     * Gets the sql string for the named attribute using the provided expression. The difference
     * between this and the standard {@link EOSQLExpression#sqlStringForAttributeNamed} is this one
     * can handle an "attribute" name that ends in a EORelationship rather than an actual
     * EOAttribute. This is necessary to support the {@link ERXExistsQualifier#baseKeyPath} syntax
     * (being the relationship path to the entity to which the subqualifier will be applied) chosen
     * for this qualifier.
     * @param name of the attribute to get, e.g., department.division
     * @param expression to use when generating the SQL
     * @return the SQL string for the attribute
    private String sqlStringForAttributeNamedInExpression(String name, EOSQLExpression expression) {
      NSArray pieces = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(name, ".");
      EOEntity entity = expression.entity();
      EORelationship rel;
      EOAttribute att;
      NSMutableArray path = new NSMutableArray();
      int numPieces = pieces.count();

      if (numPieces == 1 && null == entity.anyRelationshipNamed(name)) {
        att = entity.anyAttributeNamed(name);
        if (null == att) {
          return null;
        return expression.sqlStringForAttribute(att);
      } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < numPieces - 1; i++) {
          rel = entity.anyRelationshipNamed((String) pieces.objectAtIndex(i));
          if (null == rel) {
            return null;
          entity = rel.destinationEntity();

        String key = (String) pieces.lastObject();
        if (entity.anyRelationshipNamed(key) != null) { // Test first for a relationship.
          rel = entity.anyRelationshipNamed(key);
          if (rel.isFlattened()) {
            String relPath = rel.relationshipPath();
            NSArray relParts = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(relPath, ".");
            for (int i = 0; i < relParts.count(); i++) {
              rel = entity.anyRelationshipNamed((String) pieces.objectAtIndex(i));
              entity = rel.destinationEntity();
          } else {
          att = (EOAttribute) rel.destinationAttributes().lastObject();
        } else { // The test for an attribute.
          att = entity.anyAttributeNamed(key);

        if (null == att) {
          return null;

      return expression.sqlStringForAttributePath(path);
     * Generates the EXISTS SQL string for the given SQL expression. The bulk of the logic for
     * generating the sub-query is in this method.
     * @param qualifier for which to generate the SQL
     * @param expression to use during SQL generation
     * @return SQL string for the current sub-query
    public String sqlStringForSQLExpression(EOQualifier qualifier, EOSQLExpression expression) {
      if (null == qualifier || null == expression) {
        return null;

      ERXExistsQualifier existsQualifier = (ERXExistsQualifier) qualifier;
      EOQualifier subqualifier = existsQualifier.subqualifier();
      String baseKeyPath = existsQualifier.baseKeyPath();

      EOEntity baseEntity = expression.entity();
      EORelationship relationship = null;

      // Walk the key path to the last entity.
      if (baseKeyPath != null) {
        for (Enumeration pathEnum =
                NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(baseKeyPath, ".").objectEnumerator();
            pathEnum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
          String path = (String) pathEnum.nextElement();
          if (null == relationship) {
            relationship = baseEntity.anyRelationshipNamed(path);
          } else {
            relationship = relationship.destinationEntity().anyRelationshipNamed(path);

      EOEntity srcEntity = relationship != null ? relationship.entity() : baseEntity;
      EOEntity destEntity = relationship != null ? relationship.destinationEntity() : baseEntity;

      // We need to do a bunch of hand-waiving to get the right table aliases for the table used in
      // the exists
      // subquery and for the join clause back to the source table.
      String sourceTableAlias =
          "t0"; // The alias for the the source table of the baseKeyPath from the main query.
      String destTableAlias; // The alias for the table used in the subquery.
      if (!srcEntity.equals(baseEntity)) { // The exists clause is applied to the different table.
        String sourceKeyPath = ERXStringUtilities.keyPathWithoutLastProperty(baseKeyPath);
        sqlStringForAttributeNamedInExpression(sourceKeyPath, expression);
        sqlStringForAttributeNamedInExpression(baseKeyPath, expression);
        sourceTableAlias =
            (String) expression.aliasesByRelationshipPath().valueForKey(sourceKeyPath);
        destTableAlias = (String) expression.aliasesByRelationshipPath().valueForKey(baseKeyPath);
        if (null == destTableAlias) {
          destTableAlias =
              "t" + (expression.aliasesByRelationshipPath().count()); // The first entry = "t0".
          expression.aliasesByRelationshipPath().takeValueForKey(destTableAlias, baseKeyPath);
      } else { // The exists clause is applied to the base table.
        destTableAlias = "t" + expression.aliasesByRelationshipPath().count(); // Probably "t1"

