private static void patchGtkDefaults(UIDefaults defaults) { if (!UIUtil.isUnderGTKLookAndFeel()) return; Map<String, Icon> map = ContainerUtil.newHashMap( Arrays.asList( "OptionPane.errorIcon", "OptionPane.informationIcon", "OptionPane.warningIcon", "OptionPane.questionIcon"), Arrays.asList( AllIcons.General.ErrorDialog, AllIcons.General.InformationDialog, AllIcons.General.WarningDialog, AllIcons.General.QuestionDialog)); // GTK+ L&F keeps icons hidden in style SynthStyle style = SynthLookAndFeel.getStyle(new JOptionPane(""), Region.DESKTOP_ICON); for (String key : map.keySet()) { if (defaults.get(key) != null) continue; Object icon = style == null ? null : style.get(null, key); defaults.put(key, icon instanceof Icon ? icon : map.get(key)); } Color fg = defaults.getColor("Label.foreground"); Color bg = defaults.getColor("Label.background"); if (fg != null && bg != null) { defaults.put("Label.disabledForeground", UIUtil.mix(fg, bg, 0.5)); } }
private static void patchHiDPI(UIDefaults defaults) { if (!JBUI.isHiDPI()) return; List<String> myIntKeys = Arrays.asList("Tree.leftChildIndent", "Tree.rightChildIndent"); List<String> patched = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : defaults.entrySet()) { Object value = entry.getValue(); String key = entry.getKey().toString(); if (value instanceof DimensionUIResource) { entry.setValue(JBUI.size((DimensionUIResource) value).asUIResource()); } else if (value instanceof InsetsUIResource) { entry.setValue(JBUI.insets(((InsetsUIResource) value)).asUIResource()); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { if (key.endsWith(".maxGutterIconWidth") || myIntKeys.contains(key)) { if (!"true".equals(defaults.get(key + ".hidpi.patched"))) { entry.setValue(Integer.valueOf(JBUI.scale((Integer) value))); patched.add(key); } } } } for (String key : patched) { defaults.put(key + ".hidpi.patched", "true"); } }
@State( name = "SvnConfiguration", roamingType = RoamingType.DISABLED, storages = {@Storage(file = StoragePathMacros.WORKSPACE_FILE)}) public class SvnConfiguration implements PersistentStateComponent<Element> { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("org.jetbrains.idea.svn.SvnConfiguration"); public static final int ourMaxAnnotateRevisionsDefault = 500; private static final String SERVERS_FILE_NAME = "servers"; public static final String CLEANUP_ON_START_RUN = "cleanupOnStartRun"; private final Project myProject; public String USER = ""; public String PASSWORD = ""; public String[] ADD_PATHS = null; private String myConfigurationDirectory; private boolean myIsUseDefaultConfiguration; private boolean myIsUseDefaultProxy; private ISVNOptions myOptions; private boolean myIsKeepLocks; private boolean myAutoUpdateAfterCommit; private boolean myRemoteStatus; private SvnAuthenticationManager myAuthManager; private SvnAuthenticationManager myPassiveAuthManager; private SvnAuthenticationManager myInteractiveManager; private String myUpgradeMode; private SvnSupportOptions mySupportOptions; private boolean myCleanupRun; private int myMaxAnnotateRevisions = ourMaxAnnotateRevisionsDefault; private static final long DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT = 30 * 1000; public long mySSHConnectionTimeout = DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT; public long mySSHReadTimeout = DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT; public static final AuthStorage RUNTIME_AUTH_CACHE = new AuthStorage(); public String LAST_MERGED_REVISION = null; public SVNDepth UPDATE_DEPTH = SVNDepth.UNKNOWN; public boolean MERGE_DRY_RUN = false; public boolean MERGE_DIFF_USE_ANCESTRY = true; public boolean UPDATE_LOCK_ON_DEMAND = false; public boolean IGNORE_SPACES_IN_MERGE = false; // public boolean DETECT_NESTED_COPIES = true; public boolean CHECK_NESTED_FOR_QUICK_MERGE = false; public boolean IGNORE_SPACES_IN_ANNOTATE = true; public boolean SHOW_MERGE_SOURCES_IN_ANNOTATE = true; public boolean FORCE_UPDATE = false; public