private static void checkEqualFunctionNames( @NotNull PsiNamedElement namedElement, @NotNull JavaMethod method) { if (!ComparatorUtil.equalsNullable(method.getName().asString(), namedElement.getName())) { throw new AlternativeSignatureMismatchException( "Function names mismatch, original: %s, alternative: %s", method.getName().asString(), namedElement.getName()); } }
@Override public PsiElement handleElementRename(String name) { if (myElement instanceof PsiNamedElement) { PsiNamedElement psiNamedElement = (PsiNamedElement) myElement; return psiNamedElement.setName(RobotPsiUtil.methodToRobotKeyword(name)); } return myElement; }
@Nullable public PsiElement bindToElement(@NotNull PsiElement element) throws IncorrectOperationException { if (element instanceof AntTarget) { final PsiNamedElement psiNamedElement = (PsiNamedElement) element; return handleElementRename(psiNamedElement.getName()); } throw new IncorrectOperationException("Can bind only to ant targets."); }
private void handleNamedElement(final PsiNamedElement named) { String name = named.getName(); assert name != null; if (StructuralSearchUtil.isTypedVariable(name)) { name = name.substring(1, name.length() - 1); } if (!namedElements.containsKey(name)) namedElements.put(name, named); named.acceptChildren(this); }
private static String getParentDeclarationDescription(DLanguageIdentifier o) { PsiNamedElement funcDecl = (PsiNamedElement) findParentOfType(o, DLanguageFuncDeclaration.class); PsiNamedElement classDecl = (PsiNamedElement) findParentOfType(o, DLanguageClassDeclaration.class); String description = ""; if (funcDecl != null) { description = " [Function] (" + funcDecl.getName() + ")"; } if (classDecl != null) { description = " [Class] (" + classDecl.getName() + ")"; } return description; }
protected void restoreState(@NotNull final V psiField) { if (!ReadonlyStatusHandler.ensureDocumentWritable( myProject, InjectedLanguageUtil.getTopLevelEditor(myEditor).getDocument())) return; ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runWriteAction( () -> { final PsiFile containingFile = psiField.getContainingFile(); final RangeMarker exprMarker = getExprMarker(); if (exprMarker != null) { myExpr = restoreExpression(containingFile, psiField, exprMarker, myExprText); } if (myLocalMarker != null) { final PsiElement refVariableElement = containingFile.findElementAt(myLocalMarker.getStartOffset()); if (refVariableElement != null) { final PsiElement parent = refVariableElement.getParent(); if (parent instanceof PsiNamedElement) { ((PsiNamedElement) parent).setName(myLocalName); } } final V localVariable = getLocalVariable(); if (localVariable != null && localVariable.isPhysical()) { myLocalVariable = localVariable; final PsiElement nameIdentifier = localVariable.getNameIdentifier(); if (nameIdentifier != null) { myLocalMarker = createMarker(nameIdentifier); } } } final List<RangeMarker> occurrenceMarkers = getOccurrenceMarkers(); for (int i = 0, occurrenceMarkersSize = occurrenceMarkers.size(); i < occurrenceMarkersSize; i++) { RangeMarker marker = occurrenceMarkers.get(i); if (getExprMarker() != null && marker.getStartOffset() == getExprMarker().getStartOffset() && myExpr != null) { myOccurrences[i] = myExpr; continue; } final E psiExpression = restoreExpression( containingFile, psiField, marker, getLocalVariable() != null ? myLocalName : myExprText); if (psiExpression != null) { myOccurrences[i] = psiExpression; } } if (myExpr != null && myExpr.isPhysical()) { myExprMarker = createMarker(myExpr); } myOccurrenceMarkers = null; deleteTemplateField(psiField); }); }
public static boolean processElement(PsiScopeProcessor processor, PsiNamedElement namedElement) { if (namedElement == null) return true; NameHint nameHint = processor.getHint(NameHint.KEY); String name = nameHint == null ? null : nameHint.getName(ResolveState.initial()); if (name == null || name.equals(namedElement.getName())) { return processor.execute(namedElement, ResolveState.initial()); } return true; }
