public boolean process(PaymentDTOEx payment) throws PluggableTaskException { LOG.debug("Payment processing for " + getProcessorName() + " gateway"); if (payment.getPayoutId() != null) return true; SvcType transaction = SvcType.SALE; if (BigDecimal.ZERO.compareTo(payment.getAmount()) > 0 || (payment.getIsRefund() != 0)) { LOG.debug("Doing a refund using credit card transaction"); transaction = SvcType.REFUND_CREDIT; } boolean result; try { result = doProcess(payment, transaction, null).shouldCallOtherProcessors(); LOG.debug( "Processing result is " + payment.getPaymentResult().getId() + ", return value of process is " + result); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception", e); throw new PluggableTaskException(e); } return result; }
public boolean confirmPreAuth(PaymentAuthorizationDTO auth, PaymentDTOEx payment) throws PluggableTaskException { LOG.debug("Confirming pre-authorization for " + getProcessorName() + " gateway"); if (!getProcessorName().equals(auth.getProcessor())) { /* let the processor be called and fail, so the caller can do something about it: probably re-call this payment task as a new "process()" run */ LOG.warn( "The processor of the pre-auth is not " + getProcessorName() + ", is " + auth.getProcessor()); } CreditCardDTO card = payment.getCreditCard(); if (card == null) { throw new PluggableTaskException( "Credit card is required capturing" + " payment: " + payment.getId()); } if (!isApplicable(payment)) { LOG.error("This payment can not be captured" + payment); return true; } return doProcess(payment, SvcType.SETTLE, auth).shouldCallOtherProcessors(); }
private Result doFakeAuthorization(PaymentDTOEx payment, String transactionId) throws PluggableTaskException { CreditCardDTO creditCard = payment.getCreditCard(); if (creditCard == null || !myFilter.accept(creditCard)) { // give real processors a chance return new Result(null, true); } Integer resultId = getProcessResultId(creditCard); payment.setPaymentResult(new PaymentResultDAS().find(resultId)); PaymentAuthorizationDTO authInfo = createAuthorizationDTO(resultId, transactionId); storeProcessedAuthorization(payment, authInfo); boolean wasProcessed = (Constants.RESULT_FAIL.equals(resultId) || Constants.RESULT_OK.equals(resultId)); boolean shouldCallOthers = !wasProcessed && !myShouldBlockOtherProcessors; return new Result(authInfo, shouldCallOthers); }
@Override // implements abstract method public NVPList buildRequest(PaymentDTOEx payment, SvcType transaction) throws PluggableTaskException { NVPList request = new NVPList(); request.add(PARAMETER_MERCHANT_ID, getMerchantId()); request.add(PARAMETER_STORE_ID, getStoreId()); request.add(PARAMETER_TERMINAL_ID, getTerminalId()); request.add(PARAMETER_SELLER_ID, getSellerId()); request.add(PARAMETER_PASSWORD, getPassword()); ContactBL contact = new ContactBL(); contact.set(payment.getUserId()); request.add(WorldPayParams.General.STREET_ADDRESS, contact.getEntity().getAddress1()); request.add(WorldPayParams.General.CITY, contact.getEntity().getCity()); request.add(WorldPayParams.General.STATE, contact.getEntity().getStateProvince()); request.add(WorldPayParams.General.ZIP, contact.getEntity().getPostalCode()); request.add(WorldPayParams.General.FIRST_NAME, contact.getEntity().getFirstName()); request.add(WorldPayParams.General.LAST_NAME, contact.getEntity().getLastName()); request.add(WorldPayParams.General.COUNTRY, contact.getEntity().getCountryCode()); request.add(WorldPayParams.General.AMOUNT, formatDollarAmount(payment.getAmount())); request.add(WorldPayParams.General.SVC_TYPE, transaction.getCode()); CreditCardDTO card = payment.getCreditCard(); request.add(WorldPayParams.CreditCard.CARD_NUMBER, card.getNumber()); request.add( WorldPayParams.CreditCard.EXPIRATION_DATE, EXPIRATION_DATE_FORMAT.format(card.getCcExpiry())); if (card.getSecurityCode() != null) { request.add( WorldPayParams.CreditCard.CVV2, String.valueOf(payment.getCreditCard().getSecurityCode())); } return request; }
@Override protected PaymentTask selectDelegate(PaymentDTOEx paymentInfo) throws PluggableTaskException { String currencyCode = paymentInfo.getCurrency().getCode(); Integer selectedTaskId = null; try { // try to get the task id for this currency selectedTaskId = intValueOf(parameters.get(currencyCode)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new PluggableTaskException("Invalid task id for currency " + "code: " + currencyCode); } if (selectedTaskId == null) { LOG.warn("Could not find processor for " + parameters.get(currencyCode)); return null; } LOG.debug("Delegating to task id " + selectedTaskId); PaymentTask selectedTask = instantiateTask(selectedTaskId); return selectedTask; }
