public Scene1() { cage.setDefiniteArticle("the"); lock.setDefiniteArticle("the"); lock.setDescriptor("that's attached to the bottom of the cage"); Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(); Noun dustin = getMe().getNoun(); Sentence s = new Sentence(dustin, new Verb("finds")); s.setDirectObject(new DirectObject(dustin)); Preposition p = new Preposition("in", new Noun("a dimly lit", "basement")); s.setPreposition(p); paragraph.getSentences().add(s); s = new Sentence(dustin, new Verb(Verb.IS, "wearing")); Noun n = getMe().getOutfit().getNoun(); s.setDirectObject(new DirectObject(n)); paragraph.getSentences().add(s); Noun lights = new Noun("a row of", "lights"); lights.setPerson(Person.THIRD_SINGULAR_NEUTRAL); s = new Sentence(lights, new Verb("turns")); p = new Preposition("on"); s.setPreposition(p); paragraph.getSentences().add(s); Noun bunker = new Noun("cavernous concrete", "bunker"); bunker.setDefiniteArticle("the"); s = new Sentence(lights, new Verb("illuminates")); s.setDirectObject(new DirectObject(bunker)); paragraph.getSentences().add(s); Noun kristen = getHer().getNoun(); s = new Sentence(kristen, new Verb("enters")); s.setDirectObject(new DirectObject(bunker)); p = new Preposition( "by", new Noun("descending in a cage lowered from the opening in the ceiling")); s.setPreposition(p); paragraph.getSentences().add(s); s = new Sentence(dustin, new Verb("backs")); p = new Preposition("out of the way"); s.setPreposition(p); paragraph.getSentences().add(s); s = new Sentence(kristen, new Verb("steps")); p = new Preposition("out of", cage); s.setPreposition(p); paragraph.getSentences().add(s); s = new Sentence(cage, new Verb("raises")); Noun reach = new Noun("reach"); reach.setPosseser(dustin); p = new Preposition("up just out of", reach); s.setPreposition(p); paragraph.getSentences().add(s); s = new Sentence(kristen, new Verb(Verb.IS, "wearing")); s.setDirectObject(getHer().getOutfit().getDirectObject()); paragraph.getSentences().add(s); if (getHer().getOutfit().getAccessories().size() > 0) { for (Accessory a : getHer().getOutfit().getAccessories()) { accessories.add(a); } s = new Sentence(kristen, new Verb(Verb.IS, "carrying")); s.setDirectObject(getHer().getOutfit().getAccessoriesDirectObject()); paragraph.getSentences().add(s); } scene.add(paragraph); paragraph = sceneBeforeUd(); scene.add(paragraph); paragraph = getMe().getOutfit().ud(kristen, getMe()); scene.add(paragraph); }
private Paragraph sceneBeforeUd() { Noun dustin = getMe().getNoun(); Noun kristen = getHer().getNoun(); Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(); Verb v1 = new Verb("walks"); v1.getAdverb().add("slowly"); Sentence s = new Sentence(kristen, v1); Preposition p = new Preposition("to", dustin); s.setPreposition(p); paragraph.getSentences().add(s); if (accessories.size() > 0) { Paragraph para = accessories.get(Util.getRandom(accessories.size())).getAction(getHer(), getMe()); for (Sentence sentence : para.getSentences()) { paragraph.getSentences().add(sentence); } } for (Attachable att : getMe().getAttachments()) { if (att instanceof Anchorable) { Paragraph para = ((Anchorable) att).anchor(getHer(), getMe(), anchor); for (Sentence sentence : para.getSentences()) { paragraph.getSentences().add(sentence); } } } Paragraph subParagraph = getMe().getOutfit().tease(kristen, getMe()); for (Sentence sentence : subParagraph.getSentences()) { paragraph.getSentences().add(sentence); } return paragraph; }