public ArrayList<String> compile(Compiler compiler) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<>(); // exec("var "+A+" ; "+statementString()+" \n"+"var "+B,res); exec(";" + statementString(), res); String eq = tokens.get(1).value; Token result = tokens.get(0); if (eq.equals("=")) { tokens.remove(0); tokens.remove(0); } res.addAll(expression(tokens)); if (eq.equals("=")) { Variable v = Alzheimer.variables.get(result.value); if (v == null) { v = Alzheimer.variables.get(result.valueWithoutIndex()); if (v == null) { throw new CompilerException("Unknown variable " + result.value, result.file, result.line); } String rest = result.valueAfterIndex(); if (rest.length() <= 0) { Variable tmp = new Variable(); = result.value; String alz = "" + v.accessVarName() + "=( " + tmp.arrayIndex() + " );\n"; res.addAll(Alzheimer.compile(alz)); res.addAll(v.type.pop(v.nameWithoutIndex() + "[" + v.accessVarName() + "]")); } else { String realName = result.valueWithoutIndex() + result.valueAfterIndex() + "[" + v.arraySize() + "]"; Variable real = Alzheimer.variables.get(realName); if (real == null) { throw new CompilerException( "Unknown variable " + result.value, result.file, result.line); } Variable tmp = new Variable(); = result.value; String alz = "" + real.accessVarName() + "=( " + tmp.arrayIndex() + " );\n"; res.addAll(Alzheimer.compile(alz)); res.addAll(real.type.pop(real.nameWithoutIndex() + "[" + real.accessVarName() + "]")); } } else { if (v.isArray) { res.addAll(popArray(v, result.file, result.line)); } else { res.addAll(v.type.pop(result.value)); } } } exec("; end of statement", res); // exec("delv "+A+" \n"+"delv "+B+" ; end of statement",res); if (useStackGuard) { res = Alzheimer.stackGuard(res); } return res; }
private static ArrayList<String> pushVariable(Token t) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<>(); Variable v = Alzheimer.variables.get(t.valueWithoutIndex()); if (v == null) { if (!t.isNumber() && !t.isString() && !t.isCharacter()) { if (!t.isType()) { throw new CompilerException("Unknown variable " + t.value, t.file, t.line); } else { Type T = Alzheimer.types.get(t.valueBeforeFirstDot()); if (T == null) { throw new CompilerException("Unknown type " + t.valueBeforeFirstDot(), t.file, t.line); } else { switch (t.valueAfterFirstDot()) { case "size": exec("push " + T.size() + "; " + t.value, res); break; default: throw new CompilerException( "Type '" + t.valueBeforeFirstDot() + "' does not have property '" + t.valueAfterFirstDot() + "' ", t.file, t.line); } } } } else { exec("push " + t.value + ";", res); } } else { if (v.isArray && !t.isArray()) { res.addAll(pushArray(v, t.file, t.line)); } else { if (t.isArray()) { v = new Variable(); = t.value; String alz = "" + v.accessVarName() + "=( " + v.arrayIndex() + " );\n"; res.addAll(Alzheimer.compile(alz)); res.addAll(v.type.push(v.nameWithoutIndex() + "[" + v.accessVarName() + "]")); } else { res.addAll(v.type.push(t.value)); } } } return res; }