@EventHandler public static void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent e) { Player player = e.getPlayer(); Location locTo = e.getTo(); Location locFrom = e.getFrom(); if (PBMethods.WGSupportEnabled) { if (PBMethods.getWorldGuard() != null) { ApplicableRegionSet set = WGBukkit.getRegionManager(locTo.getWorld()).getApplicableRegions(locTo); for (ProtectedRegion region : set) { if (region != null) { // Checks if the player can enter the field during a Probending Match if (region.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(PBMethods.ProbendingField)) { if (PBMethods.matchStarted) { String teamName = PBMethods.getPlayerTeam(player.getUniqueId()); if (teamName != null) { if (!PBMethods.playingTeams.contains(teamName.toLowerCase())) { player.sendMessage(Strings.Prefix + Strings.CantEnterField); player.teleport(locFrom); e.setCancelled(true); } } if (teamName == null) { player.sendMessage(Strings.Prefix + Strings.CantEnterField); player.teleport(locFrom); e.setCancelled(true); } } } } } } } }
@Command( aliases = {"reload"}, desc = "Reload WorldGuard configuration", max = 0) @CommandPermissions({"worldguard.reload"}) public void reload(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException { LoggerToChatHandler handler = null; Logger minecraftLogger = null; if (sender instanceof Player) { handler = new LoggerToChatHandler(sender); handler.setLevel(Level.ALL); minecraftLogger = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); minecraftLogger.addHandler(handler); } try { plugin.getGlobalStateManager().unload(); plugin.getGlobalRegionManager().unload(); plugin.getGlobalStateManager().load(); plugin.getGlobalRegionManager().preload(); WGBukkit.cleanCache(); sender.sendMessage("WorldGuard configuration reloaded."); } catch (Throwable t) { sender.sendMessage("Error while reloading: " + t.getMessage()); } finally { if (minecraftLogger != null) { minecraftLogger.removeHandler(handler); } } }
@Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) { if (args.length != 0) { plugin.sendMessageWarning( sender, ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes( '&', plugin.languageGetConfig().getString("buyland.general.parameters"))); plugin.sendMessageInfo(sender, "Usage: /buyland list"); } else { // See if the person requesting the information is a player if (sender instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player) sender; String playerName = player.getName(); // See if the player has permission to this command if (player.hasPermission("buyland.list") || player.hasPermission("buyland.all")) { // State who the list is for plugin.sendMessageInfo(sender, "You own regions: "); // Loop through all the worlds for (World world : Bukkit.getWorlds()) { // get the list of regions for the selected world Map<String, ProtectedRegion> regionMap = WGBukkit.getRegionManager(world).getRegions(); // Loop through all the regions for (ProtectedRegion region : regionMap.values()) { // see if the person is an owner of the region if (region.isOwner(playerName)) { // see if the region is buyable if (region.getFlag(DefaultFlag.BUYABLE) == null) { // if it is null, it is not purchased by anyone. } else { // See if the region was purchased. if (region.getFlag(DefaultFlag.BUYABLE) == false) { // list this as owned by the player in question plugin.sendMessageInfo( sender, " " + world.getName() + ": " + region.getId(), false); } } } } } } } else { plugin.sendMessageInfo(sender, "Currently not available at console."); } } // command was utilized. return true; }
@EventHandler public void onPlayerBreakBlock(BlockBreakEvent e) { Player player = e.getPlayer(); Location loc = player.getLocation(); if (PBMethods.WGSupportEnabled) { if (PBMethods.getWorldGuard() != null) { ApplicableRegionSet set = WGBukkit.getRegionManager(loc.getWorld()).getApplicableRegions(loc); for (ProtectedRegion region : set) { if (region != null) { if (region.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(PBMethods.ProbendingField)) { if (PBMethods.buildDisabled) { if (!player.hasPermission("probending.worldguard.buildonfield")) { e.setCancelled(true); } } } } } } } }
public static Boolean canHurt(Player p, Player t) { return WGBukkit.getPlugin().createProtectionQuery().testEntityDamage(p, t); }
public static Boolean canBuild(Location l, Player p) { return WGBukkit.getPlugin().canBuild(p, l); }