protected void suggestAllNames(final String oldClassName, String newClassName) { final NameSuggester suggester = new NameSuggester(oldClassName, newClassName); for (int varIndex = myElements.size() - 1; varIndex >= 0; varIndex--) { final PsiNamedElement element = myElements.get(varIndex); final String name = element.getName(); if (!myRenames.containsKey(element)) { String newName = suggestNameForElement(element, suggester, newClassName, oldClassName); if (!newName.equals(name)) { myRenames.put(element, newName); } else { myRenames.put(element, null); } } if (myRenames.get(element) == null) { myElements.remove(varIndex); } } }
public boolean execute( ReferencesSearch.SearchParameters params, final Processor<PsiReference> consumer) { final PsiElement elem = params.getElementToSearch(); SearchScope scope = params.getEffectiveSearchScope(); if (elem instanceof PsiNamedElement /* An optimization for Java refactorings */ && !(elem instanceof PsiVariable)) { final PsiNamedElement symbolToSearch = (PsiNamedElement) elem; final String name = symbolToSearch.getName(); if (name != null) { RequestResultProcessor processor = new RequestResultProcessor() { @Override public boolean processTextOccurrence( @NotNull PsiElement element, int offsetInElement, @NotNull Processor<PsiReference> consumer) { if (element instanceof ClSymbol) { ClSymbol refSymbol = (ClSymbol) element; for (PsiReference ref : refSymbol.getReferences()) { if (ref.getRangeInElement().contains(offsetInElement) && // atom may refer to definition or to the symbol in it (ref.resolve() == symbolToSearch || ref.resolve() == symbolToSearch.getParent())) { if (!consumer.process(ref)) return false; } } } return true; } }; if (scope instanceof GlobalSearchScope) { scope = GlobalSearchScope.getScopeRestrictedByFileTypes( (GlobalSearchScope) scope, ClojureFileType.CLOJURE_FILE_TYPE); } for (String word : StringUtil.getWordsIn(name)) { params.getOptimizer().searchWord(word, scope, UsageSearchContext.ANY, true, processor); } } } return true; }
public static boolean isTooExpensiveToSearch(PsiNamedElement element, boolean zeroResult) { final String name = element.getName(); if (name == null) { return true; } final ProgressManager progressManager = ProgressManager.getInstance(); final PsiSearchHelper searchHelper = PsiSearchHelper.SERVICE.getInstance(element.getProject()); final SearchScope useScope = element.getUseScope(); if (!(useScope instanceof GlobalSearchScope)) { return zeroResult; } final PsiSearchHelper.SearchCostResult cost = searchHelper.isCheapEnoughToSearch( name, (GlobalSearchScope) useScope, null, progressManager.getProgressIndicator()); if (cost == PsiSearchHelper.SearchCostResult.ZERO_OCCURRENCES) { return zeroResult; } return cost == PsiSearchHelper.SearchCostResult.TOO_MANY_OCCURRENCES; }
private PsiElement handleSymbolReplacement(PsiElement replacement, final PsiElement el) throws IncorrectOperationException { PsiNamedElement nameElement = getSymbolReplacementTarget(el); if (nameElement != null) { PsiElement oldReplacement = replacement; replacement = el.copy(); ((PsiNamedElement) replacement).setName(oldReplacement.getText()); } return replacement; }
@Override protected void performRefactoringRename(final String newName, final StartMarkAction markAction) { try { final PsiNamedElement variable = getVariable(); if (variable != null && !newName.equals(myOldName)) { if (isIdentifier(newName, variable.getLanguage())) { final PsiElement substituted = getSubstituted(); if (substituted == null) { return; } final String commandName = RefactoringBundle.message( "", UsageViewUtil.getType(variable), UsageViewUtil.getDescriptiveName(variable), newName); CommandProcessor.getInstance() .executeCommand( myProject, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { performRenameInner(substituted, newName); PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myProject).commitAllDocuments(); } }, commandName, null); } } } finally { try { ((EditorImpl) InjectedLanguageUtil.getTopLevelEditor(myEditor)).stopDumbLater(); } finally { FinishMarkAction.finish(myProject, myEditor, markAction); } } }
