public void setPreferredLanguages(String s) { String s1; label0: { if (s != null) { s1 = s; if (!"".equals(s.trim())) { break label0; } } Log.e("nf_loc", "Empty list of preferred languages, set to default"); s1 = ""; } preferredLanguages = s1; UserLocale userlocale = findBestMatch(s1); s = userlocale; if (userlocale == null) { Log.w("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("Match is not found under application supported languages for prefered languages: ").append(s1).append(". Default to ").append(defaultAppLocale).toString()); s = defaultAppLocale; } setApplicationLanguage(s); }
public void onGenreLoLoMoPrefetched(int i) { INetflixServiceCallback inetflixservicecallback = (INetflixServiceCallback)NetflixService.access$1400(NetflixService.this)._mth0(clientId); if (inetflixservicecallback == null) { Log.w("NetflixService", "No client callback found for client onGenreLoLoMoPrefetched"); return; } else { inetflixservicecallback.onGenreLoLoMoPrefetched(requestId, i); return; } }
public void onEpisodesFetched(List list, int i) { INetflixServiceCallback inetflixservicecallback = (INetflixServiceCallback)NetflixService.access$1400(NetflixService.this)._mth0(clientId); if (inetflixservicecallback == null) { Log.w("NetflixService", "No client callback found for onEpisodesFetched"); return; } else { inetflixservicecallback.onEpisodesFetched(requestId, list, i); return; } }
public void onVideoRatingSet(int i) { INetflixServiceCallback inetflixservicecallback = (INetflixServiceCallback)NetflixService.access$1400(NetflixService.this)._mth0(clientId); if (inetflixservicecallback == null) { Log.w("NetflixService", "No client callback found for onVideoRatingSet"); return; } else { inetflixservicecallback.onVideoRatingSet(requestId, i); return; } }
public void onShowDetailsFetched(ShowDetails showdetails, int i) { INetflixServiceCallback inetflixservicecallback = (INetflixServiceCallback)NetflixService.access$1400(NetflixService.this)._mth0(clientId); if (inetflixservicecallback == null) { Log.w("NetflixService", "No client callback found for onShowDetailsFetched"); return; } else { inetflixservicecallback.onShowDetailsFetched(requestId, showdetails, i); return; } }
public void onKidsCharacterDetailsFetched(KidsCharacterDetails kidscharacterdetails, Boolean boolean1, int i) { INetflixServiceCallback inetflixservicecallback = (INetflixServiceCallback)NetflixService.access$1400(NetflixService.this)._mth0(clientId); if (inetflixservicecallback == null) { Log.w("NetflixService", "No client callback found for onKidsCharacterDetailsFetched"); return; } else { inetflixservicecallback.onKidsCharacterDetailsFetched(requestId, kidscharacterdetails, boolean1, i); return; } }
private UserLocale findBestMatch(String s) { Object obj = null; UserLocale auserlocale[] = toUserLocales(s); if (auserlocale.length < 1) { Log.w("nf_loc", "Empty list of preferred languages, set default"); return null; } int i = 0; s = obj; do { if (i >= auserlocale.length) { break; } if (Log.isLoggable("nf_loc", 3)) { Log.d("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("Choice #").append(i).append(": ").append(auserlocale[i]).toString()); } for (int j = 0; j < supportedLocales.length;) { Object obj1; label0: { if (Log.isLoggable("nf_loc", 3)) { Log.d("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("Try to match by locale with #").append(j).append(": ").append(supportedLocales[j]).toString()); } obj1 = s; if (auserlocale[i] == null) { break label0; } if (!auserlocale[i].equals(supportedLocales[j])) { obj1 = s; if (!auserlocale[i].equalsByLanguage(supportedLocales[j])) { break label0; } } if (Log.isLoggable("nf_loc", 3)) { Log.d("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("Match by locale with #").append(j).append(": ").append(supportedLocales[j]).toString()); } if (auserlocale[i].equals(supportedLocales[j])) { Log.d("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("Perfect Match by locale with #").append(j).append(": ").append(supportedLocales[j]).toString()); return supportedLocales[j]; } obj1 = s; if (s == null) { obj1 = supportedLocales[j]; } } j++; s = ((String) (obj1)); } i++; } while (true); Log.i("nf_loc", (new StringBuilder()).append("findBestMatch: ").append(s).toString()); return s; }