static boolean shouldSkipPlugin( final IdeaPluginDescriptor descriptor, IdeaPluginDescriptor[] loaded) { final String idString = descriptor.getPluginId().getIdString(); if (idString.equals(CORE_PLUGIN_ID)) { return false; } //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral final String pluginId = System.getProperty(""); if (pluginId == null) { if (descriptor instanceof IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl && !descriptor.isEnabled()) return true; if (!shouldLoadPlugins()) return true; } final List<String> pluginIds = pluginId == null ? null : StringUtil.split(pluginId, ","); final boolean checkModuleDependencies = !ourAvailableModules.isEmpty() && !ourAvailableModules.contains("com.intellij.modules.all"); if (checkModuleDependencies && !hasModuleDependencies(descriptor)) { return true; } boolean shouldLoad; //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral final String loadPluginCategory = System.getProperty("idea.load.plugins.category"); if (loadPluginCategory != null) { shouldLoad = loadPluginCategory.equals(descriptor.getCategory()); } else { if (pluginIds != null) { shouldLoad = pluginIds.contains(idString); if (!shouldLoad) { Map<PluginId, IdeaPluginDescriptor> map = new HashMap<PluginId, IdeaPluginDescriptor>(); for (final IdeaPluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor : loaded) { map.put(pluginDescriptor.getPluginId(), pluginDescriptor); } addModulesAsDependents(map); final IdeaPluginDescriptor descriptorFromProperty = map.get(PluginId.getId(pluginId)); shouldLoad = descriptorFromProperty != null && isDependent( descriptorFromProperty, descriptor.getPluginId(), map, checkModuleDependencies); } } else { shouldLoad = !getDisabledPlugins().contains(idString); } if (shouldLoad && descriptor instanceof IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl) { if (isIncompatible(descriptor)) return true; } } return !shouldLoad; }
@NotNull private static PsiClass[] resolveClassReferenceList( @NotNull PsiClassType[] listOfTypes, @NotNull PsiManager manager, @NotNull GlobalSearchScope resolveScope, boolean includeObject) { PsiClass objectClass = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(manager.getProject()) .findClass(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, resolveScope); if (objectClass == null) includeObject = false; if (listOfTypes.length == 0) { if (includeObject) return new PsiClass[] {objectClass}; return PsiClass.EMPTY_ARRAY; } int referenceCount = listOfTypes.length; if (includeObject) referenceCount++; PsiClass[] resolved = new PsiClass[referenceCount]; int resolvedCount = 0; if (includeObject) resolved[resolvedCount++] = objectClass; for (PsiClassType reference : listOfTypes) { PsiClass refResolved = reference.resolve(); if (refResolved != null) resolved[resolvedCount++] = refResolved; } if (resolvedCount < referenceCount) { PsiClass[] shorter = new PsiClass[resolvedCount]; System.arraycopy(resolved, 0, shorter, 0, resolvedCount); resolved = shorter; } return resolved; }
public static void initPlugins(@Nullable StartupProgress progress) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { initializePlugins(progress); } catch (RuntimeException e) { getLogger().error(e); throw e; } getLogger() .info( ourPlugins.length + " plugins initialized in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms"); logPlugins(); ClassUtilCore.clearJarURLCache(); }
private void doPostponedFormattingInner(final FileViewProvider key) { final List<ASTNode> astNodes = myReformatElements.remove(key); final Document document = key.getDocument(); // Sort ranges by end offsets so that we won't need any offset adjustment after reformat or // reindent if (document == null) return; final VirtualFile virtualFile = key.getVirtualFile(); if (!virtualFile.isValid()) return; final TreeSet<PostprocessFormattingTask> postProcessTasks = new TreeSet<PostprocessFormattingTask>(); Collection<Disposable> toDispose = ContainerUtilRt.newArrayList(); try { // process all roots in viewProvider to find marked for reformat before elements and create // appropriate range markers handleReformatMarkers(key, postProcessTasks); toDispose.addAll(postProcessTasks); // then we create ranges by changed nodes. One per node. There ranges can intersect. Ranges // are sorted by end offset. if (astNodes != null) createActionsMap(astNodes, key, postProcessTasks); if ("true".equals(System.getProperty("")) && ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { checkPsiIsCorrect(key); } while (!postProcessTasks.isEmpty()) { // now we have to normalize actions so that they not intersect and ordered in most // appropriate way // (free reformatting -> reindent -> formatting under reindent) final List<PostponedAction> normalizedActions = normalizeAndReorderPostponedActions(postProcessTasks, document); toDispose.addAll(normalizedActions); // only in following loop real changes in document are made for (final PostponedAction normalizedAction : normalizedActions) { CodeStyleSettings settings = CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(myPsiManager.getProject()); boolean old = settings.ENABLE_JAVADOC_FORMATTING; settings.ENABLE_JAVADOC_FORMATTING = false; try { normalizedAction.execute(key); } finally { settings.ENABLE_JAVADOC_FORMATTING = old; } } } } finally { for (Disposable disposable : toDispose) { //noinspection SSBasedInspection disposable.dispose(); } } }
@NotNull public static List<String> getDisabledPlugins() { if (ourDisabledPlugins == null) { ourDisabledPlugins = new ArrayList<String>(); if (System.getProperty("idea.ignore.disabled.plugins") == null && !isUnitTestMode()) { loadDisabledPlugins(PathManager.getConfigPath(), ourDisabledPlugins); } } return ourDisabledPlugins; }
@NotNull private static PsiClass[] getSupersInner(@NotNull PsiClass psiClass) { PsiClassType[] extendsListTypes = psiClass.getExtendsListTypes(); PsiClassType[] implementsListTypes = psiClass.getImplementsListTypes(); if (psiClass.isInterface()) { return resolveClassReferenceList( extendsListTypes, psiClass.getManager(), psiClass.getResolveScope(), true); } if (psiClass instanceof PsiAnonymousClass) { PsiAnonymousClass psiAnonymousClass = (PsiAnonymousClass) psiClass; PsiClassType baseClassReference = psiAnonymousClass.getBaseClassType(); PsiClass baseClass = baseClassReference.resolve(); if (baseClass != null) { if (baseClass.isInterface()) { PsiClass objectClass = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(psiClass.getProject()) .findClass(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, psiClass.getResolveScope()); return objectClass != null ? new PsiClass[] {objectClass, baseClass} : new PsiClass[] {baseClass}; } return new PsiClass[] {baseClass}; } PsiClass objectClass = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(psiClass.getProject()) .findClass(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, psiClass.getResolveScope()); return objectClass != null ? new PsiClass[] {objectClass} : PsiClass.EMPTY_ARRAY; } if (psiClass instanceof PsiTypeParameter) { if (extendsListTypes.length == 0) { final PsiClass objectClass = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(psiClass.getProject()) .findClass(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, psiClass.getResolveScope()); return objectClass != null ? new PsiClass[] {objectClass} : PsiClass.EMPTY_ARRAY; } return resolveClassReferenceList( extendsListTypes, psiClass.getManager(), psiClass.getResolveScope(), false); } PsiClass[] interfaces = resolveClassReferenceList( implementsListTypes, psiClass.getManager(), psiClass.getResolveScope(), false); PsiClass superClass = getSuperClass(psiClass); if (superClass == null) return interfaces; PsiClass[] types = new PsiClass[interfaces.length + 1]; types[0] = superClass; System.arraycopy(interfaces, 0, types, 1, interfaces.length); return types; }
static boolean shouldLoadPlugins() { try { // no plugins during bootstrap Class.forName("com.intellij.openapi.extensions.Extensions"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return false; } //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral final String loadPlugins = System.getProperty("idea.load.plugins"); return loadPlugins == null || Boolean.TRUE.toString().equals(loadPlugins); }
static BuildNumber getBuildNumber() { if (ourBuildNumber == null) { ourBuildNumber = BuildNumber.fromString(System.getProperty("")); if (ourBuildNumber == null) { ourBuildNumber = BUILD_NUMBER == null ? null : BuildNumber.fromString(BUILD_NUMBER); if (ourBuildNumber == null) { ourBuildNumber = BuildNumber.fallback(); } } } return ourBuildNumber; }
@Override @Nullable public Project newProject( final String projectName, @NotNull String filePath, boolean useDefaultProjectSettings, boolean isDummy) { filePath = toCanonicalName(filePath); //noinspection ConstantConditions if (LOG_PROJECT_LEAKAGE_IN_TESTS && ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { for (int i = 0; i < 42; i++) { if (myProjects.size() < MAX_LEAKY_PROJECTS) break; System.gc(); TimeoutUtil.sleep(100); System.gc(); } if (myProjects.size() >= MAX_LEAKY_PROJECTS) { List<Project> copy = new ArrayList<Project>(myProjects.keySet()); myProjects.clear(); throw new TooManyProjectLeakedException(copy); } } ProjectImpl project = createProject( projectName, filePath, false, ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()); try { initProject(project, useDefaultProjectSettings ? (ProjectImpl) getDefaultProject() : null); if (LOG_PROJECT_LEAKAGE_IN_TESTS) { myProjects.put(project, null); } return project; } catch (final Exception e) {; Messages.showErrorDialog(message(e), ProjectBundle.message("project.load.default.error")); } return null; }
static void loadDescriptorsFromProperty(final List<IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl> result) { final String pathProperty = System.getProperty(PROPERTY_PLUGIN_PATH); if (pathProperty == null) return; for (StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(pathProperty, File.pathSeparator); t.hasMoreTokens(); ) { String s = t.nextToken(); final IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl ideaPluginDescriptor = loadDescriptor(new File(s), PLUGIN_XML); if (ideaPluginDescriptor != null) { result.add(ideaPluginDescriptor); } } }
