public HttpServerExample(QWidget parent) { server = new HttpServer(this); if (!server.start()) { QMessageBox.critical( this, tr("HTTP Server"), tr("Unable to start the server: ") + server.errorString()); close(); } QPushButton publishButton = new QPushButton(this); publishButton.setText("Publish"); editor = new QTextEdit(this); editor.setPlainText( "<h1>Server is up and running!</h1>" + "You should be able to view it in a normal web browser." + " Try this address: http://localhost:" + server.serverPort()); QGridLayout layout = new QGridLayout(this); setLayout(layout); layout.addWidget(publishButton); layout.addWidget(editor); publishButton.clicked.connect(this, "publish()"); setWindowTitle(tr("Simple HTTP Server")); setWindowIcon(new QIcon("classpath:com/trolltech/images/qt-logo.png")); }
private void removeSongs() { if (QMessageBox.question( this, Translations.get("dialog_remove_filter_record_title"), Translations.get("dialog_remove_filter_record_text"), QMessageBox.StandardButton.Yes, QMessageBox.StandardButton.No) != QMessageBox.StandardButton.Yes.value()) { return; } Vector<SearchRecord> selectedRecords = getSelectedRecords(); Vector<SongRecord> selectedSongs = new Vector<SongRecord>(selectedRecords.size()); FilterRecord filterRecord = ((FilterProfile) ProfileWidgetUI.instance.getCurrentProfile()).getFilterRecord(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("removeSongs(): removing songs=" + selectedSongs + ", from filter=" + filterRecord); for (SearchRecord record : selectedRecords) selectedSongs.add((SongRecord) record); boolean containsInternal = false; boolean containsExternal = false; for (SongRecord song : selectedSongs) { if (song.isExternalItem()) containsExternal = true; else containsInternal = true; } filterRecord.removeSongRecords(selectedSongs); if (containsInternal) filterRecord.computeNumSongRecords(); if (containsExternal) filterRecord.computeNumExternalSongRecords(); filterRecord.update(); }
private void about() { QMessageBox.about( this, tr("About Icons"), tr( "The <b>Icons</b> example illustrates how Qt renders an icon in " + "different modes (active, normal, disabled, and selected) and " + "states (on and off) based on a set of images.")); }
protected void hideRecords() { if (QMessageBox.question( this, Translations.get("dialog_hide_recommended_title"), Translations.get("dialog_hide_recommended_text"), QMessageBox.StandardButton.Yes, QMessageBox.StandardButton.No) != QMessageBox.StandardButton.Yes.value()) { return; } Vector<SearchRecord> selectedSearchRecords = getSelectedRecords(); for (SearchRecord searchRecord : selectedSearchRecords) { searchRecord.setDisabled(true); searchRecord.update(); } }
private void about() { QMessageBox.about( this, tr("About Scribble"), tr( "<p>The <b>Scribble</b> example shows how to use QMainWindow as the " + "base widget for an application, and how to reimplement some of " + "QWidget's event handlers to receive the events generated for " + "the application's widgets:</p><p> We reimplement the mouse event " + "handlers to facilitate drawing, the paint event handler to " + "update the application and the resize event handler to optimize " + "the application's appearance. In addition we reimplement the " + "close event handler to intercept the close events before " + "terminating the application.</p><p> The example also demonstrates " + "how to use QPainter to draw an image in real time, as well as " + "to repaint widgets.</p>")); }
public void delete() { boolean status = Controller.getInstance().deleteStudent(_id); QMessageBox t = new QMessageBox(); t.setWindowIcon(new QIcon(new QPixmap("classpath:admin_resource/eot_icon.png"))); if (status) { holder.hide(); holder.close(); t.setText("The deletion was a success"); t.setWindowTitle("Success"); t.exec(); // Controller.getInstance().work(); } else { t.setText("The deletion failed"); t.setWindowTitle("Failed"); t.exec(); // Controller.getInstance().work(); } }
private boolean maybeSave() { if (scribbleArea.isModified()) { QMessageBox.StandardButton ret; ret = QMessageBox.warning( this, tr("Scribble"), tr("The image has been modified.\n" + "Do you want to save your changes?"), new QMessageBox.StandardButtons( QMessageBox.StandardButton.Save, QMessageBox.StandardButton.Discard)); if (ret == QMessageBox.StandardButton.Save) { return saveFile("png"); } else if (ret == QMessageBox.StandardButton.Cancel) { return false; } } return true; }