/** Test format with attributes and an element. */
  public void testFormatAttributesAndElement() {
    JDOMFactory factory = new DefaultJDOMFactory();
    Attribute attr;
    List attributes = new ArrayList();
    attr = factory.attribute("device", "PC");
    attr = factory.attribute("pixelsX", "100");
    attr = factory.attribute("pixelsY", "200");
    attr = factory.attribute("pixelDepth", "24");
    attr = factory.attribute("rendering", "color");

    String message =
        "{value}, {element}, {assetGroup}, {device}, "
            + "{rendering}, {pixelDepth}bits, {pixelsX}x{pixelsY}px, "
            + "{widthHint}";

    PolicyAttributesDetails details = new PolicyAttributesDetails("imageComponent", true);
    AttributesMessageFormatter attributesMessageFormatter = new AttributesMessageFormatter(details);
    String formatted =
        attributesMessageFormatter.format(attributes, message, "Device Specific Image");

    assertEquals("Device Specific Image, PC, Color, 24bits, 100x200px", formatted);
   * Test the removal of 'px' if no value for pixels and there is a previous non-empty value in the
   * list.
  public void testFormatAttributesNoOtherElements() {
    JDOMFactory factory = new DefaultJDOMFactory();
    Attribute attr;
    List attributes = new ArrayList();
    attr = factory.attribute("pixelsX", "100");

    String message = "{pixelDepth}bits, {pixelsX}x{pixelsY}px";

    PolicyAttributesDetails details = new PolicyAttributesDetails("imageComponent", true);
    AttributesMessageFormatter attributesMessageFormatter = new AttributesMessageFormatter(details);
    String formatted = attributesMessageFormatter.format(attributes, message, "");

    assertEquals("Result is: '" + formatted + "'", "100x", formatted);
  /** Test the missing first bracket (or char) if no value present. */
  public void testFormatAttributesMissingGridOpenBracket() {
    JDOMFactory factory = new DefaultJDOMFactory();
    Attribute attr;
    List attributes = new ArrayList();
    attr = factory.attribute("rows", "1");
    attr = factory.attribute("columns", "2");

    String message = "{element}: ''{name}'' ({rows}x{columns})";

    PolicyAttributesDetails details = new PolicyAttributesDetails("imageComponent", true);
    AttributesMessageFormatter attributesMessageFormatter = new AttributesMessageFormatter(details);
    String formatted = attributesMessageFormatter.format(attributes, message, "elementName");

    assertEquals("Result is: '" + formatted + "'", "elementName: ''(1x2)", formatted);