static { // Radar #5755208: Command line Java applications need a way to launch without a Dock icon. System.setProperty("apple.awt.UIElement", "true"); try { CodeInsightSettings defaultSettings = new CodeInsightSettings(); Element oldS = new Element("temp"); defaultSettings.writeExternal(oldS); DEFAULT_SETTINGS_EXTERNALIZED = JDOMUtil.writeElement(oldS, "\n"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
@NotNull public static PsiClassType[] getSuperTypes(@NotNull PsiClass psiClass) { if (psiClass instanceof PsiAnonymousClass) { PsiClassType baseClassType = ((PsiAnonymousClass) psiClass).getBaseClassType(); PsiClass baseClass = baseClassType.resolve(); if (baseClass == null || !baseClass.isInterface()) { return new PsiClassType[] {baseClassType}; } else { PsiClassType objectType = PsiType.getJavaLangObject(psiClass.getManager(), psiClass.getResolveScope()); return new PsiClassType[] {objectType, baseClassType}; } } PsiClassType[] extendsTypes = psiClass.getExtendsListTypes(); PsiClassType[] implementsTypes = psiClass.getImplementsListTypes(); boolean hasExtends = extendsTypes.length != 0; int extendsListLength = extendsTypes.length + (hasExtends ? 0 : 1); PsiClassType[] result = new PsiClassType[extendsListLength + implementsTypes.length]; System.arraycopy(extendsTypes, 0, result, 0, extendsTypes.length); if (!hasExtends) { if (CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT.equals(psiClass.getQualifiedName())) { return PsiClassType.EMPTY_ARRAY; } PsiManager manager = psiClass.getManager(); PsiClassType objectType = PsiType.getJavaLangObject(manager, psiClass.getResolveScope()); result[0] = objectType; } System.arraycopy(implementsTypes, 0, result, extendsListLength, implementsTypes.length); for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { PsiClassType type = result[i]; result[i] = (PsiClassType) PsiUtil.captureToplevelWildcards(type, psiClass); } return result; }
@Override protected void handleInitComponentError( final Throwable ex, final boolean fatal, final String componentClassName) { if (PluginManager.isPluginClass(componentClassName)) { LOG.error(ex); PluginId pluginId = PluginManager.getPluginByClassName(componentClassName); @NonNls final String errorMessage = "Plugin " + pluginId.getIdString() + " failed to initialize and will be disabled:\n" + ex.getMessage() + "\nPlease restart " + ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getFullProductName() + "."; PluginManager.disablePlugin(pluginId.getIdString()); if (!myHeadlessMode) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMessage); } else { //noinspection UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr System.out.println(errorMessage); System.exit(1); } return; // do not call super } if (fatal) { LOG.error(ex); @NonNls final String errorMessage = "Fatal error initializing class " + componentClassName + ":\n" + ex.toString() + "\nComplete error stacktrace was written to idea.log"; if (!myHeadlessMode) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMessage); } else { //noinspection UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr System.out.println(errorMessage); } } super.handleInitComponentError(ex, fatal, componentClassName); }
public boolean tryToApplyActivationState(boolean active, Window window) { final Component frame = UIUtil.findUltimateParent(window); if (frame instanceof IdeFrame) { final IdeFrame ideFrame = (IdeFrame) frame; if (isActive() != active) { myActive = Boolean.valueOf(active); System.setProperty("", Boolean.valueOf(myActive).toString()); if (active) { myDispatcher.getMulticaster().applicationActivated(ideFrame); } else { myDispatcher.getMulticaster().applicationDeactivated(ideFrame); } return true; } } return false; }
static void loadDescriptorsFromClassPath( @NotNull List<IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl> result, @Nullable StartupProgress progress) { Collection<URL> urls = getClassLoaderUrls(); String platformPrefix = System.getProperty(PlatformUtilsCore.PLATFORM_PREFIX_KEY); int i = 0; for (URL url : urls) { i++; if ("file".equals(url.getProtocol())) { File file = new File(decodeUrl(url.getFile())); IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl platformPluginDescriptor = null; if (platformPrefix != null) { platformPluginDescriptor = loadDescriptor(file, platformPrefix + "Plugin.xml"); if (platformPluginDescriptor != null && !result.contains(platformPluginDescriptor)) { platformPluginDescriptor.setUseCoreClassLoader(true); result.add(platformPluginDescriptor); } } IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl pluginDescriptor = loadDescriptor(file, PLUGIN_XML); if (platformPrefix != null && pluginDescriptor != null && pluginDescriptor.getName().equals(SPECIAL_IDEA_PLUGIN)) { continue; } if (pluginDescriptor != null && !result.contains(pluginDescriptor)) { if (platformPluginDescriptor != null) { // if we found a regular plugin.xml in the same .jar/root as a platform-prefixed // descriptor, use the core loader for it too pluginDescriptor.setUseCoreClassLoader(true); } result.add(pluginDescriptor); if (progress != null) { progress.showProgress( "Plugin loaded: " + pluginDescriptor.getName(), PLUGINS_PROGRESS_MAX_VALUE * ((float) i / urls.size())); } } } } }
public boolean tryToApplyActivationState(boolean active, Window window) { final Component frame = UIUtil.findUltimateParent(window); if (frame instanceof IdeFrame) { final IdeFrame ideFrame = (IdeFrame) frame; if (isActive() != active) { myActive = Boolean.valueOf(active); System.setProperty("", myActive.toString()); ApplicationActivationListener publisher = getMessageBus().syncPublisher(ApplicationActivationListener.TOPIC); if (active) { publisher.applicationActivated(ideFrame); } else { publisher.applicationDeactivated(ideFrame); } return true; } } return false; }
@Override public UpdateInfoTree showUpdateProjectInfo( UpdatedFiles updatedFiles, String displayActionName, ActionInfo actionInfo, boolean canceled) { if (!myProject.isOpen() || myProject.isDisposed()) return null; ContentManager contentManager = getContentManager(); if (contentManager == null) { return null; // content manager is made null during dispose; flag is set later } final UpdateInfoTree updateInfoTree = new UpdateInfoTree(contentManager, myProject, updatedFiles, displayActionName, actionInfo); ContentUtilEx.addTabbedContent( contentManager, updateInfoTree, "Update Info", DateFormatUtil.formatDateTime(System.currentTimeMillis()), true, updateInfoTree); ToolWindowManager.getInstance(myProject).getToolWindow(ToolWindowId.VCS).activate(null); updateInfoTree.expandRootChildren(); return updateInfoTree; }
public ApplicationImpl( boolean isInternal, boolean isUnitTestMode, boolean isHeadless, boolean isCommandLine, @NotNull String appName) { super(null); getPicoContainer().registerComponentInstance(Application.class, this); CommonBundle.assertKeyIsFound = isUnitTestMode; if ((isInternal || isUnitTestMode) && !Comparing.equal("off", System.getProperty("idea.disposer.debug"))) { Disposer.setDebugMode(true); } myStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); myName = appName; ApplicationManagerEx.setApplication(this); PluginsFacade.INSTANCE = new PluginsFacade() { public IdeaPluginDescriptor getPlugin(PluginId id) { return PluginManager.getPlugin(id); } public IdeaPluginDescriptor[] getPlugins() { return PluginManager.getPlugins(); } }; if (!isUnitTestMode && !isHeadless) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().push(IdeEventQueue.getInstance()); if (Patches.SUN_BUG_ID_6209673) { RepaintManager.setCurrentManager(new IdeRepaintManager()); } IconLoader.activate(); } myIsInternal = isInternal; myTestModeFlag = isUnitTestMode; myHeadlessMode = isHeadless; myCommandLineMode = isCommandLine; loadApplicationComponents(); if (myTestModeFlag) { registerShutdownHook(); } if (!isUnitTestMode && !isHeadless) { Disposer.register(this, Disposer.newDisposable(), "ui"); StartupUtil.addExternalInstanceListener( new Consumer<List<String>>() { @Override public void consume(final List<String> args) { invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final Project project = CommandLineProcessor.processExternalCommandLine(args); final IdeFrame frame; if (project != null) { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getIdeFrame(project); } else { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getAllFrames()[0]; } ((IdeFrameImpl) frame).requestFocus(); } }); } }); } final String s = System.getProperty("jb.restart.code"); if (s != null) { try { myRestartCode = Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { } } }
public ApplicationImpl( boolean isInternal, boolean isUnitTestMode, boolean isHeadless, boolean isCommandLine, @NotNull String appName, Splash splash) { super(null); ApplicationManagerEx.setApplication( this, myLastDisposable); // reset back to null only when all components already disposed getPicoContainer().registerComponentInstance(Application.class, this); CommonBundle.assertKeyIsFound = isUnitTestMode; AWTExceptionHandler.register(); // do not crash AWT on exceptions if ((isInternal || isUnitTestMode) && !Comparing.equal("off", System.getProperty("idea.disposer.debug"))) { Disposer.setDebugMode(true); } myStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mySplash = splash; myName = appName; PluginsFacade.INSTANCE = new PluginsFacade() { public IdeaPluginDescriptor getPlugin(PluginId id) { return PluginManager.getPlugin(id); } public IdeaPluginDescriptor[] getPlugins() { return PluginManager.getPlugins(); } }; myIsInternal = isInternal; myTestModeFlag = isUnitTestMode; myHeadlessMode = isHeadless; myCommandLineMode = isCommandLine; myDoNotSave = myTestModeFlag || myHeadlessMode; loadApplicationComponents(); if (myTestModeFlag) { registerShutdownHook(); } if (!isUnitTestMode && !isHeadless) { Disposer.register(this, Disposer.newDisposable(), "ui"); StartupUtil.addExternalInstanceListener( new Consumer<List<String>>() { @Override public void consume(final List<String> args) { invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final Project project = CommandLineProcessor.processExternalCommandLine(args); final IdeFrame frame; if (project != null) { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getIdeFrame(project); } else { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getAllFrames()[0]; } ((IdeFrameImpl) frame).requestFocus(); } }); } }); } final String s = System.getProperty("jb.restart.code"); if (s != null) { try { myRestartCode = Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { } } registerFont("/fonts/Inconsolata.ttf"); }
