private void close() { MessageView messageView = MessageView.SERVICE.getInstance(myProject); Content[] contents = messageView.getContentManager().getContents(); for (Content content : contents) { if (content.getComponent() == this) { messageView.getContentManager().removeContent(content, true); return; } } }
public void contentRemoved(ContentManagerEvent event) { if (event.getContent() == myContent) { myContentManager.removeContentManagerListener(this); AntBuildMessageView buildMessageView = myContent.getUserData(KEY); if (!myCloseAllowed) { buildMessageView.stopProcess(); } ProjectManager.getInstance().removeProjectManagerListener(myProject, this); myContent.release(); myContent = null; buildMessageView.myBuildFile = null; buildMessageView.myPlainTextView.dispose(); } }
/** @return true if content can be closed */ private boolean closeQuery() { if (myContent == null) { return true; } AntBuildMessageView messageView = myContent.getUserData(KEY); if (messageView.isStoppedOrTerminateRequested()) { return true; } if (myCloseAllowed) return true; int result = Messages.showYesNoCancelDialog( AntBundle.message(""), AntBundle.message(""), Messages.getQuestionIcon()); if (result == 0) { // yes messageView.stopProcess(); myCloseAllowed = true; return true; } if (result == 1) { // no // close content and leave the process running myCloseAllowed = true; return true; } return false; }
/** @return can be null if user cancelled operation */ @Nullable public static AntBuildMessageView openBuildMessageView( Project project, AntBuildFileBase buildFile, String[] targets) { final VirtualFile antFile = buildFile.getVirtualFile(); if (!LOG.assertTrue(antFile != null)) { return null; } // check if there are running instances of the same build file MessageView ijMessageView = MessageView.SERVICE.getInstance(project); Content[] contents = ijMessageView.getContentManager().getContents(); for (Content content : contents) { if (content.isPinned()) { continue; } AntBuildMessageView buildMessageView = content.getUserData(KEY); if (buildMessageView == null) { continue; } if (!antFile.equals(buildMessageView.getBuildFile().getVirtualFile())) { continue; } if (buildMessageView.isStopped()) { ijMessageView.getContentManager().removeContent(content, true); continue; } int result = Messages.showYesNoCancelDialog( AntBundle.message(""), AntBundle.message(""), Messages.getQuestionIcon()); switch (result) { case 0: // yes buildMessageView.stopProcess(); ijMessageView.getContentManager().removeContent(content, true); continue; case 1: // no continue; default: // cancel return null; } } final AntBuildMessageView messageView = new AntBuildMessageView(project, buildFile, targets); String contentName = buildFile.getPresentableName(); contentName = BUILD_CONTENT_NAME + " (" + contentName + ")"; final Content content = ContentFactory.SERVICE .getInstance() .createContent(messageView.getComponent(), contentName, true); content.putUserData(KEY, messageView); ijMessageView.getContentManager().addContent(content); ijMessageView.getContentManager().setSelectedContent(content); content.setDisposer( new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { Disposer.dispose(messageView.myAlarm); } }); new CloseListener(content, ijMessageView.getContentManager(), project); // Do not inline next two variabled. Seeking for NPE. ToolWindow messageToolWindow = ToolWindowManager.getInstance(project).getToolWindow(ToolWindowId.MESSAGES_WINDOW); messageToolWindow.activate(null, false); return messageView; }