public void testGetLatestAlbums() throws SQLException { final Properties p = createMock(Properties.class); expect(p.get(Constants.WWW_BROWSE_LATEST_ALBUMS_COUNT, 10)).andReturn(10l); replay(p); final ResultSet rs = createNiceMock(ResultSet.class); expect(; expect(; expect(; replay(rs); final PreparedStatement st = createMock(PreparedStatement.class); st.setInt(1, 10); expect(st.executeQuery()).andReturn(rs).times(1); replay(st); final Database db = createMock(Database.class); expect(db.prepare((String) anyObject())).andReturn(st).times(1); replay(db); final Latester b = new Latester(); b.setProperties(p); b.setDatabase(db); final Vector<Album> albums = b.getLatestAlbums(); assertNotNull(albums); assertEquals(2, albums.size()); verify(db); verify(st); verify(rs); verify(p); }
/** * handles the CMD_PROPSET command to set a particular application property * * @param args command arguments */ public String execute(final String[] args) { final String name = args[1]; final String value = Utils.joinArray(args, " ", 2, args.length - 1); p.set(name, value);; return locale.getString("con.msg.propertySaved"); }
/** lays out the GUI components in their right places */ protected void layoutComponents() { log.debug("Laying out GUI components"); setIconImage(r.getImage("icons/16x16/sockso.png")); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(getMainPane(), BorderLayout.CENTER); add(getBottomPane(), BorderLayout.SOUTH); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(final WindowEvent evt) { if (tray.isActive()) toggleVisibility(); else exit(); } }); setSize(new Dimension(700, 500)); setLocationRelativeTo(null); p.addPropertiesListener(this); // done with splash now Splash.close(); }
/** checks with the user they want to do it, then closes the app */ public void exit() { if (p.get(Constants.APP_CONFIRM_EXIT).equals(Properties.YES)) if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( this, "Are you sure you want to exit?", "Exit Sockso", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) return; com.pugh.sockso.Main.exit(); }
public void open() { initComponents(); layoutComponents(); // check to see if we should start minimized or not boolean setVisible = true; if (tray.isActive() && p.get(Constants.APP_START_MINIMIZED).equals(Properties.YES)) setVisible = false; setVisible(setVisible); }