private static ProblemDescriptor runLocalTool( @NotNull PsiElement psiElement, @NotNull InspectionManager inspectionManager, @NotNull OfflineProblemDescriptor offlineProblemDescriptor, @NotNull LocalInspectionToolWrapper toolWrapper) { PsiFile containingFile = psiElement.getContainingFile(); final ProblemsHolder holder = new ProblemsHolder(inspectionManager, containingFile, false); final LocalInspectionTool localTool = toolWrapper.getTool(); final int startOffset = psiElement.getTextRange().getStartOffset(); final int endOffset = psiElement.getTextRange().getEndOffset(); LocalInspectionToolSession session = new LocalInspectionToolSession(containingFile, startOffset, endOffset); final PsiElementVisitor visitor = localTool.buildVisitor(holder, false, session); localTool.inspectionStarted(session, false); final PsiElement[] elementsInRange = getElementsIntersectingRange(containingFile, startOffset, endOffset); for (PsiElement element : elementsInRange) { element.accept(visitor); } localTool.inspectionFinished(session, holder); if (holder.hasResults()) { final List<ProblemDescriptor> list = holder.getResults(); final int idx = offlineProblemDescriptor.getProblemIndex(); int curIdx = 0; for (ProblemDescriptor descriptor : list) { final PsiNamedElement member = localTool.getProblemElement(descriptor.getPsiElement()); if (psiElement instanceof PsiFile || member != null && member.equals(psiElement)) { if (curIdx == idx) { return descriptor; } curIdx++; } } } return null; }
public MemberInplaceRenamer( @NotNull PsiNamedElement elementToRename, PsiElement substituted, Editor editor, String initialName, String oldName) { super(elementToRename, editor, elementToRename.getProject(), initialName, oldName); mySubstituted = substituted; if (mySubstituted != null && mySubstituted != myElementToRename && mySubstituted.getTextRange() != null) { final PsiFile containingFile = mySubstituted.getContainingFile(); if (!notSameFile(containingFile.getVirtualFile(), containingFile)) { mySubstitutedRange = myEditor.getDocument().createRangeMarker(mySubstituted.getTextRange()); } } else { mySubstitutedRange = null; } showDialogAdvertisement("RenameElement"); }
protected String suggestNameForElement( PsiNamedElement element, NameSuggester suggester, String newClassName, String oldClassName) { String name = element.getName(); if (oldClassName.equals(name)) { return newClassName; } String canonicalName = nameToCanonicalName(name, element); final String newCanonicalName = suggester.suggestName(canonicalName); if (newCanonicalName.length() == 0) { LOG.error( "oldClassName = " + oldClassName + ", newClassName = " + newClassName + ", name = " + name + ", canonicalName = " + canonicalName + ", newCanonicalName = " + newCanonicalName); } return canonicalNameToName(newCanonicalName, element); }
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "ConstantConditions"}) private void handleModifierList(final PsiElement el, final PsiElement replacement) throws IncorrectOperationException { // We want to copy all comments, including doc comments and modifier lists // that are present in matched nodes but not present in search/replace Map<String, String> newNameToSearchPatternNameMap = myContext.getNewName2PatternNameMap(); ModifierListOwnerCollector collector = new ModifierListOwnerCollector(); el.accept(collector); Map<String, PsiNamedElement> originalNamedElements = (Map<String, PsiNamedElement>) collector.namedElements.clone(); collector.namedElements.clear(); replacement.accept(collector); Map<String, PsiNamedElement> replacedNamedElements = (Map<String, PsiNamedElement>) collector.namedElements.clone(); collector.namedElements.clear(); if (originalNamedElements.size() == 0 && replacedNamedElements.size() == 0) { Replacer.handleComments(el, replacement, myContext); return; } final PsiStatement[] statements = getCodeBlock().getStatements(); if (statements.length > 0) { statements[0].getParent().accept(collector); } Map<String, PsiNamedElement> searchedNamedElements = (Map<String, PsiNamedElement>) collector.namedElements.clone(); collector.namedElements.clear(); for (String name : originalNamedElements.keySet()) { PsiNamedElement originalNamedElement = originalNamedElements.get(name); PsiNamedElement replacementNamedElement = replacedNamedElements.get(name); String key = newNameToSearchPatternNameMap.get(name); if (key == null) key = name; PsiNamedElement searchNamedElement = searchedNamedElements.get(key); if (replacementNamedElement == null && originalNamedElements.size() == 1 && replacedNamedElements.size() == 1) { replacementNamedElement = replacedNamedElements.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue(); } PsiElement comment = null; if (originalNamedElement instanceof PsiDocCommentOwner) { comment = ((PsiDocCommentOwner) originalNamedElement).getDocComment(); if (comment == null) { PsiElement prevElement = originalNamedElement.getPrevSibling(); if (prevElement instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) { prevElement = prevElement.getPrevSibling(); } if (prevElement instanceof PsiComment) { comment = prevElement; } } } if (replacementNamedElement != null && searchNamedElement != null) { Replacer.handleComments(originalNamedElement, replacementNamedElement, myContext); } if (comment != null && replacementNamedElement instanceof PsiDocCommentOwner && !(replacementNamedElement.getFirstChild() instanceof PsiDocComment)) { final PsiElement nextSibling = comment.getNextSibling(); PsiElement prevSibling = comment.getPrevSibling(); replacementNamedElement.addRangeBefore( prevSibling instanceof PsiWhiteSpace ? prevSibling : comment, nextSibling instanceof PsiWhiteSpace ? nextSibling : comment, replacementNamedElement.getFirstChild()); } if (originalNamedElement instanceof PsiModifierListOwner && replacementNamedElement instanceof PsiModifierListOwner) { PsiModifierList modifierList = ((PsiModifierListOwner) originalNamedElements.get(name)).getModifierList(); if (searchNamedElement instanceof PsiModifierListOwner) { PsiModifierList modifierListOfSearchedElement = ((PsiModifierListOwner) searchNamedElement).getModifierList(); final PsiModifierListOwner modifierListOwner = ((PsiModifierListOwner) replacementNamedElement); PsiModifierList modifierListOfReplacement = modifierListOwner.getModifierList(); if (modifierListOfSearchedElement.getTextLength() == 0 && modifierListOfReplacement.getTextLength() == 0 && modifierList.getTextLength() > 0) { PsiElement space = modifierList.getNextSibling(); if (!(space instanceof PsiWhiteSpace)) { space = createWhiteSpace(space); } modifierListOfReplacement.replace(modifierList); // copy space after modifier list if (space instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) { modifierListOwner.addRangeAfter(space, space, modifierListOwner.getModifierList()); } } else if (modifierListOfSearchedElement.getTextLength() == 0 && modifierList.getTextLength() > 0) { modifierListOfReplacement.addRange( modifierList.getFirstChild(), modifierList.getLastChild()); } } } } }