public boolean process(PaymentDTOEx paymentInfo) throws PluggableTaskException { FormatLogger log = new FormatLogger(Logger.getLogger(PaymentEmailAuthorizeNetTask.class)); boolean retValue = super.process(paymentInfo); String address = (String) parameters.get(PARAMETER_EMAIL_ADDRESS.getName()); try { UserBL user = new UserBL(paymentInfo.getUserId()); String message; if (new Integer(paymentInfo.getPaymentResult().getId()).equals(Constants.RESULT_OK)) { message = "payment.success"; } else { message = ""; } String params[] = new String[6]; params[0] = paymentInfo.getUserId().toString(); params[1] = user.getEntity().getUserName(); params[2] = paymentInfo.getId() + ""; params[3] = paymentInfo.getAmount().toString(); if (paymentInfo.getAuthorization() != null) { params[4] = paymentInfo.getAuthorization().getTransactionId(); params[5] = paymentInfo.getAuthorization().getApprovalCode(); } else { params[4] = "Not available"; params[5] = "Not available"; } log.debug( "Bkp 6 " + params[0] + " " + params[1] + " " + params[2] + " " + params[3] + " " + params[4] + " " + params[5] + " "); NotificationBL.sendSapienterEmail( address, user.getEntity().getEntity().getId(), message, null, params); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Cant send receit email"); } return retValue; }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MaintainAction.class); String forward = null; ActionForward retValue = null; try { IPaymentSessionBean myRemoteSession = (IPaymentSessionBean) Context.getBean(Context.Name.PAYMENT_SESSION); /* * Because of the review step, the payment has some actions that * so far makes no sense to dump them in the generic action */ String action = request.getParameter("action"); HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages(); String key; key = session.getAttribute("jsp_is_refund") == null ? "payment." : "refund."; // get the payment/refund information String sessionKey; if (key.equals("payment.")) { sessionKey = Constants.SESSION_PAYMENT_DTO; } else { sessionKey = Constants.SESSION_PAYMENT_DTO_REFUND; } if (action.equals("send")) { PaymentDTOEx paymentDto = (PaymentDTOEx) session.getAttribute(sessionKey); if (paymentDto == null) { log.error("dto can't be null when sending"); throw new ServletException("paymentDTO is null"); } // get the invoice, it might not be there Integer invoiceId = null; InvoiceDTO invoice = (InvoiceDTO) session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_INVOICE_DTO); if (invoice != null) { invoiceId = invoice.getId(); } boolean isPayout = false; PartnerPayout payout = null; Partner partner = null; if (request.getParameter("payout") != null && request.getParameter("payout").equals("yes")) { isPayout = true; payout = (PartnerPayout) session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_PAYOUT_DTO); partner = (Partner) session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_PARTNER_DTO); } if (((Boolean) session.getAttribute("tmp_process_now")).booleanValue()) { Integer result; if (!isPayout) { result = myRemoteSession.processAndUpdateInvoice( paymentDto, invoiceId, (Integer) session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_ENTITY_ID_KEY)); } else { result = myRemoteSession.processPayout( paymentDto, payout.getStartingDate(), payout.getEndingDate(), partner.getId(), new Boolean(true)); payout.setPayment(new PaymentDTO(paymentDto)); } if (result == null) { key = key + "no_result"; } else if (result.equals(Constants.RESULT_OK)) { key = key + "result.approved"; } else if (result.equals(Constants.RESULT_FAIL)) { key = key + "result.rejected"; } else if (result.equals(Constants.RESULT_UNAVAILABLE)) { key = key + "result.unavailable"; } else { key = "all.internal"; log.error("Unsupported result from server:" + result); } } else { if (!isPayout) { log.debug( "sending payment. Id = " + paymentDto.getId() + " refund " + paymentDto.getIsRefund()); if (paymentDto.getId() != 0 && paymentDto.getIsRefund() == 0) { // it is an update myRemoteSession.update( (Integer) session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_LOGGED_USER_ID), paymentDto); } else { // it is a new payment paymentDto.setId(myRemoteSession.applyPayment(paymentDto, invoiceId)); // I need to update the DTO, so the left bar can // make the right decitions if (invoiceId != null) { List<Integer> invoices = new ArrayList<Integer>(); invoices.add(invoiceId); paymentDto.setInvoiceIds(invoices); } } } else { myRemoteSession.processPayout( paymentDto, payout.getStartingDate(), payout.getEndingDate(), partner.getId(), new Boolean(false)); } key = key + "enter.success"; } messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage(key)); if (!isPayout) { // the dto has to be refreshed, otherwise the // map to the invoice won't be there session.setAttribute( Constants.SESSION_PAYMENT_DTO, myRemoteSession.getPayment( paymentDto.getId(), (Integer) session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_LANGUAGE))); forward = "payment_view"; } else { forward = "payout_view"; } } else if (action.equals("last_invoice")) { forward = "no_invoice"; // make sure the logged user shows up as the user for the payment session.setAttribute( Constants.SESSION_USER_ID, session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_LOGGED_USER_ID)); // now find out which is the latest invoice and make it available UserDTOEx user = (UserDTOEx) session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_USER_DTO); Integer