static void initializePlugins(@Nullable StartupProgress progress) { configureExtensions(); final IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl[] pluginDescriptors = loadDescriptors(progress); final Class callerClass = ReflectionUtil.findCallerClass(1); assert callerClass != null; final ClassLoader parentLoader = callerClass.getClassLoader(); final List<IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl> result = new ArrayList<IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl>(); final HashMap<String, String> disabledPluginNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl descriptor : pluginDescriptors) { if (descriptor.getPluginId().getIdString().equals(CORE_PLUGIN_ID)) { final List<String> modules = descriptor.getModules(); if (modules != null) { ourAvailableModules.addAll(modules); } } if (!shouldSkipPlugin(descriptor, pluginDescriptors)) { result.add(descriptor); } else { descriptor.setEnabled(false); disabledPluginNames.put(descriptor.getPluginId().getIdString(), descriptor.getName()); initClassLoader(parentLoader, descriptor); } } prepareLoadingPluginsErrorMessage(filterBadPlugins(result, disabledPluginNames)); final Map<PluginId, IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl> idToDescriptorMap = new HashMap<PluginId, IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl>(); for (final IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl descriptor : result) { idToDescriptorMap.put(descriptor.getPluginId(), descriptor); } final IdeaPluginDescriptor corePluginDescriptor = idToDescriptorMap.get(PluginId.getId(CORE_PLUGIN_ID)); assert corePluginDescriptor != null : CORE_PLUGIN_ID + " not found; platform prefix is " + System.getProperty(PlatformUtilsCore.PLATFORM_PREFIX_KEY); for (IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl descriptor : result) { if (descriptor != corePluginDescriptor) { descriptor.insertDependency(corePluginDescriptor); } } mergeOptionalConfigs(idToDescriptorMap); // sort descriptors according to plugin dependencies Collections.sort(result, getPluginDescriptorComparator(idToDescriptorMap)); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { ourId2Index.put(result.get(i).getPluginId(), i); } int i = 0; for (final IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl pluginDescriptor : result) { if (pluginDescriptor.getPluginId().getIdString().equals(CORE_PLUGIN_ID) || pluginDescriptor.isUseCoreClassLoader()) { pluginDescriptor.setLoader(parentLoader, true); } else { final List<File> classPath = pluginDescriptor.getClassPath(); final PluginId[] dependentPluginIds = pluginDescriptor.getDependentPluginIds(); final ClassLoader[] parentLoaders = getParentLoaders(idToDescriptorMap, dependentPluginIds); final ClassLoader pluginClassLoader = createPluginClassLoader( classPath.toArray(new File[classPath.size()]), parentLoaders.length > 0 ? parentLoaders : new ClassLoader[] {parentLoader}, pluginDescriptor); pluginDescriptor.setLoader(pluginClassLoader, true); } pluginDescriptor.registerExtensions(); if (progress != null) { progress.showProgress( "", PLUGINS_PROGRESS_MAX_VALUE + (i++ / (float) result.size()) * 0.35f); } } ourPlugins = pluginDescriptors; }
static { System.setProperty("jbdt.test.fixture", "com.intellij.designer.dt.IJTestFixture"); }
@SuppressWarnings({"AssignmentToStaticFieldFromInstanceMethod"}) public class ApplicationImpl extends ComponentManagerImpl implements ApplicationEx { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.application.impl.ApplicationImpl"); private final ModalityState MODALITY_STATE_NONE = ModalityState.NON_MODAL; private final ModalityInvokator myInvokator = new ModalityInvokatorImpl(); private final EventDispatcher<ApplicationListener> myDispatcher = EventDispatcher.create(ApplicationListener.class); private boolean myTestModeFlag; private final boolean myHeadlessMode; private final boolean myCommandLineMode; private final boolean myIsInternal; private final String myName; private final ReentrantWriterPreferenceReadWriteLock myActionsLock = new ReentrantWriterPreferenceReadWriteLock(); private final Stack<Runnable> myWriteActionsStack = new Stack<Runnable>(); // accessed from EDT only, no need to sync private volatile Runnable myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable; private int myInEditorPaintCounter = 0; private long myStartTime = 0; private boolean myDoNotSave = false; private volatile boolean myDisposeInProgress = false; private int myRestartCode = 0; private volatile int myExitCode = 0; private final AtomicBoolean mySaveSettingsIsInProgress = new AtomicBoolean(false); @SuppressWarnings({"UseOfArchaicSystemPropertyAccessors"}) private static final int ourDumpThreadsOnLongWriteActionWaiting = Integer.getInteger(System.getProperty("dump.threads.on.long.write.action.waiting"), 0); private final ExecutorService ourThreadExecutorsService = new ThreadPoolExecutor( 3, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 5 * 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(), new ThreadFactory() { int i; public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { final Thread thread = new Thread(r, "ApplicationImpl pooled thread " + i++) { public void interrupt() { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Interrupted worker, will remove from pool"); } super.interrupt(); } public void run() { try {; } catch (Throwable t) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Worker exits due to exception", t); } } } }; thread.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1); return thread; } }); private boolean myIsFiringLoadingEvent = false; @NonNls private static final String WAS_EVER_SHOWN = "was.ever.shown"; private Boolean myActive; private static final ThreadLocal<Integer> ourEdtSafe = new ThreadLocal<Integer>(); protected void boostrapPicoContainer() { super.boostrapPicoContainer(); getPicoContainer() .registerComponentImplementation( IComponentStore.class, StoresFactory.getApplicationStoreClass()); getPicoContainer().registerComponentImplementation(ApplicationPathMacroManager.class); } @Override @NotNull public synchronized IApplicationStore getStateStore() { return (IApplicationStore) super.getStateStore(); } public ApplicationImpl( boolean isInternal, boolean isUnitTestMode, boolean isHeadless, boolean isCommandLine, @NotNull String appName) { super(null); getPicoContainer().registerComponentInstance(Application.class, this); CommonBundle.assertKeyIsFound = isUnitTestMode; if ((isInternal || isUnitTestMode) && !Comparing.equal("off", System.getProperty("idea.disposer.debug"))) { Disposer.setDebugMode(true); } myStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); myName = appName; ApplicationManagerEx.setApplication(this); PluginsFacade.INSTANCE = new PluginsFacade() { public IdeaPluginDescriptor getPlugin(PluginId id) { return PluginManager.getPlugin(id); } public IdeaPluginDescriptor[] getPlugins() { return PluginManager.getPlugins(); } }; if (!isUnitTestMode && !isHeadless) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().push(IdeEventQueue.getInstance()); if (Patches.SUN_BUG_ID_6209673) { RepaintManager.setCurrentManager(new IdeRepaintManager()); } IconLoader.activate(); } myIsInternal = isInternal; myTestModeFlag = isUnitTestMode; myHeadlessMode = isHeadless; myCommandLineMode = isCommandLine; loadApplicationComponents(); if (myTestModeFlag) { registerShutdownHook(); } if (!isUnitTestMode && !isHeadless) { Disposer.register(this, Disposer.newDisposable(), "ui"); StartupUtil.addExternalInstanceListener( new Consumer<List<String>>() { @Override public void consume(final List<String> args) { invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final Project project = CommandLineProcessor.processExternalCommandLine(args); final IdeFrame frame; if (project != null) { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getIdeFrame(project); } else { frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getAllFrames()[0]; } ((IdeFrameImpl) frame).requestFocus(); } }); } }); } final String s = System.getProperty("jb.restart.code"); if (s != null) { try { myRestartCode = Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { } } } private void registerShutdownHook() { ShutDownTracker .getInstance(); // Necessary to avoid creating an instance while already shutting down. ShutDownTracker.getInstance() .registerShutdownTask( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (isDisposed() || isDisposeInProgress()) { return; } try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { public void run() { ApplicationManagerEx.setApplication(ApplicationImpl.this); try { saveAll(); } finally { disposeSelf(); } } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { LOG.error(e); } } }); } private boolean disposeSelf() { myDisposeInProgress = true; final CommandProcessor commandProcessor = CommandProcessor.getInstance(); final Ref<Boolean> canClose = new Ref<Boolean>(Boolean.TRUE); for (final Project project : ProjectManagerEx.getInstanceEx().getOpenProjects()) { try { commandProcessor.executeCommand( project, new Runnable() { public void run() { canClose.set(ProjectUtil.closeAndDispose(project)); } }, ApplicationBundle.message("command.exit"), null); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error(e); } if (!canClose.get()) { myDisposeInProgress = false; return false; } } Disposer.dispose(this); Disposer.assertIsEmpty(); return true; } @NotNull public String getName() { return myName; } public boolean holdsReadLock() { return myActionsLock.isReadLockAcquired(); } @Override protected void handleInitComponentError( final Throwable ex, final boolean fatal, final String componentClassName) { if (PluginManager.isPluginClass(componentClassName)) { LOG.error(ex); PluginId pluginId = PluginManager.getPluginByClassName(componentClassName); @NonNls final String