private FancyDial(TextureAtlasSprite icon, PropertiesFile properties) { this.icon = icon; = properties; name = IconAPI.getIconName(icon); x0 = IconAPI.getIconX0(icon); y0 = IconAPI.getIconY0(icon); width = IconAPI.getIconWidth(icon); height = IconAPI.getIconHeight(icon); scratchBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(4 * width * height); int itemsTexture = TexturePackAPI.getTextureIfLoaded(TexturePackAPI.ITEMS_PNG); if (itemsTexture < 0) { logger.severe("could not get items texture"); return; } itemsFBO = new FBO(itemsTexture, x0, y0, width, height); if (useScratchTexture) { logger.fine("rendering %s to %dx%d scratch texture", name, width, height); for (int i = 0; i < scratchFBO.length; i++) { scratchFBO[i] = new FBO(width, height); } } else { logger.fine("rendering %s directly to atlas", name); } boolean debug = false; for (int i = 0; ; i++) { Layer layer = newLayer(properties, "." + i); if (layer == null) { if (i > 0) { break; } continue; } layers.add(layer); debug |= layer.debug; logger.fine(" new %s", layer); } keyboard = new InputHandler(name, debug); if (layers.size() < 2) { logger.error("custom %s needs at least two layers defined", name); return; } outputFrames = properties.getInt("outputFrames", 0); int glError = GL11.glGetError(); if (glError != 0) { logger.severe("%s during %s setup", GLU.gluErrorString(glError), name); return; } ok = true; }
public static void setup(TextureAtlasSprite icon) { if (!fboSupported) { return; } String name = IconAPI.getIconName(icon).replaceFirst("^minecraft:items/", ""); if (icon instanceof TextureClock && name.equals("compass")) { // 1.5 bug name = "clock"; } if ("compass".equals(name)) { if (!enableCompass) { return; } } else if ("clock".equals(name)) { if (!enableClock) { return; } } else { logger.warning("ignoring custom animation for %s not compass or clock", name); return; } ResourceLocation resource = TexturePackAPI.newMCPatcherResourceLocation( "/misc/" + name + ".properties", "dial/" + name + ".properties"); if (TexturePackAPI.hasResource(resource)) { logger.fine("found custom %s (%s)", name, resource); setupInfo.put(icon, resource); active = true; } }
public static boolean update(TextureAtlasSprite icon, boolean itemFrameRenderer) { if (!initialized) { logger.finer("deferring %s update until initialization finishes", IconAPI.getIconName(icon)); return false; } if (!active) { return false; } int oldFB = GL11.glGetInteger(EXTFramebufferObject.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT); if (oldFB != 0 && warnCount < 10) { logger.finer( "rendering %s while non-default framebuffer %d is active", IconAPI.getIconName(icon), oldFB); warnCount++; } int oldTexture = GL11.glGetInteger(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D); try { FancyDial instance = getInstance(icon); return instance != null && instance.render(itemFrameRenderer); } finally { EXTFramebufferObject.glBindFramebufferEXT(EXTFramebufferObject.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, oldFB); GLAPI.glBindTexture(oldTexture); } }