invoiceId = user.getLastInvoiceId(); if (invoiceId != null) { IInvoiceSessionBean invoiceSession = (IInvoiceSessionBean) Context.getBean(Context.Name.INVOICE_SESSION); InvoiceDTO invoice = invoiceSession.getInvoice(invoiceId); if (invoice.getToProcess().intValue() == 1) { session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_INVOICE_DTO, invoice); // this will chain the action, but it's effective forward = "last_invoice"; } } if (forward.equals("no_invoice")) { messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("payment.error.noInvoice")); } } else if (action.equals("current_invoice")) { session.setAttribute( Constants.SESSION_USER_ID, session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_LOGGED_USER_ID)); // the invoice dto is already in the sesssion .. piece of cake forward = "last_invoice"; } else if (action.equals("cancel")) { session.removeAttribute(sessionKey); messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("payment.enter.cancel")); forward = "payment_list"; } else if (action.equals("view")) { // this is called when a payment is selected from the list // for a read-only view Integer paymentId; if (request.getParameter("id") != null) { // this is being called from anywhere, to check out a payment paymentId = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter("id")); } else { // this is called from the list of payments paymentId = (Integer) session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_LIST_ID_SELECTED); } Integer languageId = (Integer) session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_LANGUAGE); PaymentDTOEx dto = myRemoteSession.getPayment(paymentId, languageId); log.debug("my dto is " + dto); if (dto.getIsRefund() == 1) { session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_PAYMENT_DTO_REFUND, dto); if (dto.getPayment() != null) { session.setAttribute( Constants.SESSION_PAYMENT_DTO, myRemoteSession.getPayment(dto.getPayment().getId(), languageId)); } else { session.removeAttribute(Constants.SESSION_PAYMENT_DTO); } } else { session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_PAYMENT_DTO, dto); } // now include the invoice and customer dto of this payment try { // now the user session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_USER_ID, dto.getUserId()); ICustomerSessionBean userSession = (ICustomerSessionBean) Context.getBean(Context.Name.CUSTOMER_SESSION); session.setAttribute( Constants.SESSION_CUSTOMER_CONTACT_DTO, userSession.getPrimaryContactDTO(dto.getUserId())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SessionInternalError(e); } forward = "payment_view"; } else if (action.equals("notify")) { INotificationSessionBean notificationSession = (INotificationSessionBean) Context.getBean(Context.Name.NOTIFICATION_SESSION); Integer paymentId = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter("id")); Boolean result = notificationSession.emailPayment(paymentId); String field; if (result.booleanValue()) { field = "email.notify.ok"; } else { field = "email.notify.error"; } messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage(field)); forward = "payment_view"; } else if (action.equals("unlink")) { Integer mapId = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter("mapId")); myRemoteSession.removeInvoiceLink(mapId); messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("")); // make sure the payment now shows up updated session.setAttribute( Constants.SESSION_LIST_ID_SELECTED, ((PaymentDTO) session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_PAYMENT_DTO)).getId()); session.removeAttribute(Constants.SESSION_PAYMENT_DTO); forward = "payment_setupView"; } else if (action.equals("apply")) { // call the server to apply tha payment myRemoteSession.applyPayment( ((PaymentDTO) session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_PAYMENT_DTO)).getId(), ((InvoiceDTO) session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_INVOICE_DTO)).getId()); // show a 'done' message messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("")); // redirect to payment view, with the refreshed payment record session.setAttribute( Constants.SESSION_LIST_ID_SELECTED, ((PaymentDTO) session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_PAYMENT_DTO)).getId()); session.removeAttribute(Constants.SESSION_PAYMENT_DTO); forward = "payment_setupView"; } else { PaymentCrudAction delegate = new PaymentCrudAction(myRemoteSession); delegate.setServlet(getServlet()); retValue = delegate.execute(mapping, form, request, response); } saveMessages(request, messages); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception ", e); retValue = mapping.findForward("error"); forward = null; } if (forward != null) { retValue = mapping.findForward(forward); } return retValue; }
protected final void storeProcessedAuthorization( PaymentDTOEx paymentInfo, PaymentAuthorizationDTO auth) throws PluggableTaskException { new PaymentAuthorizationBL().create(auth, paymentInfo.getId()); paymentInfo.setAuthorization(auth); }