errorMessage = "Plugin " + pluginId.getIdString() + " failed to initialize and will be disabled:\n" + ex.getMessage() + "\nPlease restart " + ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getFullProductName() + "."; PluginManager.disablePlugin(pluginId.getIdString()); if (!myHeadlessMode) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMessage); } else { //noinspection UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr System.out.println(errorMessage); } System.exit(1); } else if (fatal) { LOG.error(ex); @NonNls final String errorMessage = "Fatal error initializing class " + componentClassName + ":\n" + ex.toString() + "\nComplete error stacktrace was written to idea.log"; if (!myHeadlessMode) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMessage); } else { //noinspection UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr System.out.println(errorMessage); } } super.handleInitComponentError(ex, fatal, componentClassName); } private void loadApplicationComponents() { final IdeaPluginDescriptor[] plugins = PluginManager.getPlugins(); for (IdeaPluginDescriptor plugin : plugins) { if (PluginManager.shouldSkipPlugin(plugin)) continue; loadComponentsConfiguration(plugin.getAppComponents(), plugin, false); } } protected MutablePicoContainer createPicoContainer() { return Extensions.getRootArea().getPicoContainer(); } public boolean isInternal() { return myIsInternal; } public boolean isUnitTestMode() { return myTestModeFlag; } public void setUnitTestMode(boolean testModeFlag) { myTestModeFlag = testModeFlag; } public boolean isHeadlessEnvironment() { return myHeadlessMode; } public boolean isCommandLine() { return myCommandLineMode; } public IdeaPluginDescriptor getPlugin(PluginId id) { return PluginsFacade.INSTANCE.getPlugin(id); } public IdeaPluginDescriptor[] getPlugins() { return PluginsFacade.INSTANCE.getPlugins(); } public Future<?> executeOnPooledThread(@NotNull final Runnable action) { return ourThreadExecutorsService.submit( new Runnable() { public void run() { try {; } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { // ignore } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error(t); } finally { Thread.interrupted(); // reset interrupted status } } }); } @Override public <T> Future<T> executeOnPooledThread(@NotNull final Callable<T> action) { return ourThreadExecutorsService.submit( new Callable<T>() { public T call() { try { return; } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { // ignore } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error(t); } finally { Thread.interrupted(); // reset interrupted status } return null; } }); } private static Thread ourDispatchThread = null; public boolean isDispatchThread() { return EventQueue.isDispatchThread(); } @NotNull public ModalityInvokator getInvokator() { return myInvokator; } public void invokeLater(@NotNull final Runnable runnable) { myInvokator.invokeLater(runnable); } public void invokeLater(@NotNull final Runnable runnable, @NotNull final Condition expired) { myInvokator.invokeLater(runnable, expired); } public void invokeLater(@NotNull final Runnable runnable, @NotNull final ModalityState state) { myInvokator.invokeLater(runnable, state); } public void invokeLater( @NotNull final Runnable runnable, @NotNull final ModalityState state, @NotNull final Condition expired) { myInvokator.invokeLater(runnable, state, expired); } public void load(String path) throws IOException, InvalidDataException { getStateStore().setOptionsPath(path); getStateStore().setConfigPath(PathManager.getConfigPath()); myIsFiringLoadingEvent = true; try { fireBeforeApplicationLoaded(); } finally { myIsFiringLoadingEvent = false; } loadComponentRoamingTypes(); try { getStateStore().load(); } catch (StateStorage.StateStorageException e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override protected <T> T getComponentFromContainer(final Class<T> interfaceClass) { if (myIsFiringLoadingEvent) { return null; } return super.getComponentFromContainer(interfaceClass); } private static void loadComponentRoamingTypes() { ExtensionPoint<RoamingTypeExtensionPointBean> point = Extensions.getRootArea().getExtensionPoint("com.intellij.ComponentRoamingType"); final RoamingTypeExtensionPointBean[] componentRoamingTypes = point.getExtensions(); for (RoamingTypeExtensionPointBean object : componentRoamingTypes) { assert object.componentName != null; assert object.roamingType != null; final RoamingType type = RoamingType.valueOf(object.roamingType); assert type != null; ComponentRoamingManager.getInstance().setRoamingType(object.componentName, type); } } private void fireBeforeApplicationLoaded() { ExtensionPoint<ApplicationLoadListener> point = Extensions.getRootArea().getExtensionPoint("com.intellij.ApplicationLoadListener"); final ApplicationLoadListener[] objects = point.getExtensions(); for (ApplicationLoadListener object : objects) { object.beforeApplicationLoaded(this); } } public void dispose() { fireApplicationExiting(); disposeComponents(); ourThreadExecutorsService.shutdownNow(); super.dispose(); } private final Object lock = new Object(); private void makeChangesVisibleToEDT() { synchronized (lock) { lock.hashCode(); } } public boolean runProcessWithProgressSynchronously( @NotNull final Runnable process, @NotNull String progressTitle, boolean canBeCanceled, Project project) { return runProcessWithProgressSynchronously( process, progressTitle, canBeCanceled, project, null); } public boolean runProcessWithProgressSynchronously( @NotNull final Runnable process, @NotNull final String progressTitle, final boolean canBeCanceled, @Nullable final Project project, final JComponent parentComponent) { return runProcessWithProgressSynchronously( process, progressTitle, canBeCanceled, project, parentComponent, null); } public boolean runProcessWithProgressSynchronously( @NotNull final Runnable process, @NotNull final String progressTitle, final boolean canBeCanceled, @Nullable final Project project, final JComponent parentComponent, final String cancelText) { assertIsDispatchThread(); if (myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable != null || ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode() || ApplicationManager.getApplication().isHeadlessEnvironment()) { try { ProgressManager.getInstance().runProcess(process, new EmptyProgressIndicator()); } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { // ok to ignore. return false; } return true; } final ProgressWindow progress = new ProgressWindow(canBeCanceled, false, project, parentComponent, cancelText); progress.setTitle(progressTitle); try { myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable = process; final boolean[] threadStarted = {false}; SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable != process) { LOG.error( "myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable != process, process = " + myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable); } executeOnPooledThread( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable != process) { LOG.error( "myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable != process, process = " + myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable); } final boolean old = setExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessFlag(true); LOG.assertTrue(isReadAccessAllowed()); try { ProgressManager.getInstance().runProcess(process, progress); } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { progress.cancel(); // ok to ignore. } catch (RuntimeException e) { progress.cancel(); throw e; } finally { setExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessFlag(old); makeChangesVisibleToEDT(); } } }); threadStarted[0] = true; } }); progress.startBlocking(); LOG.assertTrue(threadStarted[0]); LOG.assertTrue(!progress.isRunning()); } finally { myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable = null; makeChangesVisibleToEDT(); } return !progress.isCanceled(); } public boolean isInModalProgressThread() { if (myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessRunnable == null || !isExceptionalThreadWithReadAccess()) { return false; } ProgressIndicator progressIndicator = ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator(); return progressIndicator.isModal() && ((ProgressIndicatorEx) progressIndicator).isModalityEntered(); } public void invokeAndWait(@NotNull Runnable runnable, @NotNull ModalityState modalityState) { if (isDispatchThread()) { LOG.error("invokeAndWait must not be called from event queue thread");; return; } if (isExceptionalThreadWithReadAccess()) { // OK if we're in exceptional thread. LaterInvocator.invokeAndWait(runnable, modalityState); return; } if (myActionsLock.isReadLockAcquired()) { LOG.error("Calling invokeAndWait from read-action leads to possible deadlock."); } LaterInvocator.invokeAndWait(runnable, modalityState); } @NotNull public ModalityState getCurrentModalityState() { Object[] entities = LaterInvocator.getCurrentModalEntities(); return entities.length > 0 ? new ModalityStateEx(entities) : getNoneModalityState(); } @NotNull public ModalityState getModalityStateForComponent(@NotNull Component c) { Window window = c instanceof Window ? (Window) c : SwingUtilities.windowForComponent(c); if (window == null) return getNoneModalityState(); // ? return LaterInvocator.modalityStateForWindow(window); } @NotNull public ModalityState getDefaultModalityState() { if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { return getCurrentModalityState(); } else { ProgressIndicator progress = ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator(); return progress == null ? getNoneModalityState() : progress.getModalityState(); } } @NotNull public ModalityState getNoneModalityState() { return MODALITY_STATE_NONE; } public long getStartTime() { return myStartTime; } public long getIdleTime() { return IdeEventQueue.getInstance().getIdleTime(); } public void exit() { exit(false); } public void exit(final boolean force) { if (!force && getDefaultModalityState() != ModalityState.NON_MODAL) { return; } Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!force) { if (!showConfirmation()) { saveAll(); myExitCode = 