    public MyResult weigh(@NotNull LookupElement item) {
      final Object object = item.getObject();

      if (object instanceof PsiClass) {
        if (object instanceof PsiTypeParameter) return MyResult.typeParameter;

        if (myTypeParameter != null
            && object.equals(
                    TypeConversionUtil.typeParameterErasure(myTypeParameter)))) {
          return MyResult.exactlyExpected;

      if (myExpectedTypes == null) return MyResult.normal;

      PsiType itemType = JavaCompletionUtil.getLookupElementType(item);
      if (itemType == null || !itemType.isValid()) return MyResult.normal;

      if (object instanceof PsiClass) {
        for (final ExpectedTypeInfo info : myExpectedTypes) {
          if (TypeConversionUtil.erasure(info.getType().getDeepComponentType())
              .equals(TypeConversionUtil.erasure(itemType))) {
            return AbstractExpectedTypeSkipper.skips(item, myLocation)
                ? MyResult.expectedNoSelect
                : MyResult.exactlyExpected;

      for (final ExpectedTypeInfo expectedInfo : myExpectedTypes) {
        final PsiType defaultType = expectedInfo.getDefaultType();
        final PsiType expectedType = expectedInfo.getType();
        if (!expectedType.isValid()) {
          return MyResult.normal;

        if (defaultType != expectedType) {
          if (defaultType.equals(itemType)) {
            return MyResult.exactlyDefault;

          if (defaultType.isAssignableFrom(itemType)) {
            return MyResult.ofDefaultType;
        if (PsiType.VOID.equals(itemType) && PsiType.VOID.equals(expectedType)) {
          return MyResult.exactlyExpected;

      return MyResult.normal;
 public boolean isValid() {
   for (PsiType conjunct : myConjuncts) {
     if (!conjunct.isValid()) return false;
   return true;
 public boolean isValid() {
   for (PsiType type : mySubstitutionMap.values()) {
     if (type != null && !type.isValid()) return false;
   return true;
 public boolean isValid() {
   Collection<PsiType> substitutorValues = mySubstitutionMap.values();
   for (PsiType type : substitutorValues) {
     if (type != null && !type.isValid()) return false;
   return true;
 public boolean isAvailable(@NotNull Project project, Editor editor, PsiFile file) {
   return myType.isValid()
       && myExpression.isValid()
       && myExpression.getManager().isInProject(myExpression)
       && !TypeConversionUtil.isPrimitiveAndNotNull(myType)
       && (myType instanceof PsiArrayType || myExpression.getArgumentList() != null);
 public PsiSubstitutor put(@NotNull PsiTypeParameter typeParameter, PsiType mapping) {
   PsiSubstitutorImpl ret = clone();
   if (mapping != null && !mapping.isValid()) {
     LOG.error("Invalid type in substitutor: " + mapping + "; " + mapping.getClass());
   ret.mySubstitutionMap.put(typeParameter, mapping);
   return ret;
 public boolean isAvailable(
     @NotNull Project project,
     @NotNull PsiFile file,
     @NotNull PsiElement startElement,
     @NotNull PsiElement endElement) {
   return myType.isValid()
       && startElement.isValid()
       && startElement.getManager().isInProject(startElement);
Esempio n. 8
  public boolean isAvailable(
      @NotNull Project project,
      @NotNull PsiFile file,
      @NotNull PsiElement startElement,
      @NotNull PsiElement endElement) {
    final PsiMethod myMethod = (PsiMethod) startElement;