boolean IGNORE_EXTERNALS = false; public Boolean TREE_CONFLICT_MERGE_THEIRS_NEW_INTO_OLD_PLACE; public SSLProtocols SSL_PROTOCOLS = (SystemInfo.JAVA_RUNTIME_VERSION.startsWith("1.7") || SystemInfo.JAVA_RUNTIME_VERSION.startsWith("1.8")) ? SSLProtocols.all : SSLProtocols.sslv3; public UseAcceleration myUseAcceleration = UseAcceleration.nothing; private final Map<File, MergeRootInfo> myMergeRootInfos = new HashMap<File, MergeRootInfo>(); private final Map<File, UpdateRootInfo> myUpdateRootInfos = new HashMap<File, UpdateRootInfo>(); private SvnInteractiveAuthenticationProvider myInteractiveProvider; private IdeaSVNConfigFile myConfigFile; public boolean isCommandLine() { return UseAcceleration.commandLine.equals(myUseAcceleration); } @Override public Element getState() { Element element = new Element("state"); try { writeExternal(element); } catch (WriteExternalException e) { LOG.error(e); } return element; } @Override public void loadState(Element state) { try { readExternal(state); } catch (InvalidDataException e) { LOG.error(e); } } public long getHttpTimeout() { initServers(); final String timeout = myConfigFile.getDefaultGroup().getTimeout(); try { return Long.parseLong(timeout) * 1000; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; } } public SVNDiffOptions getMergeOptions() { return new SVNDiffOptions( IGNORE_SPACES_IN_MERGE, IGNORE_SPACES_IN_MERGE, IGNORE_SPACES_IN_MERGE); } private void initServers() { if (myConfigFile == null) { myConfigFile = new IdeaSVNConfigFile(new File(getConfigurationDirectory(), SERVERS_FILE_NAME)); } myConfigFile.updateGroups(); } // uses configuration directory property - it should be saved first public void setHttpTimeout(final long value) { initServers(); long cut = value / 1000; myConfigFile.setValue("global", SvnServerFileKeys.TIMEOUT, String.valueOf(cut));; } public static void putProxyIntoServersFile( final File configDir, final String host, final Proxy proxyInfo) { final IdeaSVNConfigFile configFile = new IdeaSVNConfigFile(new File(configDir, SERVERS_FILE_NAME)); configFile.updateGroups(); String groupName = SvnAuthenticationManager.getGroupForHost(host, configFile); if (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(groupName)) { groupName = host; final Map<String, ProxyGroup> groups = configFile.getAllGroups(); while (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(groupName) || groups.containsKey(groupName)) { groupName += "1"; } } final HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); final InetSocketAddress address = ((InetSocketAddress) proxyInfo.address()); map.put(SvnAuthenticationManager.HTTP_PROXY_HOST, address.getHostName()); map.put(SvnAuthenticationManager.HTTP_PROXY_PORT, String.valueOf(address.getPort())); configFile.addGroup(groupName, host + "*", map);; } public static boolean putProxyCredentialsIntoServerFile( @NotNull final File configDir, @NotNull final String host, @NotNull final PasswordAuthentication authentication) { final IdeaSVNConfigFile configFile = new IdeaSVNConfigFile(new File(configDir, SERVERS_FILE_NAME)); configFile.updateGroups(); String groupName = SvnAuthenticationManager.getGroupForHost(host, configFile); // no proxy defined in group -> no sense in password if (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(groupName)) return false; final Map<String, String> properties = configFile.getAllGroups().get(groupName).getProperties(); if (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(properties.get(SvnAuthenticationManager.HTTP_PROXY_HOST))) return false; if (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(properties.get(SvnAuthenticationManager.HTTP_PROXY_PORT))) return false; configFile.setValue( groupName, SvnAuthenticationManager.HTTP_PROXY_USERNAME, authentication.getUserName()); configFile.setValue( groupName, SvnAuthenticationManager.HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD, String.valueOf(authentication.getPassword()));; return true; } public static