public void testExecuteBuffer() throws Exception {
    org.geotools.process.Process buffer = factory.create(new NameImpl("JTS", "Buffer"));

    // try less than the required params
    Map<String, Object> inputs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    try {
      buffer.execute(inputs, null);
      fail("What!!! Should have failed big time!");
    } catch (ProcessException e) {
      // fine

    // try out only the required params
    Geometry geom = new WKTReader().read("POINT(0 0)");
    inputs.put("geom", geom);
    inputs.put("distance", 1d);
    Map<String, Object> result = buffer.execute(inputs, null);

    assertEquals(1, result.size());
    Geometry buffered = (Geometry) result.get("result");

    // pass in all params
    inputs.put("quadrantSegments", 12);
    inputs.put("capStyle", GeometryFunctions.BufferCapStyle.Square);
    result = buffer.execute(inputs, null);

    assertEquals(1, result.size());
    buffered = (Geometry) result.get("result");
    assertTrue(buffered.equals(geom.buffer(1d, 12, BufferParameters.CAP_SQUARE)));
 public void testGeoPointAsDoubleArray() {
   final double lat = rand.nextDouble() * 90 - 90;
   final double lon = rand.nextDouble() * 180 - 180;
   final Geometry geometry = parserUtil.createGeometry(Arrays.asList(new Double[] {lon, lat}));
   assertTrue(geometry.equals(geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(lon, lat))));
  public void testExecuteUnion() throws Exception {
    org.geotools.process.Process union = factory.create(new NameImpl("JTS", "union"));

    // try less than the required params
    Map<String, Object> inputs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    try {
      union.execute(inputs, null);
      fail("What!!! Should have failed big time!");
    } catch (ProcessException e) {
      // fine

    // try again with less
    Geometry geom1 = new WKTReader().read("POLYGON((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0))");
    Geometry geom2 = new WKTReader().read("POLYGON((0 1, 0 2, 1 2, 1 1, 0 1))");
    List<Geometry> geometries = new ArrayList<Geometry>();
    inputs.put("geom", geometries);
    try {
      union.execute(inputs, null);
      fail("What!!! Should have failed big time!");
    } catch (ProcessException e) {
      // fine

    // now with just enough
    Map<String, Object> result = union.execute(inputs, null);

    assertEquals(1, result.size());
    Geometry united = (Geometry) result.get("result");
 public void testGeoPointPatternForFractions() {
   final double lat = rand.nextDouble() * 2 - 1;
   final double lon = rand.nextDouble() * 2 - 1;
   final String value = (lat + "," + lon).replace("0.", ".");
   final Geometry geom = parserUtil.createGeometry(value);
   assertTrue(geom.equals(geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(lon, lat))));
 public void testParseGeoPointPatternForNegatives() {
   final double lat = rand.nextDouble() * 90 - 90;
   final double lon = rand.nextDouble() * 180 - 180;
   final String value = lat + "," + lon;
   final Geometry geom = parserUtil.createGeometry(value);
   assertTrue(geom.equals(geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(lon, lat))));
 public void testGeoPointAsProperties() {
   final double lat = rand.nextDouble() * 90 - 90;
   final double lon = rand.nextDouble() * 180 - 180;
   properties.put("lat", lat);
   properties.put("lon", lon);
   final Geometry geometry = parserUtil.createGeometry(properties);
   assertTrue(geometry.equals(geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(lon, lat))));
  public void testExecuteHull() throws Exception {
    NameImpl hullName = new NameImpl("JTS", "convexHull");
    org.geotools.process.Process hull = factory.create(hullName);

    Map<String, Object> inputs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    Geometry geom = new WKTReader().read("LINESTRING(0 0, 0 1, 1 1)");
    inputs.put("geom", geom);
    Map<String, Object> output = hull.execute(inputs, null);

    assertEquals(1, output.size());
    // there is no output annotation, check there is consistency between what is declared
    // and what is returned
    Geometry result =
        (Geometry) output.get(factory.getResultInfo(hullName, null).keySet().iterator().next());
  public void mouseClicked(final MouseEvent e) {

    final int button = e.getButton();

    if (button == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) {
      if (feature == null) {
        setCurrentFeature(helper.grabFeature(e.getX(), e.getY(), false));
    } else if (button == MouseEvent.BUTTON3 && feature != null) {
      final Geometry oldgeom = (Geometry) FeatureExt.getDefaultGeometryAttributeValue(feature);
      final Geometry newGeom = dialogDecoration.clipboardPanel.getGeometry();
      if (!oldgeom.equals(newGeom)) {
        helper.sourceModifyFeature(feature, newGeom, false);
  public static void assertEquals(Geometry s1, Geometry s2) {
    if (s1 instanceof LineString && s2 instanceof LineString) {
      assertEquals((LineString) s1, (LineString) s2);

    } else if (s1 instanceof Polygon && s2 instanceof Polygon) {
      assertEquals((Polygon) s1, (Polygon) s2);

    } else if (s1 instanceof MultiPoint && s2 instanceof MultiPoint) {
      assert s1.equals(s2) : "Expected " + s1 + " but found " + s2;

    } else if (s1 instanceof MultiPolygon && s2 instanceof MultiPolygon) {
      assertEquals((MultiPolygon) s1, (MultiPolygon) s2);

    } else {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "equality of shape types not supported ["
              + s1.getClass().getName()
              + " and "
              + s2.getClass().getName()
              + "]");
Esempio n. 10
 /** @return a boolean Literal that is true if geom1 equals geom2. */
 protected Literal evaluate(
     ValueFactory valueFactory, Geometry geom1, Geometry geom2, Value... allArgs) {
   return valueFactory.createLiteral(geom1.equals(geom2));
 public void testGeoPointPatternForWholeValues() {
   final Geometry geom = parserUtil.createGeometry("45,90");
   assertTrue(geom.equals(geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(90, 45))));
Esempio n. 12
  * Returns a boolean value that shows if two geometries are equal or not.
  * @param node1 xml element containing gml object(s)
  * @param node2 xml element containing gml object(s)
  * @return boolean value
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 public Bln equals(final ANode node1, final ANode node2) throws QueryException {
   final Geometry geo1 = checkGeo(node1);
   final Geometry geo2 = checkGeo(node2);
   return Bln.get(geo1.equals(geo2));