Esempio n. 1
  * This method parses a full HTML document into a {@link IMicroDocument} using the additional SAX
  * reader settings and always the {@link HTMLEntityResolver} as an entity resolver.
  * @param sXHTML The complete XHTML document as a string. May be <code>null</code>.
  * @return <code>null</code> if interpretation failed
 public IMicroDocument parseXHTMLDocument(@Nullable final String sXHTML) {
   return MicroReader.readMicroXML(
Esempio n. 2
 public CSSFiles(@Nonnull final IReadableResource aFile) {
   final IMicroDocument aDoc = MicroReader.readMicroXML(aFile);
   if (aDoc != null) {
     final IMicroElement eRoot = aDoc.getDocumentElement();
     if (eRoot.getTagName().equals("list")) {
       // Old style
       s_aLogger.warn("CSS file " + aFile.getPath() + " is in old syntax");
       final List<String> aAllCSSFiles = new ArrayList<String>();
       if (XMLListHandler.readList(eRoot, aAllCSSFiles).isFailure())
         s_aLogger.error("Failed to read " + aFile.getPath());
       for (final String sCSS : aAllCSSFiles) addGlobalItem(null, sCSS, null);
     } else {
       // New style
       for (final IMicroElement eChild : eRoot.getAllChildElements("css")) {
         final String sCondComment = eChild.getAttribute("condcomment");
         final String sPath = eChild.getAttribute("path");
         if (StringHelper.hasNoText(sPath)) {
           s_aLogger.error("Found CSS item without a path in " + aFile.getPath());
         final String sMedia = eChild.getAttribute("media");
         // ESCA-JAVA0261:
         final Set<ECSSMedium> aMediaList = new LinkedHashSet<ECSSMedium>();
         if (sMedia != null)
           for (final String sMedium : RegExHelper.getSplitToArray(sMedia, ",\\s*")) {
             final ECSSMedium eMedium = ECSSMedium.getFromNameOrNull(sMedium);
             if (eMedium == null) {
                   "CSS item '"
                       + sPath
                       + "' in "
                       + aFile.getPath()
                       + " has an invalid medium '"
                       + sMedium
                       + "' - ignoring");
         addGlobalItem(sCondComment, sPath, aMediaList);