public void update(CurrencyDTO dto, Integer entityId) { if (currency != null) { currency.setSymbol(dto.getSymbol()); currency.setCode(dto.getCode()); currency.setCountryCode(dto.getCountryCode()); // set system rate if (dto.getSysRate() != null) { final CurrencyExchangeDTO systemExchangeRate = findExchange(SYSTEM_RATE_ENTITY_ID, currency.getId(), new Date()); systemExchangeRate.setRate(dto.getSysRate()); } // add active currencies to the company map CompanyDTO company = new CompanyDAS().find(entityId); if (dto.getInUse()) { company.getCurrencies().add(currency); } else { company.getCurrencies().remove(currency); } invalidateCache(); ; } else { LOG.error("Cannot update, CurrencyDTO not found or not set!"); } }
public Integer create(CurrencyDTO dto, Integer entityId) { if (dto != null) { /* Simplify currency creation; Set exchange rates from transient CurrencyDTO#getRate() and CurrencyDTO#getSysRate() if no currency exchanges have been mapped. */ if (dto.getCurrencyExchanges().isEmpty()) { // set system rate CurrencyExchangeDTO sysRate = new CurrencyExchangeDTO(); sysRate.setEntityId(SYSTEM_RATE_ENTITY_ID); sysRate.setRate(dto.getSysRate() != null ? dto.getSysRate() : BigDecimal.ONE); sysRate.setValidSince( com.sapienter.jbilling.common.Util.truncateDate(CommonConstants.EPOCH_DATE)); sysRate.setCurrency(dto); dto.getCurrencyExchanges().add(sysRate); } this.currency =; // add active currencies to the company map if (dto.getInUse()) { CompanyDTO company = new CompanyDAS().find(entityId); company.getCurrencies().add(this.currency); } invalidateCache(); return this.currency.getId(); } LOG.error("Cannot save a null CurrencyDTO!"); return null; }
public void sendReminders(Date today) throws SQLException, SessionInternalError { GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); for (Iterator it = new CompanyDAS().findEntities().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { CompanyDTO thisEntity = (CompanyDTO); Integer entityId = thisEntity.getId(); PreferenceBL pref = new PreferenceBL(); try { pref.set(entityId, Constants.PREFERENCE_USE_INVOICE_REMINDERS); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e1) { // let it use the defaults } if (pref.getInt() == 1) { prepareStatement(InvoiceSQL.toRemind); cachedResults.setDate(1, new java.sql.Date(today.getTime())); cal.setTime(today); pref.set(entityId, Constants.PREFERENCE_FIRST_REMINDER); cal.add(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -pref.getInt()); cachedResults.setDate(2, new java.sql.Date(cal.getTimeInMillis())); cal.setTime(today); pref.set(entityId, Constants.PREFERENCE_NEXT_REMINDER); cal.add(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -pref.getInt()); cachedResults.setDate(3, new java.sql.Date(cal.getTimeInMillis())); cachedResults.setInt(4, entityId.intValue()); execute(); while ( { int invoiceId = cachedResults.getInt(1); set(Integer.valueOf(invoiceId)); NotificationBL notif = new NotificationBL(); long mils = invoice.getDueDate().getTime() - today.getTime(); int days = Math.round(mils / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24); try { MessageDTO message = notif.getInvoiceReminderMessage( entityId, invoice.getBaseUser().getUserId(), Integer.valueOf(days), invoice.getDueDate(), invoice.getPublicNumber(), invoice.getTotal(), invoice.getCreateDatetime(), invoice.getCurrency().getId()); INotificationSessionBean notificationSess = (INotificationSessionBean) Context.getBean(Context.Name.NOTIFICATION_SESSION); notificationSess.notify(invoice.getBaseUser(), message); invoice.setLastReminder(today); } catch (NotificationNotFoundException e) { LOG.warn( "There are invoice to send reminders, but " + "the notification message is missing for " + "entity " + entityId); } } } } if (conn != null) { // only if somthing run conn.close(); } }
public static void setEntityCurrency(Integer entityId, Integer currencyId) { CompanyDTO entity = new CompanyDAS().find(entityId); entity.setCurrency(new CurrencyDAS().find(currencyId)); }
public static Integer getEntityCurrency(Integer entityId) { CompanyDTO entity = new CompanyDAS().find(entityId); return entity.getCurrencyId(); }