    final PsiType myReturnType = myReturnTypePointer.getType();
    if (myMethod.isValid()
        && myMethod.getManager().isInProject(myMethod)
        && myReturnType != null
        && myReturnType.isValid()
        && !TypeConversionUtil.isNullType(myReturnType)) {
      final PsiType returnType = myMethod.getReturnType();
      if (returnType != null && returnType.isValid() && !Comparing.equal(myReturnType, returnType))
        return true;
    return false;
    public PsiType visitWildcardType(PsiWildcardType wildcardType) {
      final PsiType bound = wildcardType.getBound();
      if (bound == null) {
        return wildcardType;
      } else {
        final PsiType newBound = bound.accept(this);
        if (newBound == null) {
          return null;
        assert newBound.isValid() : newBound.getClass() + "; " + bound.isValid();
        if (newBound instanceof PsiWildcardType) {
          final PsiType newBoundBound = ((PsiWildcardType) newBound).getBound();
          return !((PsiWildcardType) newBound).isBounded()
              ? PsiWildcardType.createUnbounded(wildcardType.getManager())
              : rebound(wildcardType, newBoundBound);

        return newBound == PsiType.NULL ? newBound : rebound(wildcardType, newBound);
 public static boolean isAvailable(
     @Nullable PsiParameter myParameter, @Nullable PsiType type, @Nullable PsiClass targetClass) {
   return myParameter != null
       && myParameter.isValid()
       && myParameter.getManager().isInProject(myParameter)
       && myParameter.getDeclarationScope() instanceof PsiMethod
       && ((PsiMethod) myParameter.getDeclarationScope()).getBody() != null
       && type != null
       && type.isValid()
       && targetClass != null
       && !targetClass.isInterface()
       && getParameterAssignedToField(myParameter) == null;
    private PsiWildcardType rebound(PsiWildcardType type, PsiType newBound) {
      LOG.assertTrue(type.getBound() != null);

      if (type.isExtends()) {
        if (newBound.equalsToText(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT)) {
          return PsiWildcardType.createUnbounded(type.getManager());
        } else {
          return PsiWildcardType.createExtends(type.getManager(), newBound);
      } else {
        return PsiWildcardType.createSuper(type.getManager(), newBound);
  private static ExpectedTypeMatching getExpectedTypeMatching(
      LookupElement item, ExpectedTypeInfo[] expectedInfos) {
    PsiType itemType = JavaCompletionUtil.getLookupElementType(item);

    if (itemType != null) {

      for (final ExpectedTypeInfo expectedInfo : expectedInfos) {
        final PsiType defaultType = expectedInfo.getDefaultType();
        final PsiType expectedType = expectedInfo.getType();

        assert expectedType.isValid();
        assert defaultType.isValid();

        if (defaultType != expectedType && defaultType.isAssignableFrom(itemType)) {
          return ExpectedTypeMatching.ofDefaultType;
        if (expectedType.isAssignableFrom(itemType)) {
          return ExpectedTypeMatching.expected;

    if (hasNonVoid(expectedInfos)) {
      if (item.getObject() instanceof PsiKeyword) {
        String keyword = ((PsiKeyword) item.getObject()).getText();
        if (PsiKeyword.NEW.equals(keyword) || PsiKeyword.NULL.equals(keyword)) {
          return ExpectedTypeMatching.maybeExpected;
    } else if (expectedInfos.length > 0) {
      return ExpectedTypeMatching.unexpected;

    return ExpectedTypeMatching.normal;
   * Returns the primitive type corresponding to a boxed class type.
   * @param type the type to get the unboxed primitive type for.
   * @return the primitive type, or null if the type does not represent a boxed primitive type.
  public static PsiPrimitiveType getUnboxedType(PsiType type) {
    if (!(type instanceof PsiClassType)) return null;
    LanguageLevel languageLevel = ((PsiClassType) type).getLanguageLevel();
    if (!languageLevel.isAtLeast(LanguageLevel.JDK_1_5)) return null;

    assert type.isValid() : type;
    PsiClass psiClass = ((PsiClassType) type).resolve();
    if (psiClass == null) return null;