SvnConfiguration getInstance(final Project project) { return ServiceManager.getService(project, SvnConfiguration.class); } public SvnConfiguration(final Project project) { myProject = project; } public void setIgnoreSpacesInAnnotate(final boolean value) { final boolean changed = IGNORE_SPACES_IN_ANNOTATE != value; IGNORE_SPACES_IN_ANNOTATE = value; if (changed) { myProject .getMessageBus() .syncPublisher(VcsAnnotationRefresher.LOCAL_CHANGES_CHANGED) .configurationChanged(SvnVcs.getKey()); } } public class SvnSupportOptions { /** version of "support SVN in IDEA". for features tracking. should grow */ private Long myVersion; public SvnSupportOptions(final Long version) { myVersion = version; // will be set to SvnSupportOptions.CHANGELIST_SUPPORT after sync if (myVersion == null || myVersion.longValue() < SvnSupportOptions.CHANGELIST_SUPPORT) { myVersion = SvnSupportOptions.UPGRADE_TO_15_VERSION_ASKED; } } private static final long UPGRADE_TO_15_VERSION_ASKED = 123; private static final long CHANGELIST_SUPPORT = 124; private static final long UPGRADE_TO_16_VERSION_ASKED = 125; public boolean upgradeTo16Asked() { return (myVersion != null) && (UPGRADE_TO_16_VERSION_ASKED <= myVersion); } public boolean changeListsSynchronized() { return (myVersion != null) && (CHANGELIST_SUPPORT <= myVersion); } public void upgrade() { myVersion = UPGRADE_TO_16_VERSION_ASKED; } } public SvnSupportOptions getSupportOptions(Project project) { if (mySupportOptions == null) { // used to be kept in SvnBranchConfigurationManager mySupportOptions = new SvnSupportOptions( SvnBranchConfigurationManager.getInstance(project).getSupportValue()); } return mySupportOptions; } public String getConfigurationDirectory() { if (myConfigurationDirectory == null || isUseDefaultConfiguation()) { myConfigurationDirectory = IdeaSubversionConfigurationDirectory.getPath(); } return myConfigurationDirectory; } public boolean isUseDefaultConfiguation() { return myIsUseDefaultConfiguration; } public void setConfigurationDirParameters( final boolean newUseDefault, final String newConfigurationDirectory) { final String defaultPath = IdeaSubversionConfigurationDirectory.getPath(); final String oldEffectivePath = isUseDefaultConfiguation() ? defaultPath : getConfigurationDirectory(); final String newEffectivePath = newUseDefault ? defaultPath : newConfigurationDirectory; boolean directoryChanged = !Comparing.equal(getConfigurationDirectory(), newConfigurationDirectory); if (directoryChanged) { setConfigurationDirectory(newConfigurationDirectory); } boolean usageChanged = isUseDefaultConfiguation() != newUseDefault; if (usageChanged) { setUseDefaultConfiguation(newUseDefault); } if (directoryChanged || usageChanged) { if (!Comparing.equal(oldEffectivePath, newEffectivePath)) { clear(); } } } private void setConfigurationDirectory(String path) { myConfigurationDirectory = path; File dir = path == null ? new File(IdeaSubversionConfigurationDirectory.getPath()) : new File(path); SVNConfigFile.createDefaultConfiguration(dir); } public void clear() { myOptions = null; myAuthManager = null; myPassiveAuthManager = null; myInteractiveManager = null; myInteractiveProvider = null; RUNTIME_AUTH_CACHE.clear(); } private void setUseDefaultConfiguation(boolean useDefault) { myIsUseDefaultConfiguration = useDefault; } public ISVNOptions getOptions(Project project) { if (myOptions == null) { File path = new File(getConfigurationDirectory()); myOptions = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(path.getAbsoluteFile(), true); } return myOptions; } public static SvnAuthenticationManager createForTmpDir(final Project project, final File dir) { return createForTmpDir(project, dir, null); } public static SvnAuthenticationManager createForTmpDir( final Project project, final File dir, @Nullable final SvnInteractiveAuthenticationProvider provider) { final SvnVcs vcs = SvnVcs.getInstance(project); final SvnAuthenticationManager interactive = new