public List<StepLog> getStepLog(Long stepCount, String feedURL) throws IOException { // Get steps details HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(feedURL + "?pageSize=" + stepCount); // hack !!! // Handle CSRF tokens cookies client.setCookieStore(handleCsrfCookies(client.getCookieStore())); // Authenticate if (OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials() != null) { httpGet.addHeader( "Authorization", "Basic " + new String(OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials())); } // Execute the request HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpGet); // Verify the response is OK Assert.isTrue( response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200, "Invalid response code [" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + "]"); String responseBody = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()); List<StepLog> stepLog = gson.fromJson(responseBody, new TypeToken<List<StepLog>>() {}.getType()); // List<StepLog> stackTrace = createStackTrace(stepLog, "0"); // listener.annotate(new SimpleHtmlNote(stackTraceAsString(stackTrace))); // setJSONExecutionResult(responseBody); // responseBody = formatResult(responseBody); return stepLog; // return ""; }
public static int cancel10x(String urlString) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final URI uri = OOBuildStep.URI(urlString + EXECUTIONS_API + "/status"); final HttpPut httpPut = new HttpPut(uri); String body = "{\"action\":\"cancel\"}"; StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(body); httpPut.setEntity(entity); httpPut.setHeader( "Content-Type", "application/json"); // this is mandatory in order for the request to work if (OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials() != null) { httpPut.addHeader( "Authorization", "Basic " + new String(OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials())); } HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpPut); return response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); }
public static OOListResponse listFlows(OOServer s, String... folders) throws IOException { String foldersPath = ""; for (String folder : folders) { foldersPath += folder + "/"; } String url = StringUtils.slashify(s.getUrl()) + REST_SERVICES_URL_PATH + LIST_OPERATION_URL_PATH + foldersPath; final HttpResponse response = OOBuildStep.getHttpClient().execute(new HttpGet(OOBuildStep.URI(url))); final int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); try { if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { return JAXB.unmarshal(entity.getContent(), OOListResponse.class); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "unable to get list of flows from " + url + ", response code: " + statusCode + "(" + HttpStatus.getStatusText(statusCode) + ")"); } } finally { EntityUtils.consume(entity); } }
public static OORunResponse run(OORunRequest request) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { String urlString = StringUtils.slashify(request.getServer().getUrl()) + REST_SERVICES_URL_PATH + RUN_OPERATION_URL_PATH + StringUtils.unslashifyPrefix(request.getFlow().getId()); final URI uri = OOBuildStep.URI(urlString); final HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(uri); httpPost.setEntity(new JaxbEntity(request)); httpPost.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/xml"); // if (OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials()!=null) { // httpPost.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + new // String(OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials())); // } HttpResponse response; response = client.execute(httpPost); final int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); try { if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { return JAXB.unmarshal(entity.getContent(), OORunResponse.class); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "unable to get run result from " + uri + ", response code: " + statusCode + "(" + HttpStatus.getStatusText(statusCode) + ")"); } } finally { EntityUtils.consume(entity); } }
public static Collection<String> getAvailableServers() { return OOBuildStep.getDescriptorStatically().getOoServers(true).keySet(); }
public static OOServer getOOServer(String uniqueLabel) { return OOBuildStep.getDescriptorStatically().getOoServers(true).get(uniqueLabel); }
public class OOAccessibilityLayer { private static final String REST_SERVICES_URL_PATH = "services/rest/"; private static final String LIST_OPERATION_URL_PATH = "list/"; private static final String RUN_OPERATION_URL_PATH = "run/"; private static final String EXECUTIONS_API = "/executions/"; private static final String EXECUTE_SUMMARY_POSTFIX = "/summary/"; private static final String EXECUTION_STEPS_COUNT_POSTFIX = "/steps/count"; private static final DefaultHttpClient client = OOBuildStep.getHttpClient(); private static final JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); private static final Gson gson = new Gson(); public String feedURL; public String runURL; public String runId; private static String jsonExecutionResult; public static OOServer getOOServer(String uniqueLabel) { return