    PsiPrimitiveType unboxed = ourQNameToUnboxed.get(psiClass.getQualifiedName());
    PsiAnnotation[] annotations = type.getAnnotations();
    if (unboxed != null && annotations.length > 0) {
      unboxed = new PsiPrimitiveType(unboxed.myName, annotations);
    return unboxed;
  private void putAllInternal(@NotNull PsiClass parentClass, PsiType[] mappings) {
    final PsiTypeParameter[] params = parentClass.getTypeParameters();

    for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
      PsiTypeParameter param = params[i];
      assert param != null;
      if (mappings != null && mappings.length > i) {
        PsiType mapping = mappings[i];
        mySubstitutionMap.put(param, mapping);
        if (mapping != null && !mapping.isValid()) {
          LOG.error("Invalid type in substitutor: " + mapping);
      } else {
        mySubstitutionMap.put(param, null);
 private DfaVariableValue(
     @NotNull PsiModifierListOwner variable,
     @Nullable PsiType varType,
     boolean isNegated,
     DfaValueFactory factory,
     @Nullable DfaVariableValue qualifier) {
   myVariable = variable;
   myIsNegated = isNegated;
   myQualifier = qualifier;
   myVarType = varType;
   DfaValue typeValue = myFactory.createTypeValue(varType, Nullness.UNKNOWN);
   myTypeValue = typeValue instanceof DfaTypeValue ? (DfaTypeValue) typeValue : null;
   if (varType != null && !varType.isValid()) {
         varType, "Variable: " + variable + " of class " + variable.getClass());
Esempio n. 16
  /** Types should be proceed by the callers themselves */
  public static PsiType normalizeWildcardTypeByPosition(
      @NotNull PsiType type, @NotNull PsiExpression expression) {

    PsiExpression topLevel = expression;
    while (topLevel.getParent() instanceof PsiArrayAccessExpression
        && ((PsiArrayAccessExpression) topLevel.getParent()).getArrayExpression() == topLevel) {
      topLevel = (PsiExpression) topLevel.getParent();

    if (topLevel instanceof PsiArrayAccessExpression && !PsiUtil.isAccessedForWriting(topLevel)) {
      return PsiUtil.captureToplevelWildcards(type, expression);

    final PsiType normalized = doNormalizeWildcardByPosition(type, expression, topLevel);
    LOG.assertTrue(normalized.isValid(), type);
    if (normalized instanceof PsiClassType && !PsiUtil.isAccessedForWriting(topLevel)) {
      return PsiUtil.captureToplevelWildcards(normalized, expression);

    return normalized;
  public <T extends PsiExpression> PsiType getType(
      @NotNull T expr, @NotNull Function<T, PsiType> f) {
    PsiType type = getCachedType(expr);
    if (type == null) {
      final RecursionGuard.StackStamp dStackStamp = PsiDiamondType.ourDiamondGuard.markStack();
      final RecursionGuard.StackStamp gStackStamp = PsiResolveHelper.ourGraphGuard.markStack();
      type = f.fun(expr);
      if (!dStackStamp.mayCacheNow() || !gStackStamp.mayCacheNow()) {
        return type;
      if (type == null) type = TypeConversionUtil.NULL_TYPE;
      Reference<PsiType> ref = new SoftReference<PsiType>(type);
      myCalculatedTypes.put(expr, ref);

      if (type instanceof PsiClassReferenceType) {
        // convert reference-based class type to the PsiImmediateClassType, since the reference may
        // become invalid
        PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult result = ((PsiClassReferenceType) type).resolveGenerics();
        PsiClass psiClass = result.getElement();
        type =
            psiClass == null
                ? type // for type with unresolved reference, leave it in the cache
                // for clients still might be able to retrieve its getCanonicalText() from the
                // reference text
                : new PsiImmediateClassType(
                    ((PsiClassReferenceType) type).getLanguageLevel(),

