public void leaveGroup(String idRoom) { int n = 0; ChatScreen cs; TombolRoomField trf; for (n = 0; n < chatss.length; n++) { cs = chatss[n]; if (cs != null) if (cs.getIdRoom().equals(idRoom)) { this.chatss[n] = null; break; } } for (n = 0; n < AktifRoom.getFieldCount(); n++) { trf = (TombolRoomField) AktifRoom.getField(n); if (trf.getRoom().getIdRoom().equals(idRoom)) { AktifRoom.delete(trf); } } PushController.updateIndicator(false); InetConn.getWebData( Util.GetURLChat() + "inout.php?id=" + idRoom + "&pin=" + pin + "&in=false&nick=" + DBStor.get_setting().getNick(), new WebDataCallback() { public void callback(String data) {} }); cs = null; trf = null; }
public void addToActive(TombolRoomField tf) { if (!DBStor.get_setting().isTest() && !DeviceInfo.isSimulator()) { Dialog.alert("Please try Test Push, until get Success notification."); return; } PushController.updateIndicator(false); if (Integer.parseInt(tf.getTotalperson()) > 49) { Dialog.alert("Room Full!"); } int n = 0, a = 0; for (n = 0; n < chatss.length; n++) { ChatScreen css = chatss[n]; if (css != null) { a++; } } if (a < 5) { ChatScreen cs; for (n = 0; n < chatss.length; n++) { cs = chatss[n]; if (cs != null) { if (cs.getIdRoom().equals(tf.getRoom().getIdRoom())) { UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(cs); return; } } } TombolRoomField tfs = new TombolRoomField(tf.getRoom(), "0", USE_ALL_WIDTH); tfs.setChangeListener(this); tfs.setActive(true); AktifRoom.add(tfs); cs = new ChatScreen(tf.getRoom().getIdRoom(), tfs.getLabel(), this, tfs); for (n = 0; n < chatss.length; n++) { ChatScreen css = chatss[n]; if (css == null) { this.chatss[n] = cs; break; } } UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(cs); cs = null; } else { ChatScreen cs; for (n = 0; n < chatss.length; n++) { cs = chatss[n]; if (cs != null) { if (cs.getIdRoom().equals(tf.getRoom().getIdRoom())) { UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(cs); return; } } } Dialog.alert("Max 5 Active Room"); } }
public void callback(String data) { Util.Log("rooms" + data); setShowLoader(false); if (data.startsWith("Exception")) { Dialog.alert("Failed to connect to server."); } else if (data.startsWith("room:")) { String[] temps = Util.split(data.substring(5), "<room>"); for (int n = 0; n < temps.length; n++) { String[] temp = Util.split(temps[n], "||"); reloadActive(new RoomChat(temp[1], temp[0])); } // reloadActive(); setShowLoader(true); if (DeviceInfo.isSimulator()) { callbackLBS(DBStor.get_setting().getLat(), DBStor.get_setting().getLon()); } else { LBS.getLocation(this); } } else if (data.startsWith("empty")) { if (DeviceInfo.isSimulator()) { callbackLBS(DBStor.get_setting().getLat(), DBStor.get_setting().getLon()); } else { LBS.getLocation(this); } } else if (data.startsWith("done:")) { ChatRoom.deleteAll(); String temps[] = Util.split(data.substring(5), "<<>>"); String temp[]; for (int n = 0; n < temps.length; n++) { temp = Util.split(temps[n], "||"); TombolRoomField tl = new TombolRoomField(new RoomChat(temp[1], temp[0]), temp[2], USE_ALL_WIDTH); tl.setChangeListener(this); ChatRoom.add(tl); } } }
public void reloadActive(RoomChat tf) { int n = 0, a = 0; for (n = 0; n < chatss.length; n++) { ChatScreen css = chatss[n]; if (css != null) { a++; } } if (a < 5) { ChatScreen cs; for (n = 0; n < chatss.length; n++) { ChatScreen f2 = chatss[n]; if (f2 != null) if (f2.getIdRoom().equals(tf.getIdRoom())) { return; } } TombolRoomField tfs = new TombolRoomField(tf, "0", USE_ALL_WIDTH); tfs.setChangeListener(this); tfs.setActive(true); AktifRoom.add(tfs); cs = new ChatScreen(tf.getIdRoom(), tf.getNamaRoom(), this, tfs); // UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(cs); for (n = 0; n < chatss.length; n++) { ChatScreen css = chatss[n]; if (css == null) { this.chatss[n] = cs; break; } } cs = null; } else { // Dialog.alert("Max 5 Room active"); } }
public void addToFav(TombolRoomField tf) { int n = 0; RoomChat tf2; boolean ada = false; for (n = 0; n < favRomm.size(); n++) { tf2 = (RoomChat) favRomm.elementAt(n); if (tf2.getIdRoom().equals(tf.getRoom().getIdRoom())) { ada = true; break; } } if (ada) { Dialog.alert("Room Chat exist"); } else { favRomm.addElement(tf.getRoom()); DBStor.set_roomFav(favRomm); TombolRoomField tfs = new TombolRoomField(tf.getRoom(), "0", USE_ALL_WIDTH); tfs.setChangeListener(this); tfs.setFavourite(true); Favourite.add(tfs); } }
public void reloadFav(RoomChat tf) { TombolRoomField tfs = new TombolRoomField(tf, "0", USE_ALL_WIDTH); tfs.setChangeListener(this); tfs.setFavourite(true); Favourite.add(tfs); }