public String getDefaultView() { if (defaultPageName == null) { if (workunit.getWorkunit().getPages().size() > 0) { defaultPageName = workunit.getCurrentPage().getName(); } } return defaultPageName; }
public UIController.View[] getViews() { List<UIController.View> list = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : workunit.getWorkunit().getPages().values()) { Page p = (Page) o; list.add(new UIController.View(p.getName(), p.getTemplate())); } return (UIController.View[]) list.toArray(new UIController.View[] {}); }
public Object init(Map properties, String action, Object[] actionParams) { // set the properties ControlSupport.setProperties(getCodeBean(), properties); // check first if the workunit has already started. // if it has already started, fire the transition. // The subprocess normnally calls _close:signalAction. if (workunit.getPageFlow() != null && workunit.isStarted()) { if (action == null) { workunit.signal(); } else { workunit.signal(action); } // determine which page to display next. if (workunit.isPageFlowCompleted()) return "_close"; else return workunit.getCurrentPage().getName(); } else { if (workunit.getWorkunit().getPages().size() > 0) { defaultPageName = workunit.getCurrentPage().getName(); } if (action == null) { return null; } else if (action.startsWith("_")) { return action.substring(1); } else { if (actionParams == null) actionParams = new Object[] {}; Object codeBean = getCodeBean(); if (hasMethod(codeBean, action, actionParams)) return ControlSupport.invoke(codeBean, action, actionParams); else return ControlSupport.invoke(codeBean, action, null); } } }
public Object getCodeBean() { return workunit.getController(); }
public WorkUnitUIController(WorkUnitInstance wu) { this.workunit = wu; = wu.getId(); = wu.getId(); this.title = wu.getTitle(); }
public boolean equals(Object object) { if (object == null) return false; if (!(object instanceof WorkUnitInstance)) return false; WorkUnitInstance wi = (WorkUnitInstance) object; return hashCode() == wi.hashCode(); }