    if (!type.isValid()) {
      if (expr.isValid()) {
        PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement refInside =
            type instanceof PsiClassReferenceType
                ? ((PsiClassReferenceType) type).getReference()
                : null;
        String typeinfo =
                + " ("
                + type.getClass()
                + ")"
                + (refInside == null
                    ? ""
                    : "; ref inside: "
                        + refInside
                        + " ("
                        + refInside.getClass()
                        + ") valid:"
                        + refInside.isValid());
            "Type is invalid: "
                + typeinfo
                + "; expr: '"
                + expr
                + "' ("
                + expr.getClass()
                + ") is valid");
      } else {
        LOG.error("Expression: '" + expr + "' is invalid, must not be used for getType()");

    return type == TypeConversionUtil.NULL_TYPE ? null : type;
  private void buildText(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass,
      @NotNull PsiSubstitutor substitutor,
      @NotNull StringBuilder buffer,
      boolean canonical,
      boolean internal) {
    if (aClass instanceof PsiAnonymousClass) {
      ClassResolveResult baseResolveResult =
          ((PsiAnonymousClass) aClass).getBaseClassType().resolveGenerics();
      PsiClass baseClass = baseResolveResult.getElement();
      PsiSubstitutor baseSub = baseResolveResult.getSubstitutor();
      if (baseClass != null) {
        buildText(baseClass, baseSub, buffer, canonical, internal);

    if (canonical == internal) {
      buffer.append(getAnnotationsTextPrefix(internal, false, true));

    PsiClass enclosingClass = null;
    if (!aClass.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.STATIC)) {
      final PsiElement parent = aClass.getParent();
      if (parent instanceof PsiClass && !(parent instanceof PsiAnonymousClass)) {
        enclosingClass = (PsiClass) parent;
    if (enclosingClass != null) {
      buildText(enclosingClass, substitutor, buffer, canonical, false);
    } else {
      final String name;
      if (!canonical) {
        name = aClass.getName();
      } else {
        final String qualifiedName = aClass.getQualifiedName();
        if (qualifiedName == null) {
          name = aClass.getName();
        } else {
          name = qualifiedName;

    PsiTypeParameter[] typeParameters = aClass.getTypeParameters();
    if (typeParameters.length > 0) {
      StringBuilder pineBuffer = new StringBuilder();
      for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) {
        PsiTypeParameter typeParameter = typeParameters[i];
        assert typeParameter.isValid();
        if (i > 0) pineBuffer.append(',');
        final PsiType substitutionResult = substitutor.substitute(typeParameter);
        if (substitutionResult == null) {
          pineBuffer = null;
        assert substitutionResult.isValid();
        if (canonical) {
          if (internal) {
          } else {
        } else {
      if (pineBuffer != null) {
Esempio n. 19
 public boolean isValid() {
   return (myType == null || myType.isValid())
       && (myDefaultInitializer == null || myDefaultInitializer.isValid());
  protected void performRefactoring(UsageInfo[] usages) {
    try {
      PsiElementFactory factory =
      PsiType initializerType =
          getInitializerType(myForcedType, myParameterInitializer, myLocalVariable);

      // Converting myParameterInitializer
      if (myParameterInitializer == null) {
        LOG.assertTrue(myLocalVariable != null);
        myParameterInitializer =
            factory.createExpressionFromText(myLocalVariable.getName(), myLocalVariable);
      } else if (myParameterInitializer instanceof PsiArrayInitializerExpression) {
        final PsiExpression newExprArrayInitializer =
                (PsiArrayInitializerExpression) myParameterInitializer, initializerType);
        myParameterInitializer =
            (PsiExpression) myParameterInitializer.replace(newExprArrayInitializer);

      myInitializerWrapper = new JavaExpressionWrapper(myParameterInitializer);

      // Changing external occurences (the tricky part)

      IntroduceParameterUtil.processUsages(usages, this);

      if (myGenerateDelegate) {
        if (myMethodToReplaceIn != myMethodToSearchFor) {
          final PsiMethod method = generateDelegate(myMethodToSearchFor);
          if (method.getContainingClass().isInterface()) {
            final PsiCodeBlock block = method.getBody();
            if (block != null) {

