/*@Test id:Usercong_05 * @description:Test User verifying display of Social links in profile page * @author:Lakshmi BS * */ @Test(priority = 5, enabled = true) public void testUserProfileSocialLinks() { sTestCaseID = "Usercong_05"; sData = GenericLib.toReadExcelData(sTestCaseID); myProfilePo = new MyProfilePO(driver); newUserRegPo = new NewUserRegPO(driver); myProfilePo = new MyProfilePO(driver); qrProfilePo = new QRProfilePO(driver); try { newUserRegPo.signUPorLogin(sData[1], sData[2], sData[3]); qrProfilePo.getEleMenuLst().click(); myProfilePo.getEleArrowBtn().click(); myProfilePo.getEleEditLnk().click(); driver.hideKeyboard(); driver.scrollTo("Ride Preferences"); Assert.assertTrue( myProfilePo.getEleProfileFBIcn().isDisplayed(), "FaceBook icon is not displayed in profile page"); qrLog.info("FaceBook icon is successfully displayed in profile page"); // Need to implement to navigate to FB but Facebook link is not working here. Assert.assertTrue( myProfilePo.getEleProfileLinkedInIcn().isDisplayed(), "LinkedIn icon is not displayed in profile page"); qrLog.info("LinkedIn icon is successfully displayed in profile page"); myProfilePo.getEleProfileLinkedInIcn().click(); Assert.assertTrue( myProfilePo.getEleSocialWebPge().isDisplayed(), "LinkedIn page is not displayed."); qrLog.info("LinkedIn page is displayed."); driver.navigate().back(); Assert.assertTrue( myProfilePo.getEleProfileTwitterIcn().isDisplayed(), "Twitter icon is not displayed in profile page"); qrLog.info("Twitter icon is successfully displayed in profile page"); myProfilePo.getEleProfileTwitterIcn().click(); Assert.assertTrue( myProfilePo.getEleSocialWebPge().isDisplayed(), "Twitter page is not displayed."); qrLog.info("Twitter page is displayed."); driver.navigate().back(); myProfilePo.getEleArrowIcn().click(); myProfilePo.getEleArrowIcn().click(); qrProfilePo.logout(); } catch (Exception e) { qrLog.error("Exception in case testUserProfileSocialLinks"); e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } }
/*@Test id:Usercong_02 * @description: Test Forget Password * @author:Raghukiran MR * */ @Test(priority = 2, enabled = true) public void testForgetPassword() { sTestCaseID = "Usercong_02"; myProfilePo = new MyProfilePO(driver); newUserRegPo = new NewUserRegPO(driver); sData = GenericLib.toReadExcelData(sTestCaseID); try { myProfilePo.forgotPassword(sData[1], newUserRegPo); qrLog.info("Password reset is successful"); } catch (Exception e) { qrLog.error("Exception in case testForgetPassword"); e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } }
/*@Test id:Usercong_03 * @description: Test Change Password * @author:Raghukiran MR * */ @Test(priority = 3, enabled = true) public void testChangePassword() { sTestCaseID = "Usercong_03"; newUserRegPo = new NewUserRegPO(driver); myProfilePo = new MyProfilePO(driver); sData = GenericLib.toReadExcelData(sTestCaseID); try { newUserRegPo.signUPorLogin(sData[1], sData[2], sData[3]); myProfilePo.changePassword(sData[6], sData[7], sData[8], newUserRegPo); qrLog.info("changePassword is successfull"); } catch (Exception e) { qrLog.error("Exception in case testChangePassword"); e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } }
/*@Test id:Usercong_04 * @description:Test User updating the profile details with Vehicle * @author:Raghukiran MR * */ @Test(priority = 4, enabled = true) public void testUserupdating() { sTestCaseID = "Usercong_04"; myProfilePo = new MyProfilePO(driver); newUserRegPo = new NewUserRegPO(driver); sData = GenericLib.toReadExcelData(sTestCaseID); try { newUserRegPo.signUPorLogin(sData[1], sData[2], sData[3]); myProfilePo.vehicleDetails(sData[4], sData[5], sData[6]); qrLog.info("VehicleDetails is update successfully"); } catch (Exception e) { qrLog.error("Exception in case testUserupdating"); e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } }
/*@Test id:Usercong_01 * @description:Test User setting the profile details without Vehicle on new Account Activation with Camera * @author: Raghukiran MR * */ @Test(priority = 1, enabled = true) public void testUsersetting() { sTestCaseID = "Usercong_01"; myProfilePo = new MyProfilePO(driver); newUserRegPo = new NewUserRegPO(driver); sData = GenericLib.toReadExcelData(sTestCaseID); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(sData)); try { newUserRegPo.signUPorLogin(sData[1], sData[2], sData[3]); myProfilePo.userConfig(sData[4], sData[5]); qrLog.info("ProfileDetails is updated successfully"); } catch (Exception e) { qrLog.error("Exception in case testUsersetting"); e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } }
/*@Test id:Usercong_06 * @description:Test User login through different device, when he loose/misplace/change his mobile * @author:Raghukiran MR * */ @Test(priority = 6, enabled = true) public void testUserDifferentDevices() { sTestCaseID = "Usercong_04"; myProfilePo = new MyProfilePO(driver); newUserRegPo = new NewUserRegPO(driver); sData = GenericLib.toReadExcelData(sTestCaseID); try { newUserRegPo.signUPorLogin(sData[1], sData[2], sData[3]); myProfilePo.getEleMenuBar().click(); myProfilePo.getEleArrowBtn().click(); Assert.assertTrue( myProfilePo.getEleEditLnk().isDisplayed(), "Profile details is not displayed"); qrLog.info("Profile details is displayed"); } catch (Exception e) { qrLog.error("Exception in case testUserDifferentDevices"); e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } }