Esempio n. 1
   * ShareResource
   * @param context
   * @param request
   * @param response
   * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
  public void doInit() {
    Request request = this.getRequest();

    Map<String, Object> attributes = request.getAttributes();
    urlStr = request.getResourceRef().toString();

    // Every user must pass in their cookies
    cookie = request.getCookies().getFirstValue("infinitecookie", true);

    // Method.POST
    if (request.getMethod() == Method.POST) {
      if (RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("id", attributes) != null)
        id = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("id", attributes);
      if (RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("type", attributes) != null)
        type = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("type", attributes);
      if (RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("title", attributes) != null)
        title = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("title", attributes);
      if (RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("description", attributes) != null)
        description = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("description", attributes);

    // Method.GET
    if (request.getMethod() == Method.GET) {
      // Method.GET
      Map<String, String> queryOptions = this.getQuery().getValuesMap();

      // Query String Values
      if (queryOptions.get("id") != null) id = queryOptions.get("id");
      if (queryOptions.get("skip") != null) skip = queryOptions.get("skip");
      if (queryOptions.get("limit") != null) limit = queryOptions.get("limit");
      if (queryOptions.get("searchby") != null) searchby = queryOptions.get("searchby");
      if (queryOptions.get("json") != null) json = queryOptions.get("json");
      if (queryOptions.get("type") != null) type = queryOptions.get("type");
      if ((queryOptions.get("ignoreAdmin") != null)
          && (queryOptions.get("ignoreAdmin").equalsIgnoreCase("true"))) {
        ignoreAdmin = true;
      if ((queryOptions.get("nocontent") != null)
          && (queryOptions.get("nocontent").equalsIgnoreCase("true"))) {
        returnContent = false;
      if ((queryOptions.get("nometa") != null)
          && (queryOptions.get("nometa").equalsIgnoreCase("true"))) {
        jsonOnly = true;

      // Get Share by ID
      if (urlStr.contains("/share/get/")) {
        shareId = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("id", attributes);
        action = "getShare";

      // Search Shares by Owner, Community, Type
      else if (urlStr.contains("/share/search")) {
        action = "searchShares";

      // Save a JSON share object to the DB
      // /social/share/save/json/{id}/{type}/{title}/{description}/?json={...}
      else if (urlStr.contains("/share/save/json/")
          || urlStr.contains("/share/add/json/")
          || urlStr.contains("/share/update/json/")) {
        if (RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("id", attributes) != null)
          id = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("id", attributes);
        type = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("type", attributes);
        title = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("title", attributes);
        description = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("description", attributes);
        // Use URLDecoder on the json string
        try {
          json = URLDecoder.decode(json, "UTF-8");
          action = "saveJson";
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
          // TODO can't throw exceptions
          // set to failed so it doesn't run
          // throw e;
          action = "failed";

      } else if (urlStr.contains("/share/add/binary/")) {
        action = "addBinaryGET";
      } else if (urlStr.contains("/share/update/binary/")) {
        action = "updateBinaryGET";

      // Add a Ref (Pointer to a record within a collection)
      else if (urlStr.contains("/share/add/ref/")) {
        type = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("type", attributes);
        documentId = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("documentid", attributes);
        title = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("title", attributes);
        description = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("description", attributes);
        action = "addRef";

      // Add a Ref (Pointer to a record within a collection)
      else if (urlStr.contains("/share/update/ref/")) {
        id = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("id", attributes);
        type = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("type", attributes);
        documentId = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("documentid", attributes);
        title = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("title", attributes);
        description = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("description", attributes);
        action = "updateRef";

      // Share - Remove a community from a share
      else if (urlStr.contains("/share/remove/community/")) {
        shareId = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("shareid", attributes);
        communityId = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("communityid", attributes);
        action = "removeCommunity";

      // Remove share
      else if (urlStr.contains("/share/remove/")) {
        shareId = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("shareid", attributes);
        action = "removeShare";

      // Endorse share
      else if (urlStr.contains("/share/endorse/")) {
        shareId = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("shareid", attributes);
        communityId = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("communityid", attributes);
        isEndorsed = Boolean.parseBoolean(RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("isendorsed", attributes));
        action = "endorseShare";

      // Share - Add a community so that members can view the share
      else if (urlStr.contains("/share/add/community/")) {
        shareId = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("shareid", attributes);
        communityId = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("communityid", attributes);
        comment = RESTTools.decodeRESTParam("comment", attributes);
        action = "addCommunity";
Esempio n. 2
  public Representation get() {
    ResponsePojo rp = new ResponsePojo();
    Date startTime = new Date();
    cookieLookup = RESTTools.cookieLookup(cookie);

    // If JSON is != null, check that it is valid JSON
    boolean isValidJson = true;
    if (json != null) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
            new ResponseObject(
                "Parsing JSON",
                "The value passed via the json parameter could not be" + " parsed as valid JSON."));
        isValidJson = false;

    if (isValidJson) {
      if (cookieLookup == null) {
        // User is not logged in
            new ResponseObject(
                "Cookie Lookup",
                "Cookie session expired or never existed, please login first"));
      } else {
        // UserId which will serve as the OwnerId for transactions below that require it
        personId = cookieLookup;

        if (action.equals("saveJson")) {
          rp = this.shareController.saveJson(personId, id, type, title, description, json);
        } else if (action.equals("addBinaryGET")) {
          rp =
              new ResponsePojo(
                  new ResponseObject(
                      "addBinary", false, "Can only add binary in POST (do not use GET)"));
        } else if (action.equals("addBinaryPOST")) {
          rp =
        } else if (action.equals("updateBinaryGET")) {
          rp =
              new ResponsePojo(
                  new ResponseObject(
                      "updateBinary", false, "Can only update binary in POST (do not use GET)"));
        } else if (action.equals("updateBinaryPOST")) {
          rp =
        } else if (action.equals("addRef")) {
          // Not currently supported
          // rp = this.shareController.addRef(personId, type, documentId, title, description);
          rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Cookie Lookup", false, "Not currently supported"));
        } else if (action.equals("updateRef")) {
          // Not currently supported
          // rp = this.shareController.updateRef(personId, id, type, documentId, title,
          // description);
          rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Cookie Lookup", false, "Not currently supported"));
        } else if (action.equals("removeShare")) {
          rp = this.shareController.removeShare(personId, shareId);
        } else if (action.equals("endorseShare")) {
          rp = this.shareController.endorseShare(personId, communityId, shareId, isEndorsed);
        } else if (action.equals("addCommunity")) {
          rp = this.shareController.addCommunity(personId, shareId, communityId, comment);
        } else if (action.equals("removeCommunity")) {
          rp = this.shareController.removeCommunity(personId, shareId, communityId);
        } else if (action.equals("getShare")) {
          rp = this.shareController.getShare(personId, shareId, returnContent);
          SharePojo share = (SharePojo) rp.getData();
          if (null != share) {
            boolean bBinary = share.getType().equals("binary");
            if (bBinary && returnContent) {
              try {
                ByteArrayOutputRepresentation rep =
                    new ByteArrayOutputRepresentation(MediaType.valueOf(share.getMediaType()));
                return rep;
              } catch (Exception ex) {
                rp =
                    new ResponsePojo(
                        new ResponseObject("get Share", false, "error converting bytes to output"));
            } else if (!bBinary && jsonOnly) {
              try {
                BasicDBObject dbo = (BasicDBObject) com.mongodb.util.JSON.parse(share.getShare());
                rp.setData(dbo, null);
              } catch (Exception e) { // Try a list instead
                BasicDBList dbo = (BasicDBList) com.mongodb.util.JSON.parse(share.getShare());
                rp.setData(dbo, (BasePojoApiMap<BasicDBList>) null);
          // (else error)
        } else if (action.equals("searchShares")) {
          rp =
                  personId, searchby, id, type, skip, limit, ignoreAdmin, returnContent);

    Date endTime = new Date();
    rp.getResponse().setTime(endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime());
    return new StringRepresentation(rp.toApi(), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);