private void startServers(int proxyPort, int destPort) { try { _proxyServer = new ServerSocket(); _proxyServer.bind(new InetSocketAddress(proxyPort)); _destinationServer = new ServerSocket(); _destinationServer.bind(new InetSocketAddress(destPort)); } catch (IOException iox) { ErrorService.error(iox); } Thread proxyThread = new ManagedThread() { public void managedRun() { proxyLoop(); } }; proxyThread.setDaemon(true); proxyThread.start(); Thread destThread = new ManagedThread() { public void managedRun() { destLoop(); } }; destThread.setDaemon(true); destThread.start(); }
private void proxyLoop() { try { while (true) { Socket incomingProxy = null; incomingProxy = _proxyServer.accept(); if (!_proxyOn) fail("LimeWire connected to proxy server instead of directly"); InputStream is = incomingProxy.getInputStream(); OutputStream os = incomingProxy.getOutputStream(); if (_proxyVersion == ProxyTest.SOCKS4) checkSOCKS4(is, os); else if (_proxyVersion == ProxyTest.SOCKS5) checkSOCKS5(is, os); else if (_proxyVersion == ProxyTest.HTTP) checkHTTP(is, os); else assertTrue("test not set up correctly, incorrect proxy version", _isHTTPRequest); int a = 0; if (_isHTTPRequest) { consumeHttpHeaders(is); writeHTTPBack(os); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException x) { } } else { // os.write('x'); while (a != -1) a =; } if (!incomingProxy.isClosed()) incomingProxy.close(); } } catch (IOException iox) { ErrorService.error(iox); } }
private void destLoop() { try { while (true) { Socket incomingDest = null; incomingDest = _destinationServer.accept(); if (_proxyOn) fail("Limewire connected to desination instead of proxy"); if (_isHTTPRequest) { writeHTTPBack(incomingDest.getOutputStream()); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } if (!incomingDest.isClosed()) incomingDest.close(); } } catch (IOException iox) { ErrorService.error(iox); } }