0; return; } } getMessageBus().syncPublisher(AppLifecycleListener.TOPIC).appClosing(); FileDocumentManager.getInstance().saveAllDocuments(); saveSettings(); if (!canExit()) { myExitCode = 0; return; } final boolean success = disposeSelf(); if (!success || isUnitTestMode()) { myExitCode = 0; return; } System.exit(myExitCode); } }; if (!isDispatchThread()) { invokeLater(runnable, ModalityState.NON_MODAL); } else {; } } private static boolean showConfirmation() { final boolean hasUnsafeBgTasks = ProgressManager.getInstance().hasUnsafeProgressIndicator(); final ConfirmExitDialog confirmExitDialog = new ConfirmExitDialog(hasUnsafeBgTasks); if (confirmExitDialog.isToBeShown()) {; if (!confirmExitDialog.isOK()) { return false; } } else { confirmExitDialog.close(DialogWrapper.OK_EXIT_CODE); } return true; } private boolean canExit() { for (ApplicationListener applicationListener : myDispatcher.getListeners()) { if (!applicationListener.canExitApplication()) { return false; } } ProjectManagerEx projectManager = (ProjectManagerEx) ProjectManager.getInstance(); Project[] projects = projectManager.getOpenProjects(); for (Project project : projects) { if (!projectManager.canClose(project)) { return false; } } return true; } public void runReadAction(@NotNull final Runnable action) { /** * if we are inside read action, do not try to acquire read lock again since it will deadlock if * there is a pending writeAction see {@link * com.intellij.util.concurrency.ReentrantWriterPreferenceReadWriteLock#allowReader()} */ if (isReadAccessAllowed()) {; return; } LOG.assertTrue( !Thread.holdsLock(PsiLock.LOCK), "Thread must not hold PsiLock while performing readAction"); try { myActionsLock.readLock().acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeInterruptedException(e); } try {; } finally { myActionsLock.readLock().release(); } } private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> exceptionalThreadWithReadAccessFlag = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); private static boolean isExceptionalThreadWithReadAccess() { Boolean flag = exceptionalThreadWithReadAccessFlag.get(); return flag == Boolean.TRUE; } public static boolean setExceptionalThreadWithReadAccessFlag(boolean flag) { boolean old = isExceptionalThreadWithReadAccess(); if (flag) { exceptionalThreadWithReadAccessFlag.set(Boolean.TRUE); } else { exceptionalThreadWithReadAccessFlag.remove(); } return old; } public <T> T runReadAction(@NotNull final Computable<T> computation) { final Ref<T> ref = Ref.create(null); runReadAction( new Runnable() { public void run() { ref.set(computation.compute()); } }); return ref.get(); } public void runWriteAction(@NotNull final Runnable action) { assertCanRunWriteAction(); ActivityTracker.getInstance().inc(); fireBeforeWriteActionStart(action); final AtomicBoolean stopped = new AtomicBoolean(false); if (ourDumpThreadsOnLongWriteActionWaiting > 0) { executeOnPooledThread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while (!stopped.get()) { try { Thread.sleep(ourDumpThreadsOnLongWriteActionWaiting); if (!stopped.get()) { PerformanceWatcher.getInstance().dumpThreads(true); } } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } } } }); } LOG.assertTrue( myActionsLock.isWriteLockAcquired(Thread.currentThread()) || !Thread.holdsLock(PsiLock.LOCK), "Thread must not hold PsiLock while performing writeAction"); try { myActionsLock.writeLock().acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeInterruptedException(e); } stopped.set(true); try { myWriteActionsStack.push(action); fireWriteActionStarted(action);; } finally { try { fireWriteActionFinished(action); myWriteActionsStack.pop(); } finally { myActionsLock.writeLock().release(); } } } public <T> T runWriteAction(@NotNull final Computable<T> computation) { final Ref<T> ref = Ref.create(null); runWriteAction( new Runnable() { public void run() { ref.set(computation.compute()); } }); return ref.get(); } public <T> T getCurrentWriteAction(@Nullable Class<T> actionClass) { assertCanRunWriteAction(); for (int i = myWriteActionsStack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Runnable action = myWriteActionsStack.get(i); if (actionClass == null || ReflectionCache.isAssignable(actionClass, action.getClass())) return (T) action; } return null; } public void assertReadAccessAllowed() { if (myHeadlessMode) return; if (!isReadAccessAllowed()) { LOG.error( "Read access is allowed from event dispatch thread or inside read-action only (see com.intellij.openapi.application.Application.runReadAction())", "Current thread: " + describe(Thread.currentThread()), "Our dispatch thread:" + describe(ourDispatchThread), "SystemEventQueueThread: " + describe(getEventQueueThread())); } } @NonNls private static String describe(Thread o) { if (o == null) return "null"; return o.toString() + " " + System.identityHashCode(o); } @Nullable private static Thread getEventQueueThread() { EventQueue eventQueue = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue(); try { Method method = EventQueue.class.getDeclaredMethod("getDispatchThread"); method.setAccessible(true); return (Thread) method.invoke(eventQueue); } catch (Exception e1) { // ok } return null; } public boolean isReadAccessAllowed() { Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); return ourDispatchThread == currentThread || isExceptionalThreadWithReadAccess() || myActionsLock.isReadLockAcquired() || myActionsLock.isWriteLockAcquired() || isDispatchThread(); } public void assertReadAccessToDocumentsAllowed() { /* TODO Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); if (ourDispatchThread != currentThread) { if (myExceptionalThreadWithReadAccess == currentThread) return; if (myActionsLock.isReadLockAcquired(currentThread)) return; if (myActionsLock.isWriteLockAcquired(currentThread)) return; if (isDispatchThread(currentThread)) return; LOG.error( "Read access is allowed from event dispatch thread or inside read-action only (see com.intellij.openapi.application.Application.runReadAction())"); } */ } private static void assertCanRunWriteAction() { assertIsDispatchThread("Write access is allowed from event dispatch thread only"); } public void assertIsDispatchThread() { assertIsDispatchThread("Access is allowed from event dispatch thread only."); } private static void assertIsDispatchThread(String message) { if (ShutDownTracker.isShutdownHookRunning()) return; final Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); if (ourDispatchThread == currentThread) return; if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { ourDispatchThread = currentThread; } if (ourDispatchThread == currentThread) return; Integer safeCounter = ourEdtSafe.get(); if (safeCounter != null && safeCounter > 0) return; LOG.error( message, "Current thread: " + describe(Thread.currentThread()), "Our dispatch thread:" + describe(ourDispatchThread), "SystemEventQueueThread: " + describe(getEventQueueThread())); } public void runEdtSafeAction(@NotNull Runnable runnable) { Integer value = ourEdtSafe.get(); if (value == null) { value = Integer.valueOf(0); } ourEdtSafe.set(value + 1); try {; } finally { int newValue = ourEdtSafe.get() - 1; ourEdtSafe.set(newValue >= 1 ? newValue : null); } } public void assertIsDispatchThread(@Nullable final JComponent component) { if (component == null) return; Thread curThread = Thread.currentThread(); if (ourDispatchThread == curThread) { return; } if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(component.getClientProperty(WAS_EVER_SHOWN))) { assertIsDispatchThread(); } else { final JRootPane root = component.getRootPane(); if (root != null) { component.putClientProperty(WAS_EVER_SHOWN, Boolean.TRUE); assertIsDispatchThread(); } } } public void assertTimeConsuming() { if (myTestModeFlag || myHeadlessMode || ShutDownTracker.isShutdownHookRunning()) return; LOG.assertTrue( !isDispatchThread(), "This operation is time consuming and must not be called on EDT"); } public boolean tryRunReadAction(@NotNull Runnable action) { /** * if we are inside read action, do not try to acquire read lock again since it will deadlock if * there is a pending writeAction see {@link * com.intellij.util.concurrency.ReentrantWriterPreferenceReadWriteLock#allowReader()} */ boolean mustAcquire = !isReadAccessAllowed(); if (mustAcquire) { LOG.assertTrue( myTestModeFlag || !Thread.holdsLock(PsiLock.LOCK), "Thread must not hold PsiLock while performing readAction"); try { if (!myActionsLock.readLock().attempt(0)) return false; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeInterruptedException(e); } } try {; } finally { if (mustAcquire) { myActionsLock.readLock().release(); } } return true; } public boolean tryToApplyActivationState(boolean active, Window window) { final Component frame = UIUtil.findUltimateParent(window); if (frame instanceof IdeFrame) { final IdeFrame ideFrame = (IdeFrame) frame; if (isActive() != active) { myActive = Boolean.valueOf(active); System.setProperty("", Boolean.valueOf(myActive).toString()); if (active) { myDispatcher.getMulticaster().applicationActivated(ideFrame); } else { myDispatcher.getMulticaster().applicationDeactivated(ideFrame); } return true; } } return false; } public boolean isActive() { if (isUnitTestMode()) return true; if (myActive == null) { Window active = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getActiveWindow(); return active != null; } return myActive; } public void assertWriteAccessAllowed() { LOG.assertTrue( isWriteAccessAllowed(), "Write access is allowed inside write-action only (see com.intellij.openapi.application.Application.runWriteAction())"); } public boolean isWriteAccessAllowed() { return myActionsLock.isWriteLockAcquired(Thread.currentThread()); } public void editorPaintStart() { myInEditorPaintCounter++; } public void editorPaintFinish() { myInEditorPaintCounter--; LOG.assertTrue(myInEditorPaintCounter >= 0); } public void addApplicationListener(@NotNull ApplicationListener l) { myDispatcher.addListener(l); } public void addApplicationListener(@NotNull ApplicationListener l, @NotNull Disposable parent) { myDispatcher.addListener(l, parent); } public void removeApplicationListener(@NotNull ApplicationListener l) { myDispatcher.removeListener(l); } private void