      // Changing signature of initial method
      // (signature of myMethodToReplaceIn will be either changed now or have already been changed)
      final FieldConflictsResolver fieldConflictsResolver =
          new FieldConflictsResolver(myParameterName, myMethodToReplaceIn.getBody());
          new UsageInfo(myMethodToReplaceIn), usages, this);
      if (myMethodToSearchFor != myMethodToReplaceIn) {
            new UsageInfo(myMethodToSearchFor), usages, this);

      // Replacing expression occurrences
      for (UsageInfo usage : usages) {
        if (usage instanceof ChangedMethodCallInfo) {
          PsiElement element = usage.getElement();

        } else if (usage instanceof InternalUsageInfo) {
          PsiElement element = usage.getElement();
          if (element instanceof PsiExpression) {
            element = RefactoringUtil.outermostParenthesizedExpression((PsiExpression) element);
          if (element != null) {
            if (element.getParent() instanceof PsiExpressionStatement) {
            } else {
              PsiExpression newExpr = factory.createExpressionFromText(myParameterName, element);
              IntroduceVariableBase.replace((PsiExpression) element, newExpr, myProject);

      if (myLocalVariable != null && myRemoveLocalVariable) {
    } catch (IncorrectOperationException ex) {
  protected void performRefactoring(UsageInfo[] usages) {
    GroovyPsiElementFactory factory = GroovyPsiElementFactory.getInstance(myProject);

    PsiType initializerType = mySettings.getSelectedType();

    // Changing external occurrences (the tricky part)

    IntroduceParameterUtil.processUsages(usages, this);

    final GrMethod toReplaceIn = (GrMethod) mySettings.getToReplaceIn();
    final PsiMethod toSearchFor = (PsiMethod) mySettings.getToSearchFor();

    final boolean methodsToProcessAreDifferent = toReplaceIn != toSearchFor;
    if (mySettings.generateDelegate()) {
      GroovyIntroduceParameterUtil.generateDelegate(toReplaceIn, myParameterInitializer, myProject);
      if (methodsToProcessAreDifferent) {
        final GrMethod method =
                toSearchFor, myParameterInitializer, myProject);
        final PsiClass containingClass = method.getContainingClass();
        if (containingClass != null && containingClass.isInterface()) {
          final GrOpenBlock block = method.getBlock();
          if (block != null) {

    // Changing signature of initial method
    // (signature of myMethodToReplaceIn will be either changed now or have already been changed)
    LOG.assertTrue(initializerType == null || initializerType.isValid());

    final FieldConflictsResolver fieldConflictsResolver =
        new FieldConflictsResolver(mySettings.getName(), toReplaceIn.getBlock());
        new UsageInfo(toReplaceIn), usages, this);
    if (methodsToProcessAreDifferent) {
          new UsageInfo(toSearchFor), usages, this);

    // Replacing expression occurrences
    for (UsageInfo usage : usages) {
      if (usage instanceof ChangedMethodCallInfo) {
        PsiElement element = usage.getElement();

        GroovyIntroduceParameterUtil.processChangedMethodCall(element, mySettings, myProject);
      } else if (usage instanceof InternalUsageInfo) {
        PsiElement element = usage.getElement();
        if (element == null) continue;
        GrExpression newExpr = factory.createExpressionFromText(mySettings.getName());
        if (element instanceof GrExpression) {
          ((GrExpression) element).replaceWithExpression(newExpr, true);
        } else {

    final StringPartInfo stringPartInfo = mySettings.getStringPartInfo();
    if (stringPartInfo != null) {
      final GrExpression expr =
              mySettings.getName(), mySettings.getStringPartInfo(), mySettings.getProject());
      final Editor editor = PsiUtilBase.findEditor(expr);
      if (editor != null) {

    final GrVariable var = mySettings.getVar();
    if (var != null && mySettings.removeLocalVariable()) {