Esempio n. 1
  private Map<JobId, Deployment> getTasks(final ZooKeeperClient client, final String host) {
    final Map<JobId, Deployment> jobs = Maps.newHashMap();
    try {
      final String folder = Paths.configHostJobs(host);
      final List<String> jobIds;
      try {
        jobIds = client.getChildren(folder);
      } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
        return null;

      for (final String jobIdString : jobIds) {
        final JobId jobId = JobId.fromString(jobIdString);
        final String containerPath = Paths.configHostJob(host, jobId);
        try {
          final byte[] data = client.getData(containerPath);
          final Task task = parse(data, Task.class);
          jobs.put(jobId, Deployment.of(jobId, task.getGoal()));
        } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException ignored) {
          log.debug("deployment config node disappeared: {}", jobIdString);
    } catch (KeeperException | IOException e) {
      throw new HeliosRuntimeException("getting deployment config failed", e);

    return jobs;
Esempio n. 2
 /** Returns a {@link Map} of {@link JobId} to {@link Job} objects for all of the jobs known. */
 public Map<JobId, Job> getJobs() {
   log.debug("getting jobs");
   final String folder = Paths.configJobs();
   final ZooKeeperClient client = provider.get("getJobs");
   try {
     final List<String> ids;
     try {
       ids = client.getChildren(folder);
     } catch (NoNodeException e) {
       return Maps.newHashMap();
     final Map<JobId, Job> descriptors = Maps.newHashMap();
     for (final String id : ids) {
       final JobId jobId = JobId.fromString(id);
       final String path = Paths.configJob(jobId);
       final byte[] data = client.getData(path);
       final Job descriptor = parse(data, Job.class);
       descriptors.put(descriptor.getId(), descriptor);
     return descriptors;
   } catch (KeeperException | IOException e) {
     throw new HeliosRuntimeException("getting jobs failed", e);
Esempio n. 3
 private UUID getJobCreation(final ZooKeeperClient client, final JobId id) throws KeeperException {
   final String parent = Paths.configHostJobCreationParent(id);
   final List<String> children = client.getChildren(parent);
   for (final String child : children) {
     if (Paths.isConfigJobCreation(id, parent, child)) {
       return Paths.configJobCreationId(id, parent, child);
   return null;
Esempio n. 4
  /** Given a jobId, returns the N most recent events in it's history in the cluster. */
  public List<TaskStatusEvent> getJobHistory(final JobId jobId) throws JobDoesNotExistException {
    final Job descriptor = getJob(jobId);
    if (descriptor == null) {
      throw new JobDoesNotExistException(jobId);
    final ZooKeeperClient client = provider.get("getJobHistory");
    final List<String> hosts;
    try {
      hosts = client.getChildren(Paths.historyJobHosts(jobId));
    } catch (NoNodeException e) {
      return emptyList();
    } catch (KeeperException e) {
      throw Throwables.propagate(e);

    final List<TaskStatusEvent> jsEvents = Lists.newArrayList();

    for (String host : hosts) {
      final List<String> events;
      try {
        events = client.getChildren(Paths.historyJobHostEvents(jobId, host));
      } catch (KeeperException e) {
        throw Throwables.propagate(e);

      for (String event : events) {
        try {
          byte[] data =
              client.getData(Paths.historyJobHostEventsTimestamp(jobId, host, Long.valueOf(event)));
          final TaskStatus status =, TaskStatus.class);
          jsEvents.add(new TaskStatusEvent(status, Long.valueOf(event), host));
        } catch (NoNodeException e) { // ignore, it went away before we read it
        } catch (KeeperException | IOException e) {
          throw Throwables.propagate(e);

    return Ordering.from(EVENT_COMPARATOR).sortedCopy(jsEvents);
Esempio n. 5
 private List<String> listJobHosts(final ZooKeeperClient client, final JobId jobId)
     throws JobDoesNotExistException {
   final List<String> hosts;
   try {
     hosts = client.getChildren(Paths.configJobHosts(jobId));
   } catch (NoNodeException e) {
     throw new JobDoesNotExistException(jobId);
   } catch (KeeperException e) {
     throw new HeliosRuntimeException("failed to list hosts for job: " + jobId, e);
   return hosts;
Esempio n. 6
 private List<JobId> listHostJobs(final ZooKeeperClient client, final String host) {
   final List<String> jobIdStrings;
   final String folder = Paths.statusHostJobs(host);
   try {
     jobIdStrings = client.getChildren(folder);
   } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
     return null;
   } catch (KeeperException e) {
     throw new HeliosRuntimeException("List tasks for host failed: " + host, e);
   final ImmutableList.Builder<JobId> jobIds = ImmutableList.builder();
   for (String jobIdString : jobIdStrings) {
Esempio n. 7
 /** Returns a list of the host names of the currently running masters. */
 public List<String> getRunningMasters() {
   final ZooKeeperClient client = provider.get("getRunningMasters");
   try {
     final List<String> masters = client.getChildren(Paths.statusMaster());
     final ImmutableList.Builder<String> upMasters = ImmutableList.builder();
     for (final String master : masters) {
       if (client.exists(Paths.statusMasterUp(master)) != null) {
   } catch (KeeperException e) {
     throw new HeliosRuntimeException("listing masters failed", e);
Esempio n. 8
   * Undoes the effect of {@link ZooKeeperMasterModel#registerHost(String, String)}. Cleans up any
   * leftover host-related things.
  public void deregisterHost(final String host)
      throws HostNotFoundException, HostStillInUseException {"deregistering host: {}", host);
    final ZooKeeperClient client = provider.get("deregisterHost");
    // TODO (dano): handle retry failures
    try {
      final List<ZooKeeperOperation> operations = Lists.newArrayList();

      // Remove all jobs deployed to this host
      final List<JobId> jobs = listHostJobs(client, host);

      if (jobs == null) {
        if (client.exists(Paths.configHost(host)) == null) {
          throw new HostNotFoundException("host [" + host + "] does not exist");

      for (JobId job : jobs) {
        final String hostJobPath = Paths.configHostJob(host, job);
        final List<String> nodes = client.listRecursive(hostJobPath);
        for (final String node : reverse(nodes)) {
        if (client.exists(Paths.configJobHost(job, host)) != null) {
          operations.add(delete(Paths.configJobHost(job, host)));
        // Clean out the history for each job
        try {
          final List<String> history = client.listRecursive(Paths.historyJobHost(job, host));
          for (String s : reverse(history)) {
        } catch (NoNodeException ignore) {

      // Remove the host status
      try {
        final List<String> nodes = client.listRecursive(Paths.statusHost(host));
        for (final String node : reverse(nodes)) {
      } catch (NoNodeException ignore) {

      // Remove port allocations
      try {
        final List<String> ports = client.getChildren(Paths.configHostPorts(host));
        for (final String port : ports) {
          operations.add(delete(Paths.configHostPort(host, Integer.valueOf(port))));
      } catch (NoNodeException ignore) {

      // Remove host id
      String idPath = Paths.configHostId(host);
      if (client.exists(idPath) != null) {

      // Remove host config root

    } catch (NotEmptyException e) {
      final HostStatus hostStatus = getHostStatus(host);
      final List<JobId> jobs =
          hostStatus != null
              ? ImmutableList.copyOf(hostStatus.getJobs().keySet())
              : Collections.<JobId>emptyList();
      throw new HostStillInUseException(host, jobs);
    } catch (NoNodeException e) {
      throw new HostNotFoundException(host);
    } catch (KeeperException e) {
      throw new HeliosRuntimeException(e);