private static void performCopy(
      @NotNull File fromFile, @NotNull File toFile, final boolean syncTimestamp)
      throws IOException {
    final FileOutputStream fos;
    try {
      fos = openOutputStream(toFile);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      if (SystemInfo.isWindows
          && e.getMessage() != null
          && e.getMessage().contains("denied")
          && WinUACTemporaryFix.nativeCopy(fromFile, toFile, syncTimestamp)) {
      throw e;

    try {
      final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fromFile);
      try {
        copy(fis, fos);
      } finally {
    } finally {

    if (syncTimestamp) {
      final long timeStamp = fromFile.lastModified();
      if (timeStamp < 0) {
        LOG.warn("Invalid timestamp " + timeStamp + " of '" + fromFile + "'");
      } else if (!toFile.setLastModified(timeStamp)) {
        LOG.warn("Unable to set timestamp " + timeStamp + " to '" + toFile + "'");

    if (SystemInfo.isUnix && fromFile.canExecute()) {
      FileSystemUtil.clonePermissions(fromFile.getPath(), toFile.getPath());
  private static File findOldConfigDir(
      @NotNull File configDir, @Nullable String customPathSelector) {
    final File selectorDir = CONFIG_RELATED_PATH.isEmpty() ? configDir : configDir.getParentFile();
    final File parent = selectorDir.getParentFile();
    if (parent == null || !parent.exists()) {
      return null;
    File maxFile = null;
    long lastModified = 0;
    final String selector =
        PathManager.getPathsSelector() != null
            ? PathManager.getPathsSelector()
            : selectorDir.getName();

    final String prefix = getPrefixFromSelector(selector);
    final String customPrefix =
        customPathSelector != null ? getPrefixFromSelector(customPathSelector) : null;
    for (File file :
            new FilenameFilter() {
              public boolean accept(@NotNull File file, @NotNull String name) {
                return StringUtil.startsWithIgnoreCase(name, prefix)
                    || customPrefix != null && StringUtil.startsWithIgnoreCase(name, customPrefix);
            })) {
      File options = new File(file, CONFIG_RELATED_PATH + OPTIONS_XML);
      if (!options.exists()) {

      long modified = options.lastModified();
      if (modified > lastModified) {
        lastModified = modified;
        maxFile = file;
    return maxFile != null ? new File(maxFile, CONFIG_RELATED_PATH) : null;