public void addLabelForPopupMenu() { try { String sName = "lblPopup"; Object oFTModel = m_xMSFDialogModel.createInstance(""); XMultiPropertySet xFTModelMPSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiPropertySet.class, oFTModel); // Set the properties at the model - keep in mind to pass the property names in alphabetical // order! xFTModelMPSet.setPropertyValues( new String[] {"Height", "Label", "Name", "PositionX", "PositionY", "Width"}, new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(8), "Right-click here", sName, Integer.valueOf(50), Integer.valueOf(50), Integer.valueOf(100) }); // add the model to the NameContainer of the dialog model m_xDlgModelNameContainer.insertByName(sName, oFTModel); XWindow xWindow = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XWindow.class, m_xDlgContainer.getControl(sName)); xWindow.addMouseListener(this); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void main(String args[]) { UnoMenu2 oUnoMenu2 = null; try { XComponentContext xContext =; if (xContext != null) System.out.println("Connected to a running office ..."); XMultiComponentFactory xMCF = xContext.getServiceManager(); oUnoMenu2 = new UnoMenu2(xContext, xMCF); oUnoMenu2.initialize( new String[] { "Height", "Moveable", "Name", "PositionX", "PositionY", "Step", "TabIndex", "Title", "Width" }, new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(140), Boolean.TRUE, "Dialog1", Integer.valueOf(102), Integer.valueOf(41), Integer.valueOf(1), Short.valueOf((short) 0), "Menu-Dialog", Integer.valueOf(200) }); Object oFTHeaderModel = oUnoMenu2.m_xMSFDialogModel.createInstance(""); XMultiPropertySet xFTHeaderModelMPSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiPropertySet.class, oFTHeaderModel); xFTHeaderModelMPSet.setPropertyValues( new String[] {"Height", "Label", "Name", "PositionX", "PositionY", "Width"}, new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(8), "This code-sample demonstrates the creation of a popup-menu", "HeaderLabel", Integer.valueOf(6), Integer.valueOf(6), Integer.valueOf(200) }); // add the model to the NameContainer of the dialog model oUnoMenu2.m_xDlgModelNameContainer.insertByName("Headerlabel", oFTHeaderModel); oUnoMenu2.addLabelForPopupMenu(); oUnoMenu2.executeDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } finally { // make sure always to dispose the component and free the memory! if (oUnoMenu2 != null) { if (oUnoMenu2.m_xComponent != null) { oUnoMenu2.m_xComponent.dispose(); } } System.exit(0); } }