SvnAuthenticationManager(project, dir); interactive.setRuntimeStorage(RUNTIME_AUTH_CACHE); final SvnInteractiveAuthenticationProvider interactiveProvider = provider == null ? new SvnInteractiveAuthenticationProvider(vcs, interactive) : provider; interactive.setAuthenticationProvider(interactiveProvider); return interactive; } public SvnAuthenticationManager getManager(final AuthManagerType type, final SvnVcs vcs) { if ( { return getInteractiveManager(vcs); } else if (AuthManagerType.passive.equals(type)) { return getPassiveAuthenticationManager(vcs.getProject()); } else if (AuthManagerType.usual.equals(type)) { return getAuthenticationManager(vcs); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } public SvnAuthenticationManager getAuthenticationManager(final SvnVcs svnVcs) { if (myAuthManager == null) { // reloaded when configuration directory changes myAuthManager = new SvnAuthenticationManager(svnVcs.getProject(), new File(getConfigurationDirectory())); Disposer.register( svnVcs.getProject(), new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { myAuthManager = null; } }); getInteractiveManager(svnVcs); // to init myAuthManager.setAuthenticationProvider( new SvnAuthenticationProvider(svnVcs, myInteractiveProvider, RUNTIME_AUTH_CACHE)); myAuthManager.setRuntimeStorage(RUNTIME_AUTH_CACHE); } return myAuthManager; } public SvnAuthenticationManager getPassiveAuthenticationManager(Project project) { if (myPassiveAuthManager == null) { myPassiveAuthManager = new SvnAuthenticationManager(project, new File(getConfigurationDirectory())); myPassiveAuthManager.setAuthenticationProvider( new ISVNAuthenticationProvider() { @Override public SVNAuthentication requestClientAuthentication( String kind, SVNURL url, String realm, SVNErrorMessage errorMessage, SVNAuthentication previousAuth, boolean authMayBeStored) { return null; } @Override public int acceptServerAuthentication( SVNURL url, String realm, Object certificate, boolean resultMayBeStored) { return REJECTED; } }); myPassiveAuthManager.setRuntimeStorage(RUNTIME_AUTH_CACHE); } return myPassiveAuthManager; } public SvnAuthenticationManager getInteractiveManager(final SvnVcs svnVcs) { if (myInteractiveManager == null) { myInteractiveManager = new SvnAuthenticationManager(svnVcs.getProject(), new File(getConfigurationDirectory())); myInteractiveManager.setRuntimeStorage(RUNTIME_AUTH_CACHE); myInteractiveProvider = new SvnInteractiveAuthenticationProvider(svnVcs, myInteractiveManager); myInteractiveManager.setAuthenticationProvider(myInteractiveProvider); } return myInteractiveManager; } public void getServerFilesManagers( final Ref<SvnServerFileManager> systemManager, final Ref<SvnServerFileManager> userManager) { // created only if does not exist final File dir = new File(getConfigurationDirectory()); if (!dir.exists()) { SVNConfigFile.createDefaultConfiguration(dir); } systemManager.set( new SvnServerFileManagerImpl( new IdeaSVNConfigFile( new File(SVNFileUtil.getSystemConfigurationDirectory(), SERVERS_FILE_NAME)))); initServers(); userManager.set(new SvnServerFileManagerImpl(myConfigFile)); } public String getUpgradeMode() { return myUpgradeMode; } public void setUpgradeMode(String upgradeMode) { myUpgradeMode = upgradeMode; } @SuppressWarnings({"HardCodedStringLiteral"}) public void readExternal(Element element) throws InvalidDataException { DefaultJDOMExternalizer.readExternal(this, element); List elems = element.getChildren("addpath"); LOG.debug(elems.toString()); ADD_PATHS = new String[elems.