search(ec, alterEntity(), searchString); } catch (Exception e) { searchMessage = e.getMessage(); canCreate = false; return; } if (found.count() < 1) { searchMessage = (String) session().valueForKeyPath("strings.Strings.messages.nothingFound"); canCreate = Various.boolForObject(session().valueForKeyPath("readAccess.create." + entity())); return; } NSMutableArray fullList = (NSMutableArray) session().valueForKey("personList"); NSMutableArray tmp = found.mutableClone(); tmp.removeObjectsInArray(fullList); fullList.addObjectsFromArray(tmp); if (fullList.count() > 1) EOSortOrdering.sortArrayUsingKeyOrderArray(fullList, Person.sorter); searchMessage = null; }