OOBuildStep.getDescriptorStatically().getOoServers(true).get(uniqueLabel); } public static Collection<String> getAvailableServers() { return OOBuildStep.getDescriptorStatically().getOoServers(true).keySet(); } public static OOListResponse listFlows(OOServer s, String... folders) throws IOException { String foldersPath = ""; for (String folder : folders) { foldersPath += folder + "/"; } String url = StringUtils.slashify(s.getUrl()) + REST_SERVICES_URL_PATH + LIST_OPERATION_URL_PATH + foldersPath; final HttpResponse response = OOBuildStep.getHttpClient().execute(new HttpGet(OOBuildStep.URI(url))); final int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); try { if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { return JAXB.unmarshal(entity.getContent(), OOListResponse.class); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "unable to get list of flows from " + url + ", response code: " + statusCode + "(" + HttpStatus.getStatusText(statusCode) + ")"); } } finally { EntityUtils.consume(entity); } } public static OORunResponse run(OORunRequest request) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { String urlString = StringUtils.slashify(request.getServer().getUrl()) + REST_SERVICES_URL_PATH + RUN_OPERATION_URL_PATH + StringUtils.unslashifyPrefix(request.getFlow().getId()); final URI uri = OOBuildStep.URI(urlString); final HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(uri); httpPost.setEntity(new JaxbEntity(request)); httpPost.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/xml"); // if (OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials()!=null) { // httpPost.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + new // String(OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials())); // } HttpResponse response; response = client.execute(httpPost); final int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); try { if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { return JAXB.unmarshal(entity.getContent(), OORunResponse.class); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "unable to get run result from " + uri + ", response code: " + statusCode + "(" + HttpStatus.getStatusText(statusCode) + ")"); } } finally { EntityUtils.consume(entity); } } public static int cancel10x(String urlString) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final URI uri = OOBuildStep.URI(urlString + EXECUTIONS_API + "/status"); final HttpPut httpPut = new HttpPut(uri); String body = "{\"action\":\"cancel\"}"; StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(body); httpPut.setEntity(entity); httpPut.setHeader( "Content-Type", "application/json"); // this is mandatory in order for the request to work if (OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials() != null) { httpPut.addHeader( "Authorization", "Basic " + new String(OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials())); } HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpPut); return response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); } public TriggeredExecutionDetailsVO run10x( String selectedFlowUUID, List<OOArg> argsToUse, String urlString, String timeout, BuildListener listener, String runName) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(urlString + EXECUTIONS_API); // Convert inputs to the required type Map<String, String> inputs = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (OOArg arg : argsToUse) { inputs.put(arg.getName(), arg.getValue()); } // Create the POST object and add the parameters ExecutionVO executionVO = new ExecutionVO(); executionVO.setUuid(selectedFlowUUID); if (runName != null && !runName.equals("")) executionVO.setRunName(runName); executionVO.setInputs(inputs); String body = gson.toJson(executionVO); StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(body, "UTF-8"); httpPost.setEntity(entity); // Authenticate if (OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials() != null) { httpPost.addHeader( "Authorization", "Basic " + new String(OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials())); } // Add relevant headers httpPost.setHeader( "Content-Type", "application/json"); // this is mandatory in order for the request to work // Handle CSRF tokens cookies client.setCookieStore(handleCsrfCookies(client.getCookieStore())); // Execute the request HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpPost); // Verify the response is 201 Assert.isTrue( response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 201, "Invalid response code [" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + "]"); // Read the response body String responseBody = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()); // HttpEntity responseEntity = response.getEntity(); // InputStream is = responseEntity.getContent(); // Extract data from response // JsonObject element = (JsonObject) // (parser.parse(OOAccessibilityUtils.convertStreamToString(is))); TriggeredExecutionDetailsVO triggeredExecutionDetailsVO = gson.fromJson(responseBody, TriggeredExecutionDetailsVO.class); runId = triggeredExecutionDetailsVO.getExecutionId(); listener.getLogger().println("Run ID : " + runId); runURL = triggeredExecutionDetailsVO.getFeedUrl().split("/oo/")[0] + "/oo/#/runtimeWorkspace/runs/" + triggeredExecutionDetailsVO.getExecutionId(); listener.getLogger().println("Execution URL " + runURL); return triggeredExecutionDetailsVO; } public WaitExecutionResult waitExecutionComplete( TriggeredExecutionDetailsVO triggeredExecutionDetailsVO, String timeout, BuildListener listener, String urlString) throws InterruptedException, IOException { feedURL = triggeredExecutionDetailsVO.getFeedUrl(); // close connection // is.close(); // Read run details long defaultTimeout = 600000; Long timeoutLong = timeout.isEmpty() ? defaultTimeout : Long.parseLong(timeout); listener.getLogger().println("Flow execution timeout : " + timeoutLong + " ms"); // Wait the run will completed List<ExecutionSummaryVO> executionSummary; ExecutionStatusState executionStatusState; int prevStepCount = 0; Boolean newLine = false; do { Long sleepIntervalInMs = timeoutLong > 5000 ? 5000 : timeoutLong; timeoutLong -= (sleepIntervalInMs); Thread.sleep(sleepIntervalInMs); // Get run details HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(urlString + EXECUTIONS_API + runId + EXECUTE_SUMMARY_POSTFIX); // Handle CSRF tokens cookies client.setCookieStore(handleCsrfCookies(client.getCookieStore())); // Authenticate if (OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials() != null) { httpGet.addHeader( "Authorization", "Basic " + new String(OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials())); } // Execute the request HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpGet); // Verify the response is OK Assert.isTrue( response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200, "Invalid response code [" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + "]"); String responseBody = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()); executionSummary = gson.fromJson(responseBody, new TypeToken<List<ExecutionSummaryVO>>() {}.getType()); executionStatusState = executionSummary.get(0).getStatus(); // get steps details for steps progress httpGet = new HttpGet(urlString + EXECUTIONS_API + runId + EXECUTION_STEPS_COUNT_POSTFIX); // Handle CSRF tokens cookies client.setCookieStore(handleCsrfCookies(client.getCookieStore())); // Authenticate if (OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials() != null) { httpGet.addHeader( "Authorization", "Basic " + new String(OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials())); } // Execute the request response = client.execute(httpGet); // Verify the response is OK Assert.isTrue( response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200, "Invalid response code [" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + "]"); responseBody = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()); // printing steps progress int currentStepCount = gson.fromJson(responseBody, new TypeToken<Integer>() {}.getType()); if (currentStepCount > prevStepCount) { if (newLine) { listener.getLogger().println(); } listener.getLogger().println(currentStepCount + " steps were completed"); newLine = false; } else { listener.getLogger().print("."); newLine = true; } prevStepCount = currentStepCount; } while (timeoutLong > 0 && (executionStatusState.equals(ExecutionStatusState.RUNNING) || executionStatusState.equals(ExecutionStatusState.PENDING_PAUSE))); // get full status name String runResult; if (executionStatusState.equals(ExecutionStatusState.COMPLETED)) { runResult = executionStatusState + " - " + executionSummary.get(0).getResultStatusType(); } else { // TODO handle also paused runs runResult =; } WaitExecutionResult waitExecutionResult = new WaitExecutionResult(); waitExecutionResult.setLastExecutionResult(executionSummary.get(0).getResultStatusType()); waitExecutionResult.setLastExecutionStatus(executionStatusState); waitExecutionResult.setTimedOut( timeoutLong <= 0 && (executionStatusState.equals(ExecutionStatusState.RUNNING) || executionStatusState.equals(ExecutionStatusState.PENDING_PAUSE))); waitExecutionResult.setStepCount(prevStepCount); return waitExecutionResult; } public List<StepLog> getStepLog(Long stepCount, String feedURL) throws IOException { // Get steps details HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(feedURL + "?pageSize=" + stepCount); // hack !!! // Handle CSRF tokens cookies client.setCookieStore(handleCsrfCookies(client.getCookieStore())); // Authenticate if (OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials() != null) { httpGet.addHeader( "Authorization", "Basic " + new String(OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials())); } // Execute the request HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpGet); // Verify the response is OK Assert.isTrue( response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200, "Invalid response code [" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + "]"); String responseBody = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()); List<StepLog> stepLog = gson.fromJson(responseBody, new TypeToken<List<StepLog>>() {}.getType()); // List<StepLog> stackTrace = createStackTrace(stepLog, "0"); // listener.annotate(new SimpleHtmlNote(stackTraceAsString(stackTrace))); // setJSONExecutionResult(responseBody); // responseBody = formatResult(responseBody); return stepLog; // return ""; } public String stackTraceAsString(List<StepLog> stackTrace) { String stackTraceString = "\n<font color=\"red\"><b>"; String indent = " "; String indentation = indent; for (StepLog stepLog : Lists.reverse(stackTrace)) { stackTraceString += stepLog.getStepInfo().getStepName() + " - " + stepLog.getStepInfo().getResponseType() + "\n" + indentation; indentation = indentation + indent; } StepLog lastStep = stackTrace.get(stackTrace.size() - 1); indentation = indentation.substring(0, indentation.length() - 1 - indent.length()); stackTraceString += "\n" + indentation; // Add raw results stackTraceString += "RAW Results: " + lastStep.getRawResult() + "\n" + indentation; // Add step inputs Map<String, String> stepInputs = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (RecordBoundInputVO recordBoundInputVO : lastStep.getStepInputs()) { stepInputs.put(recordBoundInputVO.getName(), recordBoundInputVO.getValue()); } stackTraceString += "Step Inputs: " + stepInputs + "\n"; stackTraceString += "</b></font>\n\n"; return stackTraceString; } public List<StepLog> createStackTrace(List<StepLog> stepLogList, String startIndex) { StepLog lastStep = null; StepLog prevLastStep = null; int maxLocalPathSize = 0; // find the last step for (StepLog stepLog : stepLogList) { String path = stepLog.getStepInfo().getPath(); if (path.matches("^" + startIndex + ".\\d*")) { String[] splitPath = path.split("\\."); int currentLocalPath = Integer.parseInt(splitPath[splitPath.length - 1]); if (currentLocalPath >= maxLocalPathSize) { maxLocalPathSize = currentLocalPath; prevLastStep = lastStep; lastStep = stepLog; } } } List<StepLog> stackTrace; if (lastStep != null) { stackTrace = createStackTrace( stepLogList, prevLastStep.getStepInfo().getPath()); // recursive, find the child last step } else { return new ArrayList<StepLog>(); // no more steps inside } stackTrace.add(prevLastStep); // add current last step to stack trace return stackTrace; } public String formatResult(String executionResult) { boolean runIsCanceled = false; JsonArray array = (JsonArray) (parser.parse(executionResult)); JsonObject object; StringBuilder resultBuilder = new StringBuilder(""); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { object = (JsonObject) array.get(i); JsonObject stepInfo = (JsonObject) object.get("stepInfo"); Date date = new Date(); try { long epoch = Long.parseLong(stepInfo.get("endTime").toString()); date = new Date(epoch); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { runIsCanceled = true; } DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss"); String color = "blue"; if ((stepInfo.get("transitionMessage").toString().toLowerCase().contains("failure")) || (stepInfo.get("responseType").toString().toLowerCase().contains(("error"))) || (stepInfo.get("stepName").toString().toLowerCase().contains(("failure"))) || runIsCanceled) { color = "red"; } resultBuilder .append("<font color=\"" + color + "\"><b>" + formatter.format(date) + "</b>") .append("\n"); resultBuilder .append("\t<b>stepPrimaryResult</b> : ") .append(object.get("stepPrimaryResult").toString()) .append("\n"); resultBuilder .append("\t<b>status</b> : ") .append(object.get("status").toString().replace("\"", "")) .append("\n"); resultBuilder .append("\t<b>rawResult</b> : ") .append(object.get("rawResult").toString()) .append("\n"); resultBuilder .append("\t<b>stepResult</b> : ") .append(object.get("stepResult").toString()) .append("\n"); resultBuilder .append("\t<b>stepInputs</b> : ") .append(object.get("stepInputs").toString()) .append("\n"); resultBuilder .append("\t<b>stepName</b> : ") .append(stepInfo.get("stepName").toString().replace("\"", "")) .append("\n"); resultBuilder .append("\t<b>flowName</b> : ") .append(stepInfo.get("flowName").toString().replace("\"", "")) .append("\n"); resultBuilder .append("\t<b>type</b> : ") .append(stepInfo.get("type").toString().replace("\"", "")) .append("\n"); resultBuilder .append("\t<b>transitionMessage</b> : ") .append(stepInfo.get("transitionMessage").toString().replace("\"", "")) .append("\n"); resultBuilder .append("\t<b>responseType</b> : ") .append(stepInfo.get("responseType").toString().replace("\"", "")) .append("</font>\n"); } return resultBuilder.toString(); } private static CookieStore handleCsrfCookies(CookieStore cookieStore) { List<Cookie> cookies = new ArrayList<Cookie>(); for (Cookie cookie : cookieStore.getCookies()) { if (!cookie.getName().contains("CSRF")) { cookies.add(cookie); } } cookieStore.clear(); for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { cookieStore.addCookie(cookie); } return cookieStore; } private static void setJSONExecutionResult(String executionResult) { jsonExecutionResult = executionResult; } public static String getJsonExecutionResult() { return jsonExecutionResult; } }
public WaitExecutionResult waitExecutionComplete( TriggeredExecutionDetailsVO triggeredExecutionDetailsVO, String timeout, BuildListener listener, String urlString) throws InterruptedException, IOException { feedURL = triggeredExecutionDetