public int copy(InputStream input, RandomAccessFile out, TTask.Task task) throws Exception, IOException { this.mBuffer = new byte[8192]; BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(input, 8192); TLog.v(this.TAG, "length" + out.length());; int count = 0; int byteCount = 0; long errorBlockTimePreviousTime = -1L; long expireTime = 0L; try { while (!task.isCancel()) { byteCount =, 0, 8192); if (byteCount == -1) { break; } out.write(this.mBuffer, 0, byteCount); count += byteCount; if (!TMDownloadManager.getInstance().isOnline()) { task.stopTask(); setErrorCode(2); break; } if (this.mSpeed == 0L) { if (errorBlockTimePreviousTime > 0L) { expireTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - errorBlockTimePreviousTime; if (expireTime > 30000L) { setErrorCode(2); task.stopTask(); } } else { errorBlockTimePreviousTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } else { expireTime = 0L; errorBlockTimePreviousTime = -1L; } } } finally { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { setErrorCode(3); TLog.e(this.TAG, e.getMessage()); } try { in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { setErrorCode(3); TLog.e(this.TAG, e.getMessage()); } } this.mBuffer = null; return count; }
private void approvePendingReports() { TLog.d(TCrash.TAG, "Mark all pending reports as approved."); CrashReportFinder reportFinder = new CrashReportFinder(); String[] reportFileNames = reportFinder.getCrashReportFiles(); for (String reportFileName : reportFileNames) if (!this.fileNameParser.isApproved(reportFileName)) { File reportFile = new File(TCrash.getInstance().getFilePath(), reportFileName); String newName = reportFileName.replace(".stacktrace", "-approved.stacktrace"); File newFile = new File(TCrash.getInstance().getFilePath(), newName); if (!reportFile.renameTo(newFile)) TLog.e( TCrash.TAG, "Could not rename approved report from " + reportFile + " to " + newFile); } }
private void checkAndSendReports() { TLog.d(TCrash.TAG, "#checkAndSendReports - start"); CrashReportFinder reportFinder = new CrashReportFinder(); String[] reportFiles = reportFinder.getCrashReportFiles(); Arrays.sort(reportFiles); int reportsSentCount = 0; for (String curFileName : reportFiles) if (reportsSentCount > 1) { deleteFile(curFileName); } else { TLog.i(TCrash.TAG, "Sending file " + curFileName); try { TCrashReportPersister persister = new TCrashReportPersister(); CrashReportData previousCrashReport = persister.load(curFileName); sendCrashReport(previousCrashReport); deleteFile(curFileName); } catch (RuntimeException e) { TLog.e(TCrash.TAG, "Failed to send crash reports for " + curFileName + e.getMessage()); deleteFile(curFileName); break; } catch (IOException e) { TLog.e(TCrash.TAG, "Failed to load crash report for " + curFileName + e.getMessage()); deleteFile(curFileName); break; } catch (ReportSenderException e) { TLog.e(TCrash.TAG, "Failed to send crash report for " + curFileName + e.getMessage()); break; } reportsSentCount++; } TLog.d(TCrash.TAG, "#checkAndSendReports - finish"); }
private void sendCrashReport(CrashReportData errorContent) throws ReportSenderException { boolean sentAtLeastOnce = false; for (TIReportSender sender : TCrash.getInstance().getReportSenders()) try { sender.send(errorContent); sentAtLeastOnce = true; } catch (ReportSenderException e) { if (!sentAtLeastOnce) { throw e; } TLog.w( TCrash.TAG, "ReportSender of class " + sender.getClass().getName() + " failed but other senders completed their task. ACRA will not send this report again."); } }
private long downloadFile(TTask.Task task) throws Exception { this.mAndroidHttpClient = AndroidHttpClient.newInstance(this.TAG); HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(this.mUrl); HttpResponse response = this.mAndroidHttpClient.execute(httpGet); this.mTotalSize = response.getEntity().getContentLength(); File file = new File(this.mFilePath, this.mFileName); if ((file.length() > 0L) && (this.mTotalSize > 0L) && (this.mTotalSize > file.length())) { httpGet.addHeader("Range", "bytes=" + file.length() + "-"); this.mPreviousFileSize = file.length(); this.mAndroidHttpClient.close(); this.mAndroidHttpClient = AndroidHttpClient.newInstance("DownloadTask"); response = this.mAndroidHttpClient.execute(httpGet); TLog.v(this.TAG, "File is not complete, ."); TLog.v( this.TAG, "download now,File length:" + file.length() + " totalSize:" + this.mTotalSize); } else if ((file.exists()) && (this.mTotalSize == file.length())) { TLog.v(this.TAG, "Output file already exists. Skipping download."); return 0L; } long storage = TStorageUtils.getAvailableStorage(); TLog.i(this.TAG, "storage:" + storage + " totalSize:" + this.mTotalSize); if (this.mTotalSize - file.length() > storage) { setErrorCode(1); task.stopTask(); this.mAndroidHttpClient.close(); return 0L; } try { this.mRandomAccessFile = new ProgressReportingRandomAccessFile(file, "rw"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { TLog.v(this.TAG, "OutputStream Error"); } InputStream input = null; try { input = response.getEntity().getContent(); } catch (IOException ex) { setErrorCode(3); this.mAndroidHttpClient.close(); TLog.v(this.TAG, "InputStream Error" + ex.getMessage()); return 0L; } int bytesCopied = copy(input, this.mRandomAccessFile, task); if ((this.mPreviousFileSize + bytesCopied != this.mTotalSize) && (this.mTotalSize != -1L) && (!task.isCancel())) { throw new IOException("Download incomplete: " + bytesCopied + " != " + this.mTotalSize); } this.mRandomAccessFile.close(); this.mAndroidHttpClient.close(); this.mAndroidHttpClient = null; this.mRandomAccessFile = null; TLog.v(this.TAG, "Download completed successfully."); return bytesCopied; }
private void deleteFile(String fileName) { boolean deleted = TCrash.getInstance().getContext().deleteFile(fileName); if (!deleted) TLog.w(TCrash.TAG, "Could not delete error report : " + fileName); }