@Override public Object[] getFileReferenceCompletionVariants(final FileReference reference) { final String s = reference.getText(); if (s != null && s.equals("/")) { return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY; } final CommonProcessors.CollectUniquesProcessor<PsiFileSystemItem> collector = new CommonProcessors.CollectUniquesProcessor<PsiFileSystemItem>(); final PsiElementProcessor<PsiFileSystemItem> processor = new PsiElementProcessor<PsiFileSystemItem>() { @Override public boolean execute(@NotNull PsiFileSystemItem fileSystemItem) { return new FilteringProcessor<PsiFileSystemItem>( reference.getFileReferenceSet().getReferenceCompletionFilter(), collector) .process(FileReference.getOriginalFile(fileSystemItem)); } }; List<Object> additionalItems = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); for (PsiFileSystemItem context : reference.getContexts()) { for (final PsiElement child : context.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof PsiFileSystemItem) { processor.execute((PsiFileSystemItem) child); } } if (context instanceof FileReferenceResolver) { additionalItems.addAll(((FileReferenceResolver) context).getVariants(reference)); } } final FileType[] types = reference.getFileReferenceSet().getSuitableFileTypes(); final THashSet<PsiElement> set = new THashSet<PsiElement>(collector.getResults(), VARIANTS_HASHING_STRATEGY); final PsiElement[] candidates = PsiUtilCore.toPsiElementArray(set); final Object[] variants = new Object[candidates.length + additionalItems.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { PsiElement candidate = candidates[i]; Object item = reference.createLookupItem(candidate); if (item == null) { item = FileInfoManager.getFileLookupItem(candidate); } if (candidate instanceof PsiFile && item instanceof LookupElement && types.length > 0 && ArrayUtil.contains(((PsiFile) candidate).getFileType(), types)) { item = PrioritizedLookupElement.withPriority((LookupElement) item, Double.MAX_VALUE); } variants[i] = item; } for (int i = 0; i < additionalItems.size(); i++) { variants[i + candidates.length] = additionalItems.get(i); } if (!reference.getFileReferenceSet().isUrlEncoded()) { return variants; } List<Object> encodedVariants = new ArrayList<Object>(variants.length + additionalItems.size()); for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { final PsiElement element = candidates[i]; if (element instanceof PsiNamedElement) { final PsiNamedElement psiElement = (PsiNamedElement) element; String name = psiElement.getName(); final String encoded = reference.encode(name, psiElement); if (encoded == null) continue; if (!encoded.equals(name)) { final Icon icon = psiElement.getIcon(Iconable.ICON_FLAG_READ_STATUS | Iconable.ICON_FLAG_VISIBILITY); LookupElementBuilder item = FileInfoManager.getFileLookupItem(candidates[i], encoded, icon); encodedVariants.add(item.withTailText(" (" + name + ")")); } else { encodedVariants.add(variants[i]); } } } encodedVariants.addAll(additionalItems); return ArrayUtil.toObjectArray(encodedVariants); }
public boolean checkAvailable( @NotNull final Editor editor, @NotNull final PsiFile file, @NotNull final MoveInfo info, final boolean down) { if (!(file instanceof XmlFile)) { return false; } boolean available = super.checkAvailable(editor, file, info, down); if (!available) return false; // updated moved range end to cover multiline tag start final Document document = editor.getDocument(); int movedLineStart = document.getLineStartOffset(info.toMove.startLine); final int movedLineEnd = document.getLineEndOffset(info.toMove.endLine - 1); PsiElement movedEndElement = file.findElementAt(movedLineEnd); if (movedEndElement instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) movedEndElement = PsiTreeUtil.prevLeaf(movedEndElement); PsiElement movedStartElement = file.findElementAt(movedLineStart); if (movedStartElement instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) movedStartElement = PsiTreeUtil.nextLeaf(movedStartElement); if (movedEndElement == null || movedStartElement == null) return false; final PsiNamedElement namedParentAtEnd = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(movedEndElement, PsiNamedElement.class); final PsiNamedElement namedParentAtStart = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(movedStartElement, PsiNamedElement.class); final XmlText text = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(movedStartElement, XmlText.class); final XmlText text2 = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(movedEndElement, XmlText.class); // Let's do not care about injections for this mover if ((text != null && InjectedLanguageUtil.getInjectedPsiFiles(text) != null) || (text2 != null && InjectedLanguageUtil.getInjectedPsiFiles(text2) != null)) { return false; } XmlTag nearestTag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(movedStartElement, XmlTag.class); if (nearestTag != null && ("script".equals(nearestTag.getLocalName()) || (nearestTag instanceof HtmlTag && "script".equalsIgnoreCase(nearestTag.getLocalName())))) { return false; } PsiNamedElement movedParent = null; if (namedParentAtEnd == namedParentAtStart) movedParent = namedParentAtEnd; else if (namedParentAtEnd instanceof XmlAttribute && namedParentAtStart instanceof XmlTag && namedParentAtEnd.getParent() == namedParentAtStart) { movedParent = namedParentAtStart; } else if (namedParentAtStart instanceof XmlAttribute && namedParentAtEnd instanceof XmlTag && namedParentAtStart.getParent() == namedParentAtEnd) { movedParent = namedParentAtEnd; } if (movedParent == null) { return false; } final TextRange textRange = movedParent.getTextRange(); if (movedParent instanceof XmlTag) { final XmlTag tag = (XmlTag) movedParent; final TextRange valueRange = tag.getValue().getTextRange(); final int valueStart = valueRange.getStartOffset(); if (movedLineStart < valueStart && valueStart + 1 < document.getTextLength()) { movedLineStart = updateMovedRegionEnd(document, movedLineStart, valueStart + 1, info, down); } if (movedLineStart < valueStart) { movedLineStart = updatedMovedRegionStart( document, movedLineStart, tag.getTextRange().getStartOffset(), info, down); } } else if (movedParent instanceof XmlAttribute) { final int endOffset = textRange.getEndOffset() + 1; if (endOffset < document.getTextLength()) movedLineStart = updateMovedRegionEnd(document, movedLineStart, endOffset, info, down); movedLineStart = updatedMovedRegionStart(document, movedLineStart, textRange.getStartOffset(), info, down); } final TextRange moveDestinationRange = new TextRange( document.getLineStartOffset(info.toMove2.startLine), document.getLineStartOffset(info.toMove2.endLine)); if (movedParent instanceof XmlAttribute) { final XmlTag parent = ((XmlAttribute) movedParent).getParent(); if (parent != null) { final TextRange valueRange = parent.getValue().getTextRange(); // Do not move attributes out of tags if ((down && moveDestinationRange.getEndOffset() >= valueRange.getStartOffset()) || (!down && moveDestinationRange.getStartOffset() <= parent.getTextRange().getStartOffset())) { info.toMove2 = null; } } } if (down) { PsiElement updatedElement = file.findElementAt(moveDestinationRange.getEndOffset()); if (updatedElement instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) updatedElement = PsiTreeUtil.prevLeaf(updatedElement); if (updatedElement != null) { final PsiNamedElement namedParent = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(updatedElement, movedParent.getClass()); if (namedParent instanceof XmlTag) { final XmlTag tag = (XmlTag) namedParent; final int offset = tag.isEmpty() ? tag.getTextRange().getStartOffset() : tag.getValue().getTextRange().getStartOffset(); updatedMovedIntoEnd(document, info, offset); } else if (namedParent instanceof XmlAttribute) { updatedMovedIntoEnd(document, info, namedParent.getTextRange().getEndOffset()); } } } else { PsiElement updatedElement = file.findElementAt(moveDestinationRange.getStartOffset()); if (updatedElement instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) updatedElement = PsiTreeUtil.nextLeaf(updatedElement); if (updatedElement != null) { final PsiNamedElement namedParent = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(updatedElement, movedParent.getClass()); if (namedParent instanceof XmlTag) { final XmlTag tag = (XmlTag) namedParent; final TextRange tagValueRange = tag.getValue().getTextRange(); // We need to update destination range to jump over tag start final XmlTag[] subtags = tag.getSubTags(); if ((tagValueRange.contains(movedLineStart) && subtags.length > 0 && subtags[0] == movedParent) || (tagValueRange.getLength() == 0 && tag.getTextRange().intersects(moveDestinationRange))) { final int line = document.getLineNumber(tag.getTextRange().getStartOffset()); final LineRange toMove2 = info.toMove2; info.toMove2 = new LineRange(Math.min(line, toMove2.startLine), toMove2.endLine); } } else if (namedParent instanceof XmlAttribute) { final int line = document.getLineNumber(namedParent.getTextRange().getStartOffset()); final LineRange toMove2 = info.toMove2; info.toMove2 = new LineRange(Math.min(line, toMove2.startLine), toMove2.endLine); } } } return true; }
@NotNull private static AngularBindingDescriptor createBinding(PsiNamedElement field) { return new AngularBindingDescriptor(field, "[" + field.getName() + "]"); }
@NotNull private static AngularEventHandlerDescriptor createEvenHandler(PsiNamedElement field) { return new AngularEventHandlerDescriptor(field, "(" + field.getName() + ")"); }
public MemberInplaceRenamer( @NotNull PsiNamedElement elementToRename, PsiElement substituted, Editor editor) { this( elementToRename, substituted, editor, elementToRename.getName(), elementToRename.getName()); }
/** * Tries to produce signature for the exact given PSI element. * * @param element target element * @param buffer buffer to store the signature in * @return buffer that contains signature of the given element if it was produced; <code>null * </code> as an indication that signature for the given element was not produced */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Nullable private static StringBuilder getSignature( @NotNull PsiElement element, @Nullable StringBuilder buffer) { if (element instanceof PsiNamedElement) { PsiNamedElement named = (PsiNamedElement) element; final String name = named.getName(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) { return null; } int index = getChildIndex(named, element.getParent(), name, PsiNamedElement.class); StringBuilder bufferToUse = buffer; if (bufferToUse == null) { bufferToUse = new StringBuilder(); } bufferToUse .append(TYPE_MARKER) .append(ELEMENT_TOKENS_SEPARATOR) .append(escape(name)) .append(ELEMENT_TOKENS_SEPARATOR) .append(index); return bufferToUse; } if (element instanceof PsiComment) { PsiElement parent = element.getParent(); boolean nestedComment = false; if (parent instanceof PsiComment && parent.getTextRange().equals(element.getTextRange())) { parent = parent.getParent(); nestedComment = true; } if (parent instanceof PsiNamedElement && (nestedComment || parent.getFirstChild() == element)) { // Consider doc comment element that is the first child of named element to be a doc // comment. StringBuilder bufferToUse = buffer; if (bufferToUse == null) { bufferToUse = new StringBuilder(); } bufferToUse.append(TYPE_MARKER).append(ELEMENT_TOKENS_SEPARATOR).append(DOC_COMMENT_MARKER); return bufferToUse; } } PsiElement parent = element.getParent(); if (parent instanceof PsiNamedElement && !(parent instanceof PsiFile)) { if (isBlockElement(element)) { int index = getBlockElementIndex(element); StringBuilder bufferToUse = buffer; if (bufferToUse == null) { bufferToUse = new StringBuilder(); } bufferToUse.append(TYPE_MARKER).append(ELEMENT_TOKENS_SEPARATOR).append(CODE_BLOCK_MARKER); if (index > 0) { bufferToUse.append(ELEMENT_TOKENS_SEPARATOR).append(index); } return bufferToUse; } } return null; }
protected TLSchemaNamedElementReferenceBase(PsiNamedElement element, TextRange rangeInElement) { super(element, rangeInElement); myName = element.getName(); }
public DReference(@NotNull PsiNamedElement element, TextRange textRange) { super(element, textRange); name = element.getName(); }