private synchronized void unload() { if (initialized) { if ((projectionVolume != null) && (!largeVolumeMode)) { commandQueue.putReadBuffer(volumePointer, true).finish(); volumePointer.getBuffer().rewind(); volumePointer.getBuffer().get(h_volume); volumePointer.getBuffer().rewind(); int width = projectionVolume.getSize()[0]; int height = projectionVolume.getSize()[1]; if (this.useVOImap) { for (int k = 0; k < projectionVolume.getSize()[2]; k++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { float value = h_volume[(((height * k) + j) * width) + i]; if (voiMap[i][j][k]) { projectionVolume.setAtIndex(i, j, k, value); } else { projectionVolume.setAtIndex(i, j, k, 0); } } } } } else { for (int k = 0; k < projectionVolume.getSize()[2]; k++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { float value = h_volume[(((height * k) + j) * width) + i]; projectionVolume.setAtIndex(i, j, k, value); } } } } } else { System.out.println("Check ProjectionVolume. It seems null."); } h_volume = null; // free memory on device commandQueue.release(); if (projectionTex != null) projectionTex.release(); if (projectionMatrix != null) projectionMatrix.release(); if (volStride != null) volStride.release(); if (projectionArray != null) projectionArray.release(); if (volumePointer != null) volumePointer.release(); kernelFunction.release(); program.release(); // destory context context.release(); commandQueue = null; projectionArray = null; projectionMatrix = null; projectionTex = null; volStride = null; volumePointer = null; kernelFunction = null; program = null; context = null; initialized = false; } }
protected void init() { if (!initialized) { largeVolumeMode = false; int reconDimensionX = getGeometry().getReconDimensionX(); int reconDimensionY = getGeometry().getReconDimensionY(); int reconDimensionZ = getGeometry().getReconDimensionZ(); projectionsAvailable = new ArrayList<Integer>(); projectionsDone = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Initialize JOCL. context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); try { // get the fastest device device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); // create the command queue commandQueue = device.createCommandQueue(); // initialize the program if (program == null || !program.getContext().equals(this.context)) { program = context .createProgram( OpenCLCompensatedBackProjector.class.getResourceAsStream( "")) .build(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (commandQueue != null) commandQueue.release(); if (kernelFunction != null) kernelFunction.release(); if (program != null) program.release(); // destory context if (context != null) context.release(); // TODO: handle exception e.printStackTrace(); } // check space on device: long memory = device.getMaxMemAllocSize(); long availableMemory = (memory); long requiredMemory = (long) (((((double) reconDimensionX) * reconDimensionY * ((double) reconDimensionZ) * 4) + (((double) Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getDetectorHeight()) * Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getDetectorWidth() * 4))); if (debug) { System.out.println("Total available Memory on OpenCL card:" + availableMemory); System.out.println("Required Memory on OpenCL card:" + requiredMemory); } if (requiredMemory > availableMemory) { nSteps = (int) OpenCLUtil.iDivUp(requiredMemory, availableMemory); if (debug) System.out.println("Switching to large volume mode with nSteps = " + nSteps); largeVolumeMode = true; } if (debug) { // TODO replace /* CUdevprop prop = new CUdevprop(); JCudaDriver.cuDeviceGetProperties(prop, dev); System.out.println(prop.toFormattedString()); */ } // create the computing kernel kernelFunction = program.createCLKernel("backprojectKernel"); // create the reconstruction volume; int memorysize = reconDimensionX * reconDimensionY * reconDimensionZ * 4; if (largeVolumeMode) { subVolumeZ = OpenCLUtil.iDivUp(reconDimensionZ, nSteps); if (debug) System.out.println("SubVolumeZ: " + subVolumeZ); h_volume = new float[reconDimensionX * reconDimensionY * subVolumeZ]; memorysize = reconDimensionX * reconDimensionY * subVolumeZ * 4; if (debug) System.out.println("Memory: " + memorysize); } else { h_volume = new float[reconDimensionX * reconDimensionY * reconDimensionZ]; } // compute adapted volume size // volume size in x = multiple of bpBlockSize[0] // volume size in y = multiple of bpBlockSize[1] int adaptedVolSize[] = new int[3]; if ((reconDimensionX % bpBlockSize[0]) == 0) { adaptedVolSize[0] = reconDimensionX; } else { adaptedVolSize[0] = ((reconDimensionX / bpBlockSize[0]) + 1) * bpBlockSize[0]; } if ((reconDimensionY % bpBlockSize[1]) == 0) { adaptedVolSize[1] = reconDimensionY; } else { adaptedVolSize[1] = ((reconDimensionY / bpBlockSize[1]) + 1) * bpBlockSize[1]; } adaptedVolSize[2] = reconDimensionZ; int volStrideHost[] = new int[2]; // compute volstride and copy it to constant memory volStrideHost[0] = adaptedVolSize[0]; volStrideHost[1] = adaptedVolSize[0] * adaptedVolSize[1]; // copy volume to device volumePointer = context.createFloatBuffer(h_volume.length, Mem.WRITE_ONLY); volumePointer.getBuffer().put(h_volume); volumePointer.getBuffer().rewind(); // copy volume stride to device volStride = context.createIntBuffer(volStrideHost.length, Mem.READ_ONLY); volStride.getBuffer().put(volStrideHost); volStride.getBuffer().rewind(); commandQueue.putWriteBuffer(volumePointer, true).putWriteBuffer(volStride, true).finish(); initialized = true; } }