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) { Element elem = (Element) elems.get(i); ADD_PATHS[i] = elem.getAttributeValue("path"); } Element configurationDirectory = element.getChild("configuration"); if (configurationDirectory != null) { myConfigurationDirectory = configurationDirectory.getText(); Attribute defaultAttr = configurationDirectory.getAttribute("useDefault"); try { myIsUseDefaultConfiguration = defaultAttr != null && defaultAttr.getBooleanValue(); } catch (DataConversionException e) { myIsUseDefaultConfiguration = false; } } else { myIsUseDefaultConfiguration = true; } // compatibility: this setting was moved from .iws to global settings List urls = element.getChildren("checkoutURL"); for (Object url1 : urls) { Element child = (Element) url1; String url = child.getText(); if (url != null) { SvnApplicationSettings.getInstance().addCheckoutURL(url); } } myIsKeepLocks = element.getChild("keepLocks") != null; myRemoteStatus = element.getChild("remoteStatus") != null; myUpgradeMode = element.getChild("upgradeMode") != null ? element.getChild("upgradeMode").getText() : null; final Element useProxy = element.getChild("myIsUseDefaultProxy"); if (useProxy == null) { myIsUseDefaultProxy = false; } else { myIsUseDefaultProxy = Boolean.parseBoolean(useProxy.getText()); } final Element supportedVersion = element.getChild("supportedVersion"); if (supportedVersion != null) { try { mySupportOptions = new SvnSupportOptions(Long.parseLong(supportedVersion.getText().trim())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { mySupportOptions = new SvnSupportOptions(null); } } final Attribute maxAnnotateRevisions = element.getAttribute("maxAnnotateRevisions"); if (maxAnnotateRevisions != null) { try { myMaxAnnotateRevisions = maxAnnotateRevisions.getIntValue(); } catch (DataConversionException e) { // } final Attribute acceleration = element.getAttribute("myUseAcceleration"); if (acceleration != null) { try { myUseAcceleration = UseAcceleration.valueOf(acceleration.getValue()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // } } } final Attribute autoUpdateAfterCommit = element.getAttribute("myAutoUpdateAfterCommit"); if (autoUpdateAfterCommit != null) { myAutoUpdateAfterCommit = Boolean.parseBoolean(autoUpdateAfterCommit.getValue()); } final Attribute cleanupRun = element.getAttribute(CLEANUP_ON_START_RUN); if (cleanupRun != null) { myCleanupRun = Boolean.parseBoolean(cleanupRun.getValue()); } final Attribute treeConflictMergeNewFilesPlace = element.getAttribute("TREE_CONFLICT_MERGE_THEIRS_NEW_INTO_OLD_PLACE"); final Attribute protocols = element.getAttribute("SSL_PROTOCOLS"); if (protocols != null) { try { SSL_PROTOCOLS = SSLProtocols.valueOf(protocols.getValue()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // } } if (treeConflictMergeNewFilesPlace != null) { TREE_CONFLICT_MERGE_THEIRS_NEW_INTO_OLD_PLACE = Boolean.parseBoolean(treeConflictMergeNewFilesPlace.getValue()); } } @SuppressWarnings({"HardCodedStringLiteral"}) public void writeExternal(Element element) throws WriteExternalException { DefaultJDOMExternalizer.writeExternal(this, element); if (ADD_PATHS != null) { for (String aADD_PATHS : ADD_PATHS) { Element elem = new Element("addpath"); elem.setAttribute("path", aADD_PATHS); element.addContent(elem); } } if (myConfigurationDirectory != null) { Element configurationDirectory = new Element("configuration"); configurationDirectory.setText(myConfigurationDirectory); configurationDirectory.setAttribute( "useDefault", myIsUseDefaultConfiguration ? "true" : "false"); element.addContent(configurationDirectory); } if (myIsKeepLocks) { element.addContent(new Element("keepLocks")); } if (myRemoteStatus) { element.addContent(new Element("remoteStatus")); } if (myUpgradeMode != null) { element.addContent(new Element("upgradeMode").setText(myUpgradeMode)); } element.addContent( new Element("myIsUseDefaultProxy").setText(myIsUseDefaultProxy ? "true" : "false")); if (mySupportOptions != null) { element.addContent(new Element("supportedVersion").setText("" + mySupportOptions.myVersion)); } element.setAttribute("maxAnnotateRevisions", "" + myMaxAnnotateRevisions); element.setAttribute("myUseAcceleration", "" + myUseAcceleration); element.setAttribute("myAutoUpdateAfterCommit", "" + myAutoUpdateAfterCommit); element.setAttribute(CLEANUP_ON_START_RUN, "" + myCleanupRun); element.setAttribute("SSL_PROTOCOLS",; if (TREE_CONFLICT_MERGE_THEIRS_NEW_INTO_OLD_PLACE != null) { element.setAttribute( "TREE_CONFLICT_MERGE_THEIRS_NEW_INTO_OLD_PLACE", "" + TREE_CONFLICT_MERGE_THEIRS_NEW_INTO_OLD_PLACE); } } public boolean isAutoUpdateAfterCommit() { return myAutoUpdateAfterCommit; } public void setAutoUpdateAfterCommit(boolean autoUpdateAfterCommit) { myAutoUpdateAfterCommit = autoUpdateAfterCommit; } public boolean isKeepLocks() { return myIsKeepLocks; } public void setKeepLocks(boolean keepLocks) { myIsKeepLocks = keepLocks; } public boolean isRemoteStatus() { return myRemoteStatus; } public void setRemoteStatus(boolean remote) { myRemoteStatus = remote; } public boolean isIsUseDefaultProxy() { return myIsUseDefaultProxy; } public void setIsUseDefaultProxy(final boolean isUseDefaultProxy) { myIsUseDefaultProxy = isUseDefaultProxy; } public static class AuthStorage implements ISVNAuthenticationStorage { private final Map<String, Object> myStorage = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, Object>()); public void clear() { myStorage.clear(); } public void putData(String kind, String realm, Object data) { if (data == null) { myStorage.remove(kind + "$" + realm); } else { myStorage.put(kind + "$" + realm, data); } } public Object getData(String kind, String realm) { return myStorage.get(kind + "$" + realm); } } public MergeRootInfo getMergeRootInfo(final File file, final SvnVcs svnVcs) { if (!myMergeRootInfos.containsKey(file)) { myMergeRootInfos.put(file, new MergeRootInfo(file, svnVcs)); } return myMergeRootInfos.get(file); } public UpdateRootInfo getUpdateRootInfo(File file, final SvnVcs svnVcs) { if (!myUpdateRootInfos.containsKey(file)) { myUpdateRootInfos.put(file, new UpdateRootInfo(file, svnVcs)); } return myUpdateRootInfos.get(file); } public Map<File, UpdateRootInfo> getUpdateInfosMap() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(myUpdateRootInfos); } private static final List<String> ourAuthKinds = Arrays.asList( ISVNAuthenticationManager.PASSWORD, ISVNAuthenticationManager.SSH, ISVNAuthenticationManager.SSL, ISVNAuthenticationManager.USERNAME, "svn.ssl.server", "svn.ssh.server"); public void clearAuthenticationDirectory(@Nullable Project project) { final File authDir = new File(getConfigurationDirectory(), "auth"); if (authDir.exists()) { final Runnable process = new Runnable() { public void run() { final ProgressIndicator ind = ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator(); if (ind != null) { ind.setIndeterminate(true); ind.setText("Clearing stored credentials in " + authDir.getAbsolutePath()); } final File[] files = authDir.listFiles( new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return ourAuthKinds.contains(name); } }); for (File dir : files) { if (ind != null) { ind.setText("Deleting " + dir.getAbsolutePath()); } FileUtil.delete(dir); } } }; final Application application = ApplicationManager.getApplication(); if (application.isUnitTestMode() || !application.isDispatchThread()) {; } else { ProgressManager.getInstance() .runProcessWithProgressSynchronously( process, "button.text.clear.authentication.cache", false, project); } } } public boolean haveCredentialsFor(final String kind, final String realm) { return RUNTIME_AUTH_CACHE.getData(kind, realm) != null; } public void acknowledge(final String kind, final String realm, final Object object) { RUNTIME_AUTH_CACHE.putData(kind, realm, object); } public void clearCredentials(final String kind, final String realm) { RUNTIME_AUTH_CACHE.putData(kind, realm, null); } public void clearRuntimeStorage() { RUNTIME_AUTH_CACHE.clear(); } public int getMaxAnnotateRevisions() { return myMaxAnnotateRevisions; } public void setMaxAnnotateRevisions(int maxAnnotateRevisions) { myMaxAnnotateRevisions = maxAnnotateRevisions; } public enum UseAcceleration { javaHL, commandLine, nothing } public boolean isCleanupRun() { return myCleanupRun; } public void setCleanupRun(boolean cleanupRun) { myCleanupRun = cleanupRun; } public static enum SSLProtocols { sslv3, tlsv1, all } }