   * @param x An array of DoubleTimeSeries. If the array has only one element, then this is assumed
   *     to be the price series and the result is the simple return. The dividend series is assumed
   *     to be the second element. It does not have to be the same length as the price series (in
   *     which case, dates without dividends are treated like the dividend was zero), and the
   *     dividend data points do not have to correspond to any of the dates in the price series (in
   *     which case, the result is the simple net return).
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the array is null
   * @throws TimeSeriesException Throws an exception if: the array is null; it has no elements; the
   *     time series has less than two entries; if the calculation mode is strict and there are
   *     zeroes in the price series.
   * @return A DoubleTimeSeries containing the return series. This will always be one element
   *     shorter than the original price series.
  public LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries evaluate(final LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries... x) {
    ArgumentChecker.notEmpty(x, "x");
    ArgumentChecker.notNull(x[0], "first time series");
    final LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries ts = x[0];
    if (ts.size() < 2) {
      throw new TimeSeriesException("Need at least two data points to calculate return series");
    LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries d = null;
    if (x.length > 1) {
      if (x[1] != null) {
        d = x[1];

    final int[] resultDates = new int[ts.size() - 1];
    final double[] resultValues = new double[ts.size() - 1];
    int resultIndex = 0;

    final LocalDateDoubleEntryIterator it = ts.iterator();
    double previousValue = it.currentValue();

    double dividend;
    Double dividendTSData;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      final int date = it.nextTimeFast();
      final double value = it.currentValue();

      if (isValueNonZero(previousValue) && isValueNonZero(value)) {
        resultDates[resultIndex] = date;
        if (d == null) {
          dividend = 0;
        } else {
          dividendTSData = d.getValue(date);
          dividend = dividendTSData == null ? 0 : dividendTSData;
        resultValues[resultIndex++] = (value + dividend) / previousValue;
      previousValue = value;
    return getSeries(resultDates, resultValues, resultIndex);