      EOAttribute sourceKeyAttribute = srcEntity.primaryKeyAttributes().lastObject();
      String sourceKey = expression.sqlStringForAttribute(sourceKeyAttribute);

      EOAttribute destKeyAttribute = relationship.destinationAttributes().lastObject();
      String destKey = expression.sqlStringForAttribute(destKeyAttribute);

      EOQualifier qual =
              subqualifier, destEntity);
      EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification =
          new EOFetchSpecification(destEntity.name(), qual, null, false, true, null);

      EODatabaseContext context =
              destEntity.model(), EOObjectStoreCoordinator.defaultCoordinator());
      EOSQLExpressionFactory factory = context.database().adaptor().expressionFactory();

      EOSQLExpression subExpression = factory.expressionForEntity(destEntity);
      subExpression.aliasesByRelationshipPath().setObjectForKey(destTableAlias, "");
          destEntity.primaryKeyAttributes(), false, fetchSpecification);

      for (Enumeration bindEnumeration =
          bindEnumeration.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        expression.addBindVariableDictionary((NSDictionary) bindEnumeration.nextElement());

      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
      sb.append(" EXISTS ( ");
              "t0.", destTableAlias + ".", subExpression.statement()));
      sb.append(" AND ");
          ERXStringUtilities.replaceStringByStringInString("t0.", destTableAlias + ".", destKey));
      sb.append(" = ");
              "t0.", sourceTableAlias + ".", sourceKey));
      sb.append(" ) ");
      return sb.toString();
   * Generates the sql string for the given sql expression. Bulk of the logic for generating the
   * sub-query is in this method.
   * @param e a given sql expression
   * @return sql string for the current sub-query.
  public String sqlStringForSQLExpression(EOSQLExpression e) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    if (attributeName != null) sb.append(e.sqlStringForAttributeNamed(attributeName));
    else {
      EOAttribute pk = (EOAttribute) e.entity().primaryKeyAttributes().lastObject();
    sb.append(" IN ( ");
    EOEntity entity =
        entityName == null ? e.entity() : e.entity().model().modelGroup().entityNamed(entityName);

    EOFetchSpecification fs =
        new EOFetchSpecification(entity.name(), qualifier, null, false, true, null);

    if (qualifier != null) {
      qualifier =
          EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support._schemaBasedQualifierWithRootEntity(qualifier, entity);
    if (qualifier != fs.qualifier()) {

    // ASSUME: This makes a few assumptions, if anyone can figure out a fool
    // proof way that would be nice to get the model
    // Note you can't use:
    // EOAdaptor.adaptorWithModel(e.entity().model()).expressionFactory();
    // as this creates a
    EODatabaseContext context =
            entity.model(), EOObjectStoreCoordinator.defaultCoordinator());
    EOSQLExpressionFactory factory = context.database().adaptor().expressionFactory();

    NSArray subAttributes =
        destinationAttName != null
            ? new NSArray(entity.attributeNamed(destinationAttName))
            : entity.primaryKeyAttributes();

    EOSQLExpression subExpression = factory.expressionForEntity(entity);

    // Arroz: Having this table identifier replacement causes serious
    // problems if you have more than a table being processed in the subquery. Disabling
    // it will apparently not cause problems, because t0 inside the subquery is not
    // the same t0 outside it.
    // subExpression.aliasesByRelationshipPath().setObjectForKey("t1", "");

    subExpression.prepareSelectExpressionWithAttributes(subAttributes, false, fs);
    // EOSQLExpression
    // expression=factory.selectStatementForAttributes(entity.primaryKeyAttributes(),
    // false, fs,  entity);

    for (Enumeration bindEnumeration = subExpression.bindVariableDictionaries().objectEnumerator();
        bindEnumeration.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      e.addBindVariableDictionary((NSDictionary) bindEnumeration.nextElement());

    // sb.append(ERXStringUtilities.replaceStringByStringInString("t0.",
    // "t1.", subExpression.statement()));
    sb.append(" ) ");
    return sb.toString();