fireApplicationExiting() { myDispatcher.getMulticaster().applicationExiting(); } private void fireBeforeWriteActionStart(Runnable action) { myDispatcher.getMulticaster().beforeWriteActionStart(action); } private void fireWriteActionStarted(Runnable action) { myDispatcher.getMulticaster().writeActionStarted(action); } private void fireWriteActionFinished(Runnable action) { myDispatcher.getMulticaster().writeActionFinished(action); } public void _saveSettings() { // public for testing purposes if (mySaveSettingsIsInProgress.compareAndSet(false, true)) { try { doSave(); } catch (final Throwable ex) { if (isUnitTestMode()) { System.out.println("Saving application settings failed"); ex.printStackTrace(); } else {"Saving application settings failed", ex); invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (ex instanceof PluginException) { final PluginException pluginException = (PluginException) ex; PluginManager.disablePlugin(pluginException.getPluginId().getIdString()); Messages.showMessageDialog( "The plugin " + pluginException.getPluginId() + " failed to save settings and has been disabled. Please restart " + ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getFullProductName(), CommonBundle.getErrorTitle(), Messages.getErrorIcon()); } else { Messages.showMessageDialog( ApplicationBundle.message( "", ex.getLocalizedMessage()), CommonBundle.getErrorTitle(), Messages.getErrorIcon()); } } }); } } finally { mySaveSettingsIsInProgress.set(false); } } } public void saveSettings() { if (!myDoNotSave && !isUnitTestMode() && !isHeadlessEnvironment()) { _saveSettings(); } } public void saveAll() { if (myDoNotSave || isUnitTestMode() || isHeadlessEnvironment()) return; FileDocumentManager.getInstance().saveAllDocuments(); Project[] openProjects = ProjectManager.getInstance().getOpenProjects(); for (Project openProject : openProjects) { ProjectEx project = (ProjectEx) openProject;; } saveSettings(); } public void doNotSave() { myDoNotSave = true; } public boolean isDoNotSave() { return myDoNotSave; } public <T> T[] getExtensions(final ExtensionPointName<T> extensionPointName) { return Extensions.getRootArea().getExtensionPoint(extensionPointName).getExtensions(); } public boolean isDisposeInProgress() { return myDisposeInProgress; } public boolean isRestartCapable() { return SystemInfo.isWindows || SystemInfo.isMacOSSnowLeopard || myRestartCode > 0; } public void restart() { if (SystemInfo.isWindows) { Win32Restarter.restart(); } else if (SystemInfo.isMacOSSnowLeopard) { MacRestarter.restart(); } else if (myRestartCode > 0) { myExitCode = myRestartCode; exit(true); } else { exit(true); } } public boolean isSaving() { if (getStateStore().isSaving()) return true; Project[] openProjects = ProjectManager.getInstance().getOpenProjects(); for (Project openProject : openProjects) { ProjectEx project = (ProjectEx) openProject; if (project.getStateStore().isSaving()) return true; } return false; } @Override public String toString() { return "Application"; } }
@NonNls private static String describe(Thread o) { if (o == null) return "null"; return o.toString() + " " + System.identityHashCode(o); }
/** @author peter */ @SuppressWarnings("UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr") public abstract class UsefulTestCase extends TestCase { public static final boolean IS_UNDER_TEAMCITY = System.getenv("TEAMCITY_VERSION") != null; public static final String IDEA_MARKER_CLASS = "com.intellij.openapi.components.impl.stores.IdeaProjectStoreImpl"; public static final String TEMP_DIR_MARKER = "unitTest_"; protected static boolean OVERWRITE_TESTDATA = false; private static final String DEFAULT_SETTINGS_EXTERNALIZED; private static final Random RNG = new SecureRandom(); private static final String ORIGINAL_TEMP_DIR = FileUtil.getTempDirectory(); protected final Disposable myTestRootDisposable = new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() {} @Override public String toString() { String testName = getTestName(false); return UsefulTestCase.this.getClass() + (StringUtil.isEmpty(testName) ? "" : ".test" + testName); } }; protected static String ourPathToKeep = null; private CodeStyleSettings myOldCodeStyleSettings; private String myTempDir; protected static final Key<String> CREATION_PLACE = Key.create("CREATION_PLACE"); static { // Radar #5755208: Command line Java applications need a way to launch without a Dock icon. System.setProperty("apple.awt.UIElement", "true"); try { CodeInsightSettings defaultSettings = new CodeInsightSettings(); Element oldS = new Element("temp"); defaultSettings.writeExternal(oldS); DEFAULT_SETTINGS_EXTERNALIZED = JDOMUtil.writeElement(oldS, "\n"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected boolean shouldContainTempFiles() { return true; } @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); if (shouldContainTempFiles()) { String testName = getTestName(true); if (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(testName)) testName = ""; testName = new File(testName).getName(); // in case the test name contains file separators myTempDir = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName( ORIGINAL_TEMP_DIR + "/" + TEMP_DIR_MARKER + testName + "_" + RNG.nextInt(1000)); FileUtil.resetCanonicalTempPathCache(myTempDir); } //noinspection AssignmentToStaticFieldFromInstanceMethod DocumentImpl.CHECK_DOCUMENT_CONSISTENCY = !isPerformanceTest(); } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { try { Disposer.dispose(myTestRootDisposable); cleanupSwingDataStructures(); cleanupDeleteOnExitHookList(); } finally { if (shouldContainTempFiles()) { FileUtil.resetCanonicalTempPathCache(ORIGINAL_TEMP_DIR); if (ourPathToKeep != null && FileUtil.isAncestor(myTempDir, ourPathToKeep, false)) { File[] files = new File(myTempDir).listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File file : files) { if (!FileUtil.pathsEqual(file.getPath(), ourPathToKeep)) { FileUtil.delete(file); } } } } else { FileUtil.delete(new File(myTempDir)); } } } UIUtil.removeLeakingAppleListeners(); super.tearDown(); } private static final Set<String> DELETE_ON_EXIT_HOOK_DOT_FILES; private static final Class DELETE_ON_EXIT_HOOK_CLASS; static { Class<?> aClass = null; Set<String> files = null; try { aClass = Class.forName(""); files = ReflectionUtil.getField(aClass, null, Set.class, "files"); } catch (Exception ignored) { } DELETE_ON_EXIT_HOOK_CLASS = aClass; DELETE_ON_EXIT_HOOK_DOT_FILES = files; } public static void cleanupDeleteOnExitHookList() throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { // try to reduce file set retained by List<String> list; synchronized (DELETE_ON_EXIT_HOOK_CLASS) { if (DELETE_ON_EXIT_HOOK_DOT_FILES.isEmpty()) return; list = new ArrayList<String>(DELETE_ON_EXIT_HOOK_DOT_FILES); } for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String path = list.get(i); if (FileSystemUtil.getAttributes(path) == null || new File(path).delete()) { synchronized (DELETE_ON_EXIT_HOOK_CLASS) { DELETE_ON_EXIT_HOOK_DOT_FILES.remove(path); } } } } private static void cleanupSwingDataStructures() throws Exception { Class<?> aClass = Class.forName("javax.swing.KeyboardManager"); Method get = aClass.getMethod("getCurrentManager"); get.setAccessible(true); Object manager = get.invoke(null); { Field mapF = aClass.getDeclaredField("componentKeyStrokeMap"); mapF.setAccessible(true); Object map = mapF.get(manager); ((Map) map).clear(); } { Field mapF = aClass.getDeclaredField("containerMap"); mapF.setAccessible(true); Object map = mapF.get(manager); ((Map) map).clear(); } } protected CompositeException checkForSettingsDamage() throws Exception { Application app = ApplicationManager.getApplication(); if (isPerformanceTest() || app == null || app instanceof MockApplication) { return new CompositeException(); } CodeStyleSettings oldCodeStyleSettings = myOldCodeStyleSettings; myOldCodeStyleSettings = null; return doCheckForSettingsDamage(oldCodeStyleSettings, getCurrentCodeStyleSettings()); } public static CompositeException doCheckForSettingsDamage( @NotNull CodeStyleSettings oldCodeStyleSettings, @NotNull CodeStyleSettings currentCodeStyleSettings) throws Exception { CompositeException result = new CompositeException(); final CodeInsightSettings settings = CodeInsightSettings.getInstance(); try { Element newS = new Element("temp"); settings.writeExternal(newS); Assert.assertEquals( "Code insight settings damaged", DEFAULT_SETTINGS_EXTERNALIZED, JDOMUtil.writeElement(newS, "\n")); } catch (AssertionError error) { CodeInsightSettings clean = new CodeInsightSettings(); Element temp = new Element("temp"); clean.writeExternal(temp); settings.loadState(temp); result.add(error); } currentCodeStyleSettings.getIndentOptions(StdFileTypes.JAVA); try { checkSettingsEqual( oldCodeStyleSettings, currentCodeStyleSettings, "Code style settings damaged"); } catch (AssertionError e) { result.add(e); } finally { currentCodeStyleSettings.clearCodeStyleSettings(); } try { InplaceRefactoring.checkCleared(); } catch (AssertionError e) { result.add(e); } try { StartMarkAction.checkCleared(); } catch (AssertionError e) { result.add(e); } return result; } protected void storeSettings() { if (!isPerformanceTest() && ApplicationManager.getApplication() != null) { myOldCodeStyleSettings = getCurrentCodeStyleSettings().clone(); myOldCodeStyleSettings.getIndentOptions(StdFileTypes.JAVA); } } protected CodeStyleSettings getCurrentCodeStyleSettings() { if (CodeStyleSchemes.getInstance().getCurrentScheme() == null) return new CodeStyleSettings(); return CodeStyleSettingsManager.getInstance().getCurrentSettings(); } public Disposable getTestRootDisposable() { return myTestRootDisposable; } @Override protected void runTest() throws Throwable { final Throwable[] throwables = new Throwable[1]; Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { UsefulTestCase.super.runTest(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.fillInStackTrace(); throwables[0] = e.getTargetException(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.fillInStackTrace(); throwables[0] = e; } catch (Throwable e) { throwables[0] = e; } } }; invokeTestRunnable(runnable); if (throwables[0] != null) { throw throwables[0]; } } protected boolean shouldRunTest() { return PlatformTestUtil.canRunTest(getClass()); } public static void edt(Runnable r) { UIUtil.invokeAndWaitIfNeeded(r); } protected void invokeTestRunnable(@NotNull Runnable runnable) throws Exception { UIUtil.invokeAndWaitIfNeeded(runnable); //; } protected void defaultRunBare() throws Throwable { super.runBare(); } @Override public void runBare() throws Throwable { if (!shouldRunTest()) return; if (runInDispatchThread()) { final Throwable[] exception = {null}; UIUtil.invokeAndWaitIfNeeded( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { defaultRunBare(); } catch (Throwable tearingDown) { if (exception[0] == null) exception[0] = tearingDown; } } }); if (exception[0] != null) throw exception[0]; } else { defaultRunBare(); } } protected boolean runInDispatchThread() { return true; } @NonNls public static String toString(Iterable<?