protected int installJava(Connection conn, PrintStream logger, Iterable<String> javaVersion) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int result = 1; for (String version : javaVersion) { result = conn.exec(getInstallCommand(version), logger); if (result == 0) { return result; } } return result; }
private boolean installJava(final PrintStream logger, final Connection conn) throws IOException, InterruptedException { logger.println("Verifying that java exists"); if (conn.exec("java -fullversion", logger) != 0) { logger.println("Try to install one of these Java-versions: " + VALID_VERSIONS); // TODO Web UI to let users install a custom java (or any other type of tool) package. logger.println("Trying to find a working package manager"); for (JavaInstaller installer : INSTALLERS) { if (!installer.isUsable(conn, logger)) { continue; } if (installer.installJava(conn, logger, VALID_VERSIONS) == 0) { return true; } } logger.println("Java could not be installed using any of the supported package managers"); return false; } return true; }
private boolean runInitScript( final Computer computer, final PrintStream logger, final Connection conn, final SCPClient scp) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String initScript = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(computer.getNode().getInitScript()); if (initScript == null) { return true; } if (conn.exec("test -e ~/.hudson-run-init", logger) == 0) { return true; } logger.println("Executing init script"); scp.put(initScript.getBytes("UTF-8"), "", "/tmp", "0700"); Session session = conn.openSession(); session.requestDumbPTY(); // so that the remote side bundles stdout and stderr session.execCommand(buildUpCommand(computer, "/tmp/")); session.getStdin().close(); // nothing to write here session.getStderr().close(); // we are not supposed to get anything from stderr IOUtils.copy(session.getStdout(), logger); int exitStatus = waitCompletion(session); if (exitStatus != 0) { logger.println("init script failed: exit code=" + exitStatus); return false; } session.close(); // Needs a tty to run sudo. session = conn.openSession(); session.requestDumbPTY(); // so that the remote side bundles stdout and stderr session.execCommand(buildUpCommand(computer, "touch ~/.hudson-run-init")); session.close(); return true; }
private boolean checkCommand(Connection conn, PrintStream logger, String command) throws IOException, InterruptedException { logger.println("Checking: " + command); return conn.exec(command, logger) == 0; }