@NotNull private VirtualFilePointerImpl getOrCreate( @NotNull Disposable parentDisposable, @Nullable VirtualFilePointerListener listener, @NotNull String path, @NotNull Pair<VirtualFile, String> fileAndUrl) { FilePointerPartNode root = myPointers.get(listener); FilePointerPartNode node; if (root == null) { root = new FilePointerPartNode(path, null, fileAndUrl); myPointers.put(listener, root); node = root; } else { node = root.findPointerOrCreate(path, 0, fileAndUrl); } VirtualFilePointerImpl pointer; if (node.leaf == null) { pointer = new VirtualFilePointerImpl(listener, parentDisposable, fileAndUrl); node.associate(pointer, fileAndUrl); } else { pointer = node.leaf; } pointer.myNode.incrementUsageCount(1); root.checkConsistency(); return pointer; }
private IdentityVirtualFilePointer getOrCreateIdentity(@NotNull String url, VirtualFile found) { IdentityVirtualFilePointer pointer = myUrlToIdentity.get(url); if (pointer == null) { pointer = new IdentityVirtualFilePointer(found, url); myUrlToIdentity.put(url, pointer); } return pointer; }
static void registerDisposable(Disposable parentDisposable, VirtualFilePointerImpl pointer) { synchronized (ourInstances) { DelegatingDisposable result = ourInstances.get(parentDisposable); if (result == null) { ourInstances.put(parentDisposable, result = new DelegatingDisposable(parentDisposable)); Disposer.register(parentDisposable, result); } result.myCounts.put(pointer, result.myCounts.get(pointer) + 1); } }
@TestOnly public int countDupContainers() { Map<VirtualFilePointerContainer, Integer> c = new THashMap<VirtualFilePointerContainer, Integer>(); for (VirtualFilePointerContainerImpl container : myContainers) { Integer count = c.get(container); if (count == null) count = 0; count++; c.put(container, count); } int i = 0; for (Integer count : c.values()) { if (count > 1) { i++; } } return i; }
@Override @Nullable public VirtualFileSystemEntry findRoot( @NotNull String basePath, @NotNull NewVirtualFileSystem fs) { if (basePath.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("Invalid root, fs=" + fs); return null; } String rootUrl = normalizeRootUrl(basePath, fs); myRootsLock.readLock().lock(); try { VirtualFileSystemEntry root = myRoots.get(rootUrl); if (root != null) return root; } finally { myRootsLock.readLock().unlock(); } final VirtualFileSystemEntry newRoot; int rootId = FSRecords.findRootRecord(rootUrl); VfsData.Segment segment = VfsData.getSegment(rootId, true); VfsData.DirectoryData directoryData = new VfsData.DirectoryData(); if (fs instanceof ArchiveFileSystem) { String parentPath = basePath.substring(0, basePath.indexOf(ArchiveFileSystem.ARCHIVE_SEPARATOR)); VirtualFile parentFile = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByPath(parentPath); if (parentFile == null) return null; FileType type = FileTypeRegistry.getInstance().getFileTypeByFileName(parentFile.getName()); if (!(type instanceof ArchiveFileType)) return null; newRoot = new ArchiveRoot(fs, rootId, segment, directoryData, parentFile); } else { newRoot = new FsRoot(fs, rootId, segment, directoryData, basePath); } FileAttributes attributes = fs.getAttributes( new StubVirtualFile() { @NotNull @Override public String getPath() { return newRoot.getPath(); } @Nullable @Override public VirtualFile getParent() { return null; } }); if (attributes == null || !attributes.isDirectory()) { return null; } boolean mark = false; myRootsLock.writeLock().lock(); try { VirtualFileSystemEntry root = myRoots.get(rootUrl); if (root != null) return root; VfsData.initFile(rootId, segment, -1, directoryData); mark = writeAttributesToRecord(rootId, 0, newRoot, fs, attributes); myRoots.put(rootUrl, newRoot); myRootsById.put(rootId, newRoot); } finally { myRootsLock.writeLock().unlock(); } if (!mark && attributes.lastModified != FSRecords.getTimestamp(rootId)) { newRoot.markDirtyRecursively(); } LOG.assertTrue( rootId == newRoot.getId(), "root=" + newRoot + " expected=" + rootId + " actual=" + newRoot.getId()); return newRoot; }
@Override @Nullable public VirtualFileSystemEntry findRoot( @NotNull String basePath, @NotNull NewVirtualFileSystem fs) { String rootUrl = normalizeRootUrl(basePath, fs); boolean isFakeRoot = basePath.isEmpty(); VirtualFileSystemEntry root; myRootsLock.readLock().lock(); try { root = isFakeRoot ? mySuperRoot : myRoots.get(rootUrl); if (root != null) return root; } finally { myRootsLock.readLock().unlock(); } myRootsLock.writeLock().lock(); try { root = isFakeRoot ? mySuperRoot : myRoots.get(rootUrl); if (root != null) return root; int rootId = FSRecords.findRootRecord(rootUrl); root = myRootsById.get(rootId); if (root != null) return root; if (isFakeRoot) { // fake super-root root = new FakeRoot(fs, rootId); } else if (fs instanceof JarFileSystem) { // optimization: for jar roots do not store base path in the myName field, use local FS // file's getPath() String parentPath = basePath.substring(0, basePath.indexOf(JarFileSystem.JAR_SEPARATOR)); VirtualFile parentLocalFile = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByPath(parentPath); if (parentLocalFile == null) return null; // check one more time since the findFileByPath could have created the root (by reentering // the findRoot) root = myRoots.get(rootUrl); if (root != null) return root; root = myRootsById.get(rootId); if (root != null) return root; root = new JarRoot(fs, rootId, parentLocalFile); } else { root = new FsRoot(fs, rootId, basePath); } if (isFakeRoot) { mySuperRoot = root; } else { FileAttributes attributes = fs.getAttributes(root); if (attributes == null || !attributes.isDirectory()) { return null; } final boolean newRoot = writeAttributesToRecord(rootId, 0, root, fs, attributes); if (!newRoot && attributes.lastModified != FSRecords.getTimestamp(rootId)) { root.markDirtyRecursively(); } myRoots.put(rootUrl, root); myRootsById.put(rootId, root); if (rootId != root.getId()) throw new AssertionError(); } return root; } finally { myRootsLock.writeLock().unlock(); } }