> collection) { if (!collection.iterator().hasNext()) { return "<empty>"; } final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (final Object o : collection) { if (o instanceof THashSet) { builder.append(new TreeSet<Object>((THashSet) o)); } else { builder.append(o); } builder.append("\n"); } return builder.toString(); } public static <T> void assertOrderedEquals(T[] actual, T... expected) { assertOrderedEquals(Arrays.asList(actual), expected); } public static <T> void assertOrderedEquals(Iterable<T> actual, T... expected) { assertOrderedEquals(null, actual, expected); } public static void assertOrderedEquals(@NotNull byte[] actual, @NotNull byte[] expected) { assertEquals(actual.length, expected.length); for (int i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { byte a = actual[i]; byte e = expected[i]; assertEquals("not equals at index: " + i, e, a); } } public static <T> void assertOrderedEquals( final String errorMsg, @NotNull Iterable<T> actual, @NotNull T... expected) { Assert.assertNotNull(actual); Assert.assertNotNull(expected); assertOrderedEquals(errorMsg, actual, Arrays.asList(expected)); } public static <T> void assertOrderedEquals( final Iterable<? extends T> actual, final Collection<? extends T> expected) { assertOrderedEquals(null, actual, expected); } public static <T> void assertOrderedEquals( final String erroMsg, final Iterable<? extends T> actual, final Collection<? extends T> expected) { ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(); for (T t : actual) { list.add(t); } if (!list.equals(new ArrayList<T>(expected))) { String expectedString = toString(expected); String actualString = toString(actual); Assert.assertEquals(erroMsg, expectedString, actualString); "Warning! 'toString' does not reflect the difference.\nExpected: " + expectedString + "\nActual: " + actualString); } } public static <T> void assertOrderedCollection(T[] collection, @NotNull Consumer<T>... checkers) { Assert.assertNotNull(collection); assertOrderedCollection(Arrays.asList(collection), checkers); } public static <T> void assertSameElements(T[] collection, T... expected) { assertSameElements(Arrays.asList(collection), expected); } public static <T> void assertSameElements(Collection<? extends T> collection, T... expected) { assertSameElements(collection, Arrays.asList(expected)); } public static <T> void assertSameElements( Collection<? extends T> collection, Collection<T> expected) { assertSameElements(null, collection, expected); } public static <T> void assertSameElements( String message, Collection<? extends T> collection, Collection<T> expected) { assertNotNull(collection); assertNotNull(expected); if (collection.size() != expected.size() || !new HashSet<T>(expected).equals(new HashSet<T>(collection))) { Assert.assertEquals(message, toString(expected, "\n"), toString(collection, "\n")); Assert.assertEquals(message, new HashSet<T>(expected), new HashSet<T>(collection)); } } public <T> void assertContainsOrdered(Collection<? extends T> collection, T... expected) { assertContainsOrdered(collection, Arrays.asList(expected)); } public <T> void assertContainsOrdered( Collection<? extends T> collection, Collection<T> expected) { ArrayList<T> copy = new ArrayList<T>(collection); copy.retainAll(expected); assertOrderedEquals(toString(collection), copy, expected); } public <T> void assertContainsElements(Collection<? extends T> collection, T... expected) { assertContainsElements(collection, Arrays.asList(expected)); } public <T> void assertContainsElements( Collection<? extends T> collection, Collection<T> expected) { ArrayList<T> copy = new ArrayList<T>(collection); copy.retainAll(expected); assertSameElements(toString(collection), copy, expected); } public static String toString(Object[] collection, String separator) { return toString(Arrays.asList(collection), separator); } public <T> void assertDoesntContain(Collection<? extends T> collection, T... notExpected) { assertDoesntContain(collection, Arrays.asList(notExpected)); } public <T> void assertDoesntContain( Collection<? extends T> collection, Collection<T> notExpected) { ArrayList<T> expected = new ArrayList<T>(collection); expected.removeAll(notExpected); assertSameElements(collection, expected); } public static String toString(Collection<?> collection, String separator) { List<String> list = ContainerUtil.map2List( collection, new Function<Object, String>() { @Override public String fun(final Object o) { return String.valueOf(o); } }); Collections.sort(list); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); boolean flag = false; for (final String o : list) { if (flag) { builder.append(separator); } builder.append(o); flag = true; } return builder.toString(); } public static <T> void assertOrderedCollection( Collection<? extends T> collection, Consumer<T>... checkers) { Assert.assertNotNull(collection); if (collection.size() != checkers.length) {; } int i = 0; for (final T actual : collection) { try { checkers[i].consume(actual); } catch (AssertionFailedError e) { System.out.println(i + ": " + actual); throw e; } i++; } } public static <T> void assertUnorderedCollection(T[] collection, Consumer<T>... checkers) { assertUnorderedCollection(Arrays.asList(collection), checkers); } public static <T> void assertUnorderedCollection( Collection<? extends T> collection, Consumer<T>... checkers) { Assert.assertNotNull(collection); if (collection.size() != checkers.length) {; } Set<Consumer<T>> checkerSet = new HashSet<Consumer<T>>(Arrays.asList(checkers)); int i = 0; Throwable lastError = null; for (final T actual : collection) { boolean flag = true; for (final Consumer<T> condition : checkerSet) { Throwable error = accepts(condition, actual); if (error == null) { checkerSet.remove(condition); flag = false; break; } else { lastError = error; } } if (flag) { lastError.printStackTrace();"Incorrect element(" + i + "): " + actual); } i++; } } private static <T> Throwable accepts(final Consumer<T> condition, final T actual) { try { condition.consume(actual); return null; } catch (Throwable e) { return e; } } public static <T> T assertInstanceOf(Object o, Class<T> aClass) { Assert.assertNotNull("Expected instance of: " + aClass.getName() + " actual: " + null, o); Assert.assertTrue( "Expected instance of: " + aClass.getName() + " actual: " + o.getClass().getName(), aClass.isInstance(o)); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T t = (T) o; return t; } public static <T> T assertOneElement(Collection<T> collection) { Assert.assertNotNull(collection); Assert.assertEquals(toString(collection), 1, collection.size()); return collection.iterator().next(); } public static <T> T assertOneElement(T[] ts) { Assert.assertNotNull(ts); Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList(ts).toString(), 1, ts.length); return ts[0]; } public static <T> void assertOneOf(T value, T... values) { boolean found = false; for (T v : values) { if (value == v || value != null && value.equals(v)) { found = true; } } Assert.assertTrue(value + " should be equal to one of " + Arrays.toString(values), found); } public static void printThreadDump() { PerformanceWatcher.dumpThreadsToConsole("Thread dump:"); } public static void assertEmpty(final Object[] array) { assertOrderedEquals(array); } public static void assertNotEmpty(final Collection<?> collection) { if (collection == null) return; assertTrue(!collection.isEmpty()); } public static void assertEmpty(final Collection<?> collection) { assertEmpty(collection.toString(), collection); } public static void assertNullOrEmpty(final Collection<?> collection) { if (collection == null) return; assertEmpty(null, collection); } public static void assertEmpty(final String s) { assertTrue(s, StringUtil.isEmpty(s)); } public static <T> void assertEmpty(final String errorMsg, final Collection<T> collection) { assertOrderedEquals(errorMsg, collection); } public static void assertSize(int expectedSize, final Object[] array) { assertEquals(toString(Arrays.asList(array)), expectedSize, array.length); } public static void assertSize(int expectedSize, final Collection<?> c) { assertEquals(toString(c), expectedSize, c.size()); } protected <T extends Disposable> T disposeOnTearDown(final T disposable) { Disposer.register(myTestRootDisposable, disposable); return disposable; } public static void assertSameLines(String expected, String actual) { String expectedText = StringUtil.convertLineSeparators(expected.trim()); String actualText = StringUtil.convertLineSeparators(actual.trim()); Assert.assertEquals(expectedText, actualText); } public static void assertExists(File file) { assertTrue("File should exist " + file, file.exists()); } public static void assertDoesntExist(File file) { assertFalse("File should not exist " + file, file.exists()); } protected String getTestName(boolean lowercaseFirstLetter) { String name = getName(); return getTestName(name, lowercaseFirstLetter); } public static String getTestName(String name, boolean lowercaseFirstLetter) { if (name == null) { return ""; } name = StringUtil.trimStart(name, "test"); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) { return ""; } return lowercaseFirstLetter(name, lowercaseFirstLetter); } public static String lowercaseFirstLetter(String name, boolean lowercaseFirstLetter) { if (lowercaseFirstLetter && !isAllUppercaseName(name)) { name = Character.toLowerCase(name.charAt(0)) + name.substring(1); } return name; } public static boolean isAllUppercaseName(String name) { int uppercaseChars = 0; for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) { if (Character.isLowerCase(name.charAt(i))) { return false; } if (Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(i))) { uppercaseChars++; } } return uppercaseChars >= 3; } protected String getTestDirectoryName() { final String testName = getTestName(true); return testName.replaceAll("_.