private void addListToDatabase(List list) { // Insert the list ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Lists.LIST_ID, list.listId); values.put(Lists.NAME,; mContext.getContentResolver().insert(Lists.CONTENT_URI, values); if (list.items == null || list.items.isEmpty()) { return; } // Insert the lists items ArrayList<ContentValues> items = com.uwetrottmann.androidutils.Lists.newArrayList(); for (ListItem item : list.items) { int type; if (ListItemTypesExport.SHOW.equals(item.type)) { type = ListItemTypes.SHOW; } else if (ListItemTypesExport.SEASON.equals(item.type)) { type = ListItemTypes.SEASON; } else if (ListItemTypesExport.EPISODE.equals(item.type)) { type = ListItemTypes.EPISODE; } else { // Unknown item type, skip continue; } ContentValues itemValues = new ContentValues(); itemValues.put(ListItems.LIST_ITEM_ID, item.listItemId); itemValues.put(Lists.LIST_ID, list.listId); itemValues.put(ListItems.ITEM_REF_ID, item.tvdbId); itemValues.put(ListItems.TYPE, type); items.add(itemValues); } ContentValues[] itemsArray = new ContentValues[items.size()]; mContext.getContentResolver().bulkInsert(ListItems.CONTENT_URI, items.toArray(itemsArray)); }
@TargetApi(android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) @Override protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) { final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); /* * Handle a possible delete intent. */ if (handleDeleteIntent(this, intent)) { return; } /* * Unschedule notification service wake-ups for disabled notifications * and non-supporters. */ if (!NotificationSettings.isNotificationsEnabled(this) || !Utils.hasAccessToX(this)) { // cancel any pending alarm AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); Intent i = new Intent(this, OnAlarmReceiver.class); PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, i, 0); am.cancel(pi); resetLastEpisodeAirtime(prefs); return; } long wakeUpTime = 0; /* * Get pool of episodes which air from 12 hours ago until eternity which * match the users settings. */ StringBuilder selection = new StringBuilder(SELECTION); final long fakeNow = Utils.getFakeCurrentTime(prefs); boolean isFavsOnly = NotificationSettings.isNotifyAboutFavoritesOnly(this); if (isFavsOnly) { selection.append(Shows.SELECTION_FAVORITES); } boolean isNoSpecials = DisplaySettings.isHidingSpecials(this); if (isNoSpecials) { selection.append(Episodes.SELECTION_NOSPECIALS); } final Cursor upcomingEpisodes = getContentResolver() .query( Episodes.CONTENT_URI_WITHSHOW, PROJECTION, selection.toString(), new String[] {String.valueOf(fakeNow - 12 * DateUtils.HOUR_IN_MILLIS)}, SORTING); if (upcomingEpisodes != null) { int notificationThreshold = NotificationSettings.getLatestToIncludeTreshold(this); if (DEBUG) { // a week, for debugging (use only one show to get single // episode notifications) notificationThreshold = 10080; // notify again for same episodes resetLastEpisodeAirtime(prefs); } final long latestTimeToInclude = fakeNow + DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS * notificationThreshold; final long nextTimePlanned = NotificationSettings.getNextToNotifyAbout(this); final long nextWakeUpPlanned = Utils.convertToFakeTime(nextTimePlanned, prefs, false) - DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS * notificationThreshold; /* * Set to -1 as on first run nextTimePlanned will be 0. This assures * we still see notifications of upcoming episodes then. */ int newEpisodesAvailable = -1; // Check if we did wake up earlier than planned if (System.currentTimeMillis() < nextWakeUpPlanned) { newEpisodesAvailable = 0; long latestTimeNotified = NotificationSettings.getLastNotified(this); // Check if there are any earlier episodes to notify about while (upcomingEpisodes.moveToNext()) { final long airtime = upcomingEpisodes.getLong(NotificationQuery.FIRSTAIREDMS); if (airtime < nextTimePlanned) { if (airtime > latestTimeNotified) { /** * This will not get new episodes which would have aired the same time as the last one * we notified about. Sad, but the best we can do right now. */ newEpisodesAvailable = 1; break; } } else { break; } } } if (newEpisodesAvailable == 0) { // Go to sleep, wake up as planned wakeUpTime = nextWakeUpPlanned; } else { // Get episodes which are within the notification threshold // (user set) and not yet cleared int count = 0; final List<Integer> notifyPositions = Lists.newArrayList(); final long latestTimeCleared = NotificationSettings.getLastCleared(this); upcomingEpisodes.moveToPosition(-1); while (upcomingEpisodes.moveToNext()) { final long airtime = upcomingEpisodes.getLong(NotificationQuery.FIRSTAIREDMS); if (airtime <= latestTimeToInclude) { count++; /* * Only add those after the last one the user cleared. * At most those of the last 24 hours (see query above). */ if (airtime > latestTimeCleared) { notifyPositions.add(count); } } else { // Too far into the future, stop! break; } } // Notify if we found any episodes if (notifyPositions.size() > 0) { // store latest air time of all episodes we notified about upcomingEpisodes.moveToPosition(notifyPositions.get(notifyPositions.size() - 1)); long latestAirtime = upcomingEpisodes.getLong(NotificationQuery.FIRSTAIREDMS); if (!AndroidUtils.isHoneycombOrHigher()) { /* * Everything below HC does not have delete intents, so * we just never notify about the same episode twice. */ prefs.edit().putLong(NotificationSettings.KEY_LAST_CLEARED, latestAirtime).commit(); } prefs.edit().putLong(NotificationSettings.KEY_LAST_NOTIFIED, latestAirtime).commit(); onNotify(prefs, upcomingEpisodes, count, latestAirtime); } /* * Plan next episode to notify about, calc wake-up alarm as * early as user wants. */ upcomingEpisodes.moveToPosition(-1); while (upcomingEpisodes.moveToNext()) { final long airtime = upcomingEpisodes.getLong(NotificationQuery.FIRSTAIREDMS); if (airtime > latestTimeToInclude) { // store next episode we plan to notify about prefs.edit().putLong(NotificationSettings.KEY_NEXT_TO_NOTIFY, airtime).commit(); // convert it to actual device time for setting the // alarm wakeUpTime = Utils.convertToFakeTime(airtime, prefs, false) - DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS * notificationThreshold; break; } } } upcomingEpisodes.close(); } // Set a default wake-up time if there are no future episodes for now if (wakeUpTime <= 0) { wakeUpTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 6 * DateUtils.HOUR_IN_MILLIS; } AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); Intent i = new Intent(this, NotificationService.class); PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getService(this, 0, i, 0); if (AndroidUtils.isKitKatOrHigher()) { am.setExact(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, wakeUpTime, pi); } else { am.set(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, wakeUpTime, pi); } }