private Image getFrame(Resource resource) { switch (resource.getType()) { case CREATURE_ANIMATION: return ((CreatureAnimation) resource.getObject()).getCurrent().getCurrentFrame(); case IMAGE: return (Image) resource.getObject(); default: return null; } }
@Override protected void processEntities(ImmutableBag<Entity> entities) { Graphics g = container.getGraphics(); ResourceManager manager = ResourceManager.getInstance(); ImmutableBag<Entity> players = world.getGroupManager().getEntities("PLAYER"); ImmutableBag<Entity> enemies = world.getGroupManager().getEntities("ENEMY"); ImmutableBag<Entity> maps = world.getGroupManager().getEntities("MAP"); ImmutableBag<Entity> trinkets = world.getGroupManager().getEntities("TRINKET"); ImmutableBag<Entity> enemyDeaths = world.getGroupManager().getEntities("ENEMY_DEATH"); Entity player = players.get(0); Location playerLocation = locationMapper.get(player); Vector2f playerPosition = playerLocation.getPosition(); String playerResName = resourceMapper.get(player).getResourceName(); Resource playerRes = manager.getResource(playerResName); Image playerFrame = getFrame(playerRes); int mapX = (int) playerPosition.x * -1 + container.getWidth() / 2 - playerFrame.getWidth() / 2; int mapY = (int) playerPosition.y * -1 + container.getHeight() / 2 - playerFrame.getHeight() / 2; String mapResName = resourceMapper.get(maps.get(0)).getResourceName(); Resource mapRes = manager.getResource(mapResName); TiledMap tiledMap = (TiledMap) mapRes.getObject(); // Draw the ground tiledMap.render(mapX, mapY, 0); // Draw the background tiledMap.render(mapX, mapY, 1); // Draw trinkets on map for (int i = 0; i < trinkets.size(); i++) { Entity trinket = trinkets.get(i); Location trinketLocation = locationMapper.get(trinket); Vector2f trinketPosition = trinketLocation.getPosition(); if (trinketLocation.getMap().equals(playerLocation.getMap())) { String trinketResName = resourceMapper.get(trinket).getResourceName(); Resource trinketRes = manager.getResource(trinketResName); Image trinketImage = (Image) trinketRes.getObject(); int trinketX = mapX + (int) trinketPosition.x; int trinketY = mapY + (int) trinketPosition.y; trinketImage.draw(trinketX, trinketY); } } // Draw the player int playerCenterX = container.getWidth() / 2 - playerFrame.getWidth() / 2; int playerCenterY = container.getHeight() / 2 - playerFrame.getHeight() / 2; drawCreatureEntity(player, playerCenterX, playerCenterY); // Player Health Bar Stats stats = statsMapper.get(player); HashMap<StatType, Integer> playerStats = stats.getStats(); int health = playerStats.get(StatType.HEALTH); if (health <= 0) { game.enterState(MenuState.ID); } int maxHealth = playerStats.get(StatType.MAX_HEALTH); int armor = playerStats.get(StatType.ARMOR); // Secondary cooldown time bar long secondaryCooldown = secondaryMapper.get(player).getTime(); long currentSecondaryCooldown = new Date().getTime() - secondaryMapper.get(player).getLastTime(); float secondaryBarWidth = longestBarWidth * (2.0f / 3.0f); float secondaryPer = (float) currentSecondaryCooldown / (float) secondaryCooldown; if (secondaryPer <= 1) { g.setColor(; g.fillRect( container.getWidth() / 2 - secondaryBarWidth / 2 - 1, container.getHeight() / 2 + playerFrame.getHeight() / 2 + barHeight + barSpacing, secondaryBarWidth + 2, barHeight); g.setColor(new Color(255, 127, 0)); g.fillRect( container.getWidth() / 2 - secondaryBarWidth / 2, container.getHeight() / 2 + playerFrame.getHeight() / 2 + barHeight + barSpacing + 1, secondaryBarWidth * secondaryPer, barHeight - 2); } // Attack cooldown time bar long attackCooldown = attackMapper.get(player).getTime(); long currentAttackCooldown = new Date().getTime() - attackMapper.get(player).getLastTime(); float attackBarWidth = longestBarWidth / 3; float attackPer = (float) currentAttackCooldown / (float) attackCooldown; if (attackPer <= 1) { g.setColor(; g.fillRect( container.getWidth() / 2 - attackBarWidth / 2 - 1, container.getHeight() / 2 + playerFrame.getHeight() / 2 + barHeight * 2 + barSpacing * 2, attackBarWidth + 2, barHeight); g.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 0)); g.fillRect( container.getWidth() / 2 - attackBarWidth / 2, container.getHeight() / 2 + playerFrame.getHeight() / 2 + barHeight * 2 + barSpacing * 2 + 1, attackBarWidth * attackPer, barHeight - 2); } // Draw enemies for (int i = 0; i < enemies.size(); i++) { Entity enemy = enemies.get(i); Location enemyLocation = locationMapper.get(enemy); if (enemyLocation.getMap().equals(playerLocation.getMap())) { Vector2f enemyPosition = enemyLocation.getPosition(); int enemyX = mapX + (int) enemyPosition.x; int enemyY = mapY + (int) enemyPosition.y; drawCreatureEntity(enemy, enemyX, enemyY); } } // Draw enemy deaths for (int i = 0; i < enemyDeaths.size(); i++) { Entity enemyDeath = enemyDeaths.get(i); Location enemyDeathLocation = locationMapper.get(enemyDeath); Vector2f enemyDeathPosition = enemyDeathLocation.getPosition(); int enemyDeathX = mapX + (int) enemyDeathPosition.x; int enemyDeathY = mapY + (int) enemyDeathPosition.y; ParticleComponent particleComponent = particleComponentMapper.get(enemyDeath); particleComponent.updateParticleSystem(world.getDelta()); particleComponent.renderParticleSystem(enemyDeathX, enemyDeathY); } // Draw the foreground tiledMap.render(mapX, mapY, 2); // Draw the collision layer // tiledMap.render(mapX, mapY, 3); // If lighting is turned on int lightSize = Integer.valueOf(tiledMap.getMapProperty("LightSize", "-1")); if (lightSize != -1) { // Draw the player light drawLight(player, lightSize, container.getWidth() / 2, container.getHeight() / 2); } // Draw Upper Left UI float bigBarWidth = 200; float bigBarHeight = 17; if (health < 0) health = 0; float healthPer = (float) (health) / (float) maxHealth; if (healthPer < 0) healthPer = 0; // float armorPer = (float)(armor) / (float)maxHealth; Image healthIconImage = (Image) manager.getResource("healthicon").getObject(); // Upper left health icon g.drawImage(healthIconImage, 5, 6); // Upper left bar g.setColor(new Color(50, 50, 50, 125)); g.fillRect(healthIconImage.getWidth() + 8, 5, bigBarWidth + 2, bigBarHeight + 2); g.setColor(new Color(255, 0, 0, 150)); g.fillRect(healthIconImage.getWidth() + 9, 6, bigBarWidth * healthPer, bigBarHeight); /*g.setColor(new Color(0,0,255,100)); g.fillRect(bigBarWidth*healthPer+6, 4, bigBarWidth*armorPer, bigBarHeight);*/ Image armorIconImage = (Image) manager.getResource("armoricon").getObject(); g.drawImage(armorIconImage, 5, healthIconImage.getHeight() + 8); g.setColor(Color.white); int healthTextWidth = g.getFont().getWidth(health + "/" + maxHealth); g.drawString( health + "/" + maxHealth, 7 + bigBarWidth / 2 - healthTextWidth / 2 + healthIconImage.getWidth(), 5); // g.drawString(String.valueOf(armor), armorIconImage.getWidth() + 5, // healthIconImage.getHeight() + 3); // Polymorph Trinket UI int nPolymorph = 0; for (int i = 0; i < trinkets.size(); i++) { Entity trinket = trinkets.get(i); if (polymorphMapper.get(trinket) != null) { Polymorph polymorph = polymorphMapper.get(trinket); ResourceRef trinketRef = resourceMapper.get(trinket); if (polymorph.existsOnPlayer()) { Image polymorphImage = (Image) manager.getResource(trinketRef.getResourceName()).getObject(); int selWidth = 32, selHeight = 32; int notSelWidth = 32, notSelHeight = 32; if (polymorph.isActive()) { // playerRes.setResourceName(polymorph.getPolymorphRef()); // activePolymorphTrinket = true; int x = container.getWidth() / 2 - selWidth / 2 + nPolymorph * selWidth; int y = container.getHeight() - selHeight; // g.drawImage(polymorphImage, x-4, y-4, x+selWidth+4, y+selHeight+4, 0, 0, // polymorphImage.getWidth(), polymorphImage.getHeight(),; g.drawImage( polymorphImage, x, y, x + selWidth, y + selHeight, 0, 0, polymorphImage.getWidth(), polymorphImage.getHeight(), Color.white); // g.drawRect(x-2, y-2, width-2, height-2); } else { int x = container.getWidth() / 2 - notSelWidth / 2 + nPolymorph * selWidth; int y = container.getHeight() - notSelHeight; g.drawImage( polymorphImage, x, y, x + notSelWidth, y + notSelHeight, 0, 0, polymorphImage.getWidth(), polymorphImage.getHeight(), Color.gray); } nPolymorph += 1; } } } }
private void drawCreatureEntity(Entity entity, int x, int y) { Graphics g = container.getGraphics(); ResourceManager manager = ResourceManager.getInstance(); Movement movement = movementMapper.get(entity); String resName = resourceMapper.get(entity).getResourceName(); Resource res = manager.getResource(resName); Image entityFrame = getFrame(res); switch (res.getType()) { case CREATURE_ANIMATION: CreatureAnimation entityAnim = (CreatureAnimation) res.getObject(); Direction direction = directionMapper.get(entity); entityAnim.setIdle(); Animation animation = null; switch (direction.getDirection()) { case UP: case UP_LEFT: case UP_RIGHT: if (movement.getCurrentSpeed() != 0) { animation = entityAnim.getMoveUp(); } else { animation = entityAnim.getIdleUp(); } break; case DOWN: case DOWN_RIGHT: case DOWN_LEFT: if (movement.getCurrentSpeed() != 0) { animation = entityAnim.getMoveDown(); } else { animation = entityAnim.getIdleDown(); } break; case LEFT: if (movement.getCurrentSpeed() != 0) { animation = entityAnim.getMoveLeft(); } else { animation = entityAnim.getIdleLeft(); } break; case RIGHT: if (movement.getCurrentSpeed() != 0) { animation = entityAnim.getMoveRight(); } else { animation = entityAnim.getIdleRight(); } break; } Color color = Color.white; if (colorChangeMapper.get(entity) != null) { ColorChange colorChange = colorChangeMapper.get(entity); if (new Date().getTime() - colorChange.getLastTime() > colorChange.getTime()) { entity.removeComponent(colorChange); } else { color = colorChange.getColor(); } } g.drawAnimation(animation, x, y, color); break; case IMAGE: Image entityImg = (Image) res.getObject(); g.drawImage(entityImg, x, y); break; } HashMap<StatType, Integer> stats = statsMapper.get(entity).getStats(); int maxHealth = stats.get(StatType.MAX_HEALTH); int health = stats.get(StatType.HEALTH); float barWidth = longestBarWidth; float per = (float) health / (float) maxHealth; if (health > 0 && health != maxHealth) { g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0)); g.fillRect( x + entityFrame.getWidth() / 2 - barWidth / 2 - 1, y + entityFrame.getHeight(), barWidth + 2, barHeight); g.setColor(new Color(255, 0, 0)); g.fillRect( x + entityFrame.getWidth() / 2 - barWidth / 2, y + entityFrame.getHeight() + 1, barWidth * per, barHeight - 2); } }