*", ""); } protected static void assertSameLinesWithFile(String filePath, String actualText) { String fileText; try { if (OVERWRITE_TESTDATA) { VfsTestUtil.overwriteTestData(filePath, actualText); System.out.println("File " + filePath + " created."); } fileText = FileUtil.loadFile(new File(filePath), CharsetToolkit.UTF8); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { VfsTestUtil.overwriteTestData(filePath, actualText); throw new AssertionFailedError("No output text found. File " + filePath + " created."); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } String expected = StringUtil.convertLineSeparators(fileText.trim()); String actual = StringUtil.convertLineSeparators(actualText.trim()); if (!Comparing.equal(expected, actual)) { throw new FileComparisonFailure(null, expected, actual, filePath); } } public static void clearFields(final Object test) throws IllegalAccessException { Class aClass = test.getClass(); while (aClass != null) { clearDeclaredFields(test, aClass); aClass = aClass.getSuperclass(); } } public static void clearDeclaredFields(Object test, Class aClass) throws IllegalAccessException { if (aClass == null) return; for (final Field field : aClass.getDeclaredFields()) { @NonNls final String name = field.getDeclaringClass().getName(); if (!name.startsWith("junit.framework.") && !name.startsWith("com.intellij.testFramework.")) { final int modifiers = field.getModifiers(); if ((modifiers & Modifier.FINAL) == 0 && (modifiers & Modifier.STATIC) == 0 && !field.getType().isPrimitive()) { field.setAccessible(true); field.set(test, null); } } } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected static void checkSettingsEqual( JDOMExternalizable expected, JDOMExternalizable settings, String message) throws Exception { if (expected == null || settings == null) return; Element oldS = new Element("temp"); expected.writeExternal(oldS); Element newS = new Element("temp"); settings.writeExternal(newS); String newString = JDOMUtil.writeElement(newS, "\n"); String oldString = JDOMUtil.writeElement(oldS, "\n"); Assert.assertEquals(message, oldString, newString); } public boolean isPerformanceTest() { String name = getName(); return name != null && name.contains("Performance") || getClass().getName().contains("Performance"); } public static void doPostponedFormatting(final Project project) { DocumentUtil.writeInRunUndoTransparentAction( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).commitAllDocuments(); PostprocessReformattingAspect.getInstance(project).doPostponedFormatting(); } }); } protected static void checkAllTimersAreDisposed() { try { Class<?> aClass = Class.forName("javax.swing.TimerQueue"); Method inst = aClass.getDeclaredMethod("sharedInstance"); inst.setAccessible(true); Object queue = inst.invoke(null); Field field = aClass.getDeclaredField("firstTimer"); field.setAccessible(true); Object firstTimer = field.get(queue); if (firstTimer != null) { try { fail("Not disposed Timer: " + firstTimer.toString() + "; queue:" + queue); } finally { field.set(queue, null); } } } catch (Throwable e) { // Ignore } } /** * Checks that code block throw corresponding exception. * * @param exceptionCase Block annotated with some exception type * @throws Throwable */ protected void assertException(final AbstractExceptionCase exceptionCase) throws Throwable { assertException(exceptionCase, null); } /** * Checks that code block throw corresponding exception with expected error msg. If expected error * message is null it will not be checked. * * @param exceptionCase Block annotated with some exception type * @param expectedErrorMsg expected error messge * @throws Throwable */ protected void assertException( final AbstractExceptionCase exceptionCase, @Nullable final String expectedErrorMsg) throws Throwable { assertExceptionOccurred(true, exceptionCase, expectedErrorMsg); } /** * Checks that code block doesn't throw corresponding exception. * * @param exceptionCase Block annotated with some exception type * @throws Throwable */ protected void assertNoException(final AbstractExceptionCase exceptionCase) throws Throwable { assertExceptionOccurred(false, exceptionCase, null); } protected void assertNoThrowable(final Runnable closure) { String throwableName = null; try {; } catch (Throwable thr) { throwableName = thr.getClass().getName(); } assertNull(throwableName); } private static void assertExceptionOccurred( boolean shouldOccur, AbstractExceptionCase exceptionCase, String expectedErrorMsg) throws Throwable { boolean wasThrown = false; try { exceptionCase.tryClosure(); } catch (Throwable e) { if (shouldOccur) { wasThrown = true; final String errorMessage = exceptionCase.getAssertionErrorMessage(); assertEquals(errorMessage, exceptionCase.getExpectedExceptionClass(), e.getClass()); if (expectedErrorMsg != null) { assertEquals("Compare error messages", expectedErrorMsg, e.getMessage()); } } else if (exceptionCase.getExpectedExceptionClass().equals(e.getClass())) { wasThrown = true; System.out.println(""); e.printStackTrace(System.out); fail("Exception isn't expected here. Exception message: " + e.getMessage()); } else { throw e; } } finally { if (shouldOccur && !wasThrown) { fail(exceptionCase.getAssertionErrorMessage()); } } } protected boolean annotatedWith(@NotNull Class annotationClass) { Class<?> aClass = getClass(); String methodName = "test" + getTestName(false); boolean methodChecked = false; while (aClass != null && aClass != Object.class) { if (aClass.getAnnotation(annotationClass) != null) return true; if (!methodChecked) { try { Method method = aClass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName); if (method.getAnnotation(annotationClass) != null) return true; methodChecked = true; } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored) { } } aClass = aClass.getSuperclass(); } return false; } protected String getHomePath() { return PathManager.getHomePath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); } protected static boolean isInHeadlessEnvironment() { return GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless(); } public static void refreshRecursively(@NotNull VirtualFile file) { VfsUtilCore.visitChildrenRecursively( file, new VirtualFileVisitor() { @Override public boolean visitFile(@NotNull VirtualFile file) { file.getChildren(); return true; } }); file.refresh(false, true); } @NotNull public static Test filteredSuite(@RegExp String regexp, @NotNull Test test) { final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexp); final TestSuite testSuite = new TestSuite(); new Processor<Test>() { @Override public boolean process(Test test) { if (test instanceof TestSuite) { for (int i = 0, len = ((TestSuite) test).testCount(); i < len; i++) { process(((TestSuite) test).testAt(i)); } } else if (pattern.matcher(test.toString()).find()) { testSuite.addTest(test); } return false; } }.process(test); return testSuite; } }
private void doCompile(@NotNull final ModuleChunk chunk, @NotNull String outputDir) throws IOException { myCompileContext.getProgressIndicator().checkCanceled(); if (ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runReadAction( new Computable<Boolean>() { public Boolean compute() { return chunk.getFilesToCompile().isEmpty() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } }) .booleanValue()) { return; // should not invoke javac with empty sources list } int exitValue = 0; try { final Process process = myCompiler.launchProcess(chunk, outputDir, myCompileContext); final long compilationStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); final ClassParsingThread classParsingThread = new ClassParsingThread(isJdk6(JavaSdkUtil.getSdkForCompilation(chunk)), outputDir); final Future<?> classParsingThreadFuture = ApplicationManager.getApplication().executeOnPooledThread(classParsingThread); OutputParser errorParser = myCompiler.createErrorParser(outputDir, process); CompilerParsingThread errorParsingThread = errorParser == null ? null : new SynchedCompilerParsing( process, myCompileContext, errorParser, classParsingThread, true, errorParser.isTrimLines()); Future<?> errorParsingThreadFuture = null; if (errorParsingThread != null) { errorParsingThreadFuture = ApplicationManager.getApplication().executeOnPooledThread(errorParsingThread); } OutputParser outputParser = myCompiler.createOutputParser(outputDir); CompilerParsingThread outputParsingThread = outputParser == null ? null : new SynchedCompilerParsing( process, myCompileContext, outputParser, classParsingThread, false, outputParser.isTrimLines()); Future<?> outputParsingThreadFuture = null; if (outputParsingThread != null) { outputParsingThreadFuture = ApplicationManager.getApplication().executeOnPooledThread(outputParsingThread); } try { exitValue = process.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { process.destroy(); exitValue = process.exitValue(); } catch (Error e) { process.destroy(); exitValue = process.exitValue(); throw e; } finally { if (CompileDriver.ourDebugMode) { System.out.println("Compiler exit code is " + exitValue); } if (errorParsingThread != null) { errorParsingThread.setProcessTerminated(true); } if (outputParsingThread != null) { outputParsingThread.setProcessTerminated(true); } joinThread(errorParsingThreadFuture); joinThread(outputParsingThreadFuture); classParsingThread.stopParsing(); joinThread(classParsingThreadFuture); registerParsingException(outputParsingThread); registerParsingException(errorParsingThread); assert outputParsingThread == null || !outputParsingThread.processing; assert errorParsingThread == null || !errorParsingThread.processing; assert classParsingThread == null || !classParsingThread.processing; } } finally { compileFinished(exitValue, chunk, outputDir); myModuleName = null; } }