private void tick() { if (packetLink != null) { packetLink.tick(); } mouseButtons.setPosition(getMousePosition()); if (!menuStack.isEmpty()) { menuStack.peek().tick(mouseButtons); } if (mouseMoved) { mouseMoved = false; mouseHideTime = 0; if (mouseHidden) { mouseHidden = false; } } if (mouseHideTime < 60) { mouseHideTime++; if (mouseHideTime == 60) { mouseHidden = true; } } mouseButtons.tick(); if (level != null) { if (synchronizer.preTurn()) { synchronizer.postTurn(); if (!paused) { for (int index = 0; index < keys.getAll().size(); index++) { Keys.Key key = keys.getAll().get(index); boolean nextState = key.nextState; if (key.isDown != nextState) { synchronizer.addCommand(new ChangeKeyCommand(index, nextState)); } } keys.tick(); for (Keys skeys : synchedKeys) { skeys.tick(); } if (keys.pause.wasPressed()) { keys.release(); synchronizer.addCommand(new PauseCommand(true)); } if (keys.fullscreen.wasPressed()) { setFullscreen(!fullscreen); } // if mouse is in use, update player orientation before level tick if (!mouseHidden) { // update player mouse, in world pixels relative to // player player.setAimByMouse( ((mouseButtons.getX() / SCALE) - (screen.w / 2)), (((mouseButtons.getY() / SCALE) + 24) - (screen.h / 2))); } else { player.setAimByKeyboard(); } level.tick(); } // every 4 minutes, start new background music :) if (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 > nextMusicInterval) { nextMusicInterval = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) + 4 * 60; soundPlayer.startBackgroundMusic(); } if (keys.screenShot.isDown) { takeScreenShot(); } } } if (createServerState == 1) { createServerState = 2; synchronizer = new TurnSynchronizer(MojamComponent.this, packetLink, localId, 2); clearMenus(); createLevel(TitleMenu.level); synchronizer.setStarted(true); if (TitleMenu.level.vanilla) { packetLink.sendPacket( new StartGamePacket( TurnSynchronizer.synchedSeed, TitleMenu.level.getUniversalPath(), DifficultyList.getDifficultyID(TitleMenu.difficulty))); } else { packetLink.sendPacket( new StartGamePacketCustom( TurnSynchronizer.synchedSeed, level, DifficultyList.getDifficultyID(TitleMenu.difficulty))); } packetLink.setPacketListener(MojamComponent.this); } }
private void tick() { // Not-In-Focus-Pause if (this.isFocusOwner() && level != null) { paused2 = false; } if (!this.isFocusOwner() && level != null) { keys.release(); mouseButtons.releaseAll(); if (!paused && !paused2) { PauseCommand pauseCommand = new PauseCommand(true); synchronizer.addCommand(pauseCommand); paused2 = true; } } if (isMultiplayer) { tickChat(); } if (requestToggleFullscreen || keys.fullscreen.wasPressed()) { requestToggleFullscreen = false; setFullscreen(!fullscreen); } if (level != null && level.victoryConditions != null) { if (level.victoryConditions.isVictoryConditionAchieved()) { addMenu(new WinMenu(GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT, level.victoryConditions.playerVictorious())); level = null; return; } } if (packetLink != null) { packetLink.tick(); } mouseButtons.setPosition(getMousePosition()); if (!menuStack.isEmpty()) { menuStack.peek().tick(mouseButtons); } if (mouseMoved) { mouseMoved = false; mouseHideTime = 0; if (mouseButtons.mouseHidden) { mouseButtons.mouseHidden = false; } } if (mouseHideTime < 60) { mouseHideTime++; if (mouseHideTime == 60) { mouseButtons.mouseHidden = true; } } if (level == null) { mouseButtons.tick(); } else if (level != null) { if (synchronizer.preTurn()) { synchronizer.postTurn(); for (int index = 0; index < mouseButtons.currentState.length; index++) { boolean nextState = mouseButtons.nextState[index]; if (mouseButtons.isDown(index) != nextState) { synchronizer.addCommand(new ChangeMouseButtonCommand(index, nextState)); } } synchronizer.addCommand( new ChangeMouseCoordinateCommand( mouseButtons.getX(), mouseButtons.getY(), mouseButtons.mouseHidden)); mouseButtons.tick(); for (MouseButtons sMouseButtons : synchedMouseButtons) { sMouseButtons.tick(); } if (!paused) { for (int index = 0; index < keys.getAll().size(); index++) { Keys.Key key = keys.getAll().get(index); boolean nextState = key.nextState; if (key.isDown != nextState) { synchronizer.addCommand(new ChangeKeyCommand(index, nextState)); } } keys.tick(); for (Keys skeys : synchedKeys) { skeys.tick(); } if (keys.pause.wasPressed()) { keys.release(); mouseButtons.releaseAll(); synchronizer.addCommand(new PauseCommand(true)); } level.tick(); } // every 4 minutes, start new background music :) if (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 > nextMusicInterval) { nextMusicInterval = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) + 4 * 60; soundPlayer.startBackgroundMusic(); } if (keys.screenShot.isDown) { takeScreenShot(); } } } if (createServerState == 1) { createServerState = 2; synchronizer = new TurnSynchronizer(MojamComponent.this, packetLink, localId, 2); clearMenus(); createLevel(TitleMenu.level, TitleMenu.defaultGameMode); synchronizer.setStarted(true); if (TitleMenu.level.vanilla) { packetLink.sendPacket( new StartGamePacket( TurnSynchronizer.synchedSeed, TitleMenu.level.getUniversalPath(), DifficultyList.getDifficultyID(TitleMenu.difficulty))); } else { packetLink.sendPacket( new StartGamePacketCustom( TurnSynchronizer.synchedSeed, level, DifficultyList.getDifficultyID(TitleMenu.difficulty))); } packetLink.setPacketListener(MojamComponent.this); } }
private void tick() { if (level != null) { if (level.player1Score >= Level.TARGET_SCORE) { addMenu(new WinMenu(GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT, 1)); level = null; return; } if (level.player2Score >= Level.TARGET_SCORE) { addMenu(new WinMenu(GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT, 2)); level = null; return; } if (keys.escape.wasPressed()) { clearMenus(); addMenu(new TitleMenu(GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT)); level = null; return; } } if (packetLink != null) { packetLink.tick(); } mouseButtons.setPosition(getMousePosition()); if (!menuStack.isEmpty()) { menuStack.peek().tick(mouseButtons); } if (mouseMoved) { mouseMoved = false; mouseHideTime = 0; if (mouseHidden) { mouseHidden = false; } } if (mouseHideTime < 60) { mouseHideTime++; if (mouseHideTime == 60) { mouseHidden = true; } } mouseButtons.tick(); if (level != null) { if (synchronizer.preTurn()) { synchronizer.postTurn(); for (int index = 0; index < keys.getAll().size(); index++) { Keys.Key key = keys.getAll().get(index); boolean nextState = key.nextState; if (key.isDown != nextState) { synchronizer.addCommand(new ChangeKeyCommand(index, nextState)); } } if ( {; } keys.tick(); for (Keys skeys : synchedKeys) { skeys.tick(); } // if mouse is in use, update player orientation before level // tick if (!mouseHidden) { // update player mouse, in world pixels relative to player player.setAimByMouse( ((mouseButtons.getX() / SCALE) - (screen.w / 2)), (((mouseButtons.getY() / SCALE) + 24) - (screen.h / 2))); } else { player.setAimByKeyboard(); } level.tick(); } } if (createServerState == 1) { createServerState = 2; synchronizer = new TurnSynchronizer(MojamComponent.this, packetLink, localId, 2); clearMenus(); createLevel(TitleMenu.level); synchronizer.setStarted(true); packetLink.sendPacket(new StartGamePacket(TurnSynchronizer.synchedSeed, TitleMenu.level)); packetLink.setPacketListener(MojamComponent.this); } }