Esempio n. 1
  private static String getDocumentationText(final DartComponent dartComponent) {
    // PSI is not perfect currently, doc comment may be not part of the corresponding DartComponent
    // element, so docs are searched for in several places:
    // - direct child of this DartComponent
    // - previous sibling (or previous sibling of parent element if this element is first child of
    // its parent DartClassMembers)
    // Consequent line doc comments (///) are joined

    // 1. Look for multiline doc comment as direct child
    final DartDocComment multilineComment =
        PsiTreeUtil.getChildOfType(dartComponent, DartDocComment.class);
    if (multilineComment != null) return getMultilineDocCommentText(multilineComment);

    // 2. Look for single line doc comments as direct children
    final PsiComment[] childComments =
        PsiTreeUtil.getChildrenOfType(dartComponent, PsiComment.class);
    if (childComments != null) {
      final String docText = getSingleLineDocCommentsText(childComments);
      if (docText != null) return docText;

    PsiElement anchorElement = dartComponent;

    final PsiElement parent = dartComponent.getParent();
    if (parent instanceof DartClassMembers && parent.getFirstChild() == dartComponent
        || dartComponent instanceof DartVarAccessDeclaration) {
      anchorElement = parent;

    // 3. Look for multiline doc comment or line doc comments as previous siblings
    final List<PsiComment> siblingComments = new ArrayList<PsiComment>();
    PsiElement previous = anchorElement;
    while ((previous = UsefulPsiTreeUtil.getPrevSiblingSkipWhiteSpaces(previous, true))
        instanceof PsiComment) {
      if (previous instanceof DartDocComment) {
        return getMultilineDocCommentText((DartDocComment) previous);
      siblingComments.add(0, (PsiComment) previous);

    if (!siblingComments.isEmpty()) {
      return getSingleLineDocCommentsText(
          siblingComments.toArray(new PsiComment[siblingComments.size()]));

    return null;
  public Indent getChildIndent(final ASTNode node) {
    final IElementType elementType = node.getElementType();
    final ASTNode prevSibling = UsefulPsiTreeUtil.getPrevSiblingSkipWhiteSpacesAndComments(node);
    final IElementType prevSiblingType = prevSibling == null ? null : prevSibling.getElementType();
    final ASTNode parent = node.getTreeParent();
    final IElementType parentType = parent != null ? parent.getElementType() : null;
    final ASTNode superParent = parent == null ? null : parent.getTreeParent();
    final IElementType superParentType = superParent == null ? null : superParent.getElementType();

    final int braceStyle =
        superParentType == FUNCTION_BODY ? settings.METHOD_BRACE_STYLE : settings.BRACE_STYLE;

    if (parent == null || parent.getTreeParent() == null || parentType == EMBEDDED_CONTENT) {
      return Indent.getNoneIndent();

    if (elementType == MULTI_LINE_COMMENT_BODY) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
    if (elementType == DOC_COMMENT_LEADING_ASTERISK || elementType == MULTI_LINE_COMMENT_END) {
      return Indent.getSpaceIndent(1, true);

        && (elementType == SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT || elementType == MULTI_LINE_COMMENT)) {
      final ASTNode previousNode = node.getTreePrev();
      if (previousNode != null
          && previousNode.getElementType() == WHITE_SPACE
          && previousNode.getText().endsWith("\n")) {
        return Indent.getAbsoluteNoneIndent();

    if (COMMENTS.contains(elementType) && prevSiblingType == LBRACE && parentType == CLASS_BODY) {
      return Indent.getNormalIndent();

    if (parentType == ENUM_DEFINITION && isBetweenBraces(node)) {
      // instead of isBetweenBraces(node) we can parse enum block as a separate ASTNode, or build
      // formatter blocks not tied to AST.
      return Indent.getNormalIndent();

    if (parentType == MAP_LITERAL_EXPRESSION || parentType == LIST_LITERAL_EXPRESSION) {
      if (elementType == LBRACE
          || elementType == RBRACE
          || elementType == LBRACKET
          || elementType == RBRACKET) {
        return Indent.getNoneIndent();
      if (elementType == TYPE_ARGUMENTS) {
        return Indent.getNoneIndent();
      // Be careful to preserve typing behavior.
      if (elementType == MAP_LITERAL_ENTRY
          || elementType == EXPRESSION_LIST
          || elementType == COMMA) {
        return Indent.getNormalIndent();
      if (COMMENTS.contains(elementType)) {
        return Indent.getNormalIndent();
      return Indent.getNoneIndent();

    if (elementType == LBRACE || elementType == RBRACE) {
      switch (braceStyle) {
        case CommonCodeStyleSettings.END_OF_LINE:
          if (elementType == LBRACE
              && FormatterUtil.isPrecededBy(parent, SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT, WHITE_SPACE)) {
            // Use Nystrom style rather than Allman.
            return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
          } // FALL THROUGH
        case CommonCodeStyleSettings.NEXT_LINE:
        case CommonCodeStyleSettings.NEXT_LINE_IF_WRAPPED:
          return Indent.getNoneIndent();
        case CommonCodeStyleSettings.NEXT_LINE_SHIFTED:
        case CommonCodeStyleSettings.NEXT_LINE_SHIFTED2:
          return Indent.getNormalIndent();
          return Indent.getNoneIndent();

    if (parentType == PARENTHESIZED_EXPRESSION) {
      if (elementType == LPAREN || elementType == RPAREN) {
        return Indent.getNoneIndent();
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();

    if (elementType == CLASS_MEMBERS) {
      return Indent.getNormalIndent();
    if (parentType == BLOCK) {
      final PsiElement psi = node.getPsi();
      if (psi.getParent() instanceof PsiFile) {
        return Indent.getNoneIndent();
      return Indent.getNormalIndent();
    if (parentType == ARGUMENT_LIST) {
      // TODO In order to handle some dart_style examples we need to set indent for each arg.
      // The formatter does not appear to honor indent on individual argument expressions
      // when KEEP_LINE_BREAKS==true. That means two DartFormatterTest tests fail. Those tests
      // have been changed since the recommended setting for Dart programming is
      // KEEP_LINE_BREAKS==false. The two tests are testAlignment() and testWrappingMeth().
      if (EXPRESSIONS.contains(elementType) && elementType != FUNCTION_EXPRESSION) {
        return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
    if (parentType == FORMAL_PARAMETER_LIST) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
    if (parentType == FOR_STATEMENT
        && prevSiblingType == FOR_LOOP_PARTS_IN_BRACES
        && elementType != BLOCK) {
      return Indent.getNormalIndent();
    if (parentType == SWITCH_STATEMENT
        && (elementType == SWITCH_CASE || elementType == DEFAULT_CASE)) {
      return Indent.getNormalIndent();
    if ((parentType == SWITCH_CASE || parentType == DEFAULT_CASE) && elementType == STATEMENTS) {
      return Indent.getNormalIndent();
    if (parentType == WHILE_STATEMENT && prevSiblingType == RPAREN && elementType != BLOCK) {
      return Indent.getNormalIndent();
    if (parentType == DO_WHILE_STATEMENT && prevSiblingType == DO && elementType != BLOCK) {
      return Indent.getNormalIndent();
    if ((parentType == RETURN_STATEMENT) && prevSiblingType == RETURN && elementType != BLOCK) {
      return Indent.getNormalIndent();
    if (parentType == IF_STATEMENT
        && elementType != BLOCK
        && (prevSiblingType == RPAREN
            || (prevSiblingType == ELSE && elementType != IF_STATEMENT))) {
      return Indent.getNormalIndent();
    if (elementType == CASCADE_REFERENCE_EXPRESSION) {
      return Indent.getNormalIndent();
    if (elementType == OPEN_QUOTE
        && prevSiblingType == CLOSING_QUOTE
        && parentType == STRING_LITERAL_EXPRESSION) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
    if (BINARY_EXPRESSIONS.contains(parentType) && prevSibling != null) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
    if (elementType == COLON || parentType == TERNARY_EXPRESSION && elementType == QUEST) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
    if (elementType == NAMED_ARGUMENT) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
    if (elementType == HIDE_COMBINATOR || elementType == SHOW_COMBINATOR) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
    if (parentType == FUNCTION_BODY) {
      if (FormatterUtil.isPrecededBy(node, EXPRESSION_BODY_DEF)) {
        return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
    if (elementType == CALL_EXPRESSION) {
      if (FormatterUtil.isPrecededBy(node, EXPRESSION_BODY_DEF)) {
        return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
      if (FormatterUtil.isPrecededBy(node, ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR)) {
        return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
    if ((elementType == REFERENCE_EXPRESSION || BINARY_EXPRESSIONS.contains(elementType))
        && FormatterUtil.isPrecededBy(node, ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR)) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
    if (elementType == VAR_DECLARATION_LIST_PART) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();

    if (elementType == SUPER_CALL_OR_FIELD_INITIALIZER) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
    if (parentType == SUPER_CALL_OR_FIELD_INITIALIZER && elementType != COLON) {
      return Indent.getNormalIndent();

    if (parentType == CLASS_DEFINITION) {
      if (elementType == SUPERCLASS || elementType == INTERFACES || elementType == MIXINS) {
        return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
    if (parentType == MIXIN_APPLICATION && elementType == MIXINS) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();

    if (parentType == LIBRARY_NAME_ELEMENT) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();

    if (elementType == SEMICOLON
        && FormatterUtil.isPrecededBy(node, SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT, WHITE_SPACE)) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();

    if (elementType == DOT || elementType == QUEST_DOT) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();

    if (parentType == TYPE_LIST && elementType == TYPE) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();

    if (elementType == OPEN_QUOTE
        && parentType == STRING_LITERAL_EXPRESSION
        && superParentType == VAR_INIT) {
      if (node.getText().length() < 3) {
        return Indent.getContinuationIndent();

    if (elementType == RAW_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING
        && parentType == STRING_LITERAL_EXPRESSION
        && superParentType == VAR_INIT) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();

    if (parentType == LONG_TEMPLATE_ENTRY && EXPRESSIONS.contains(elementType)) {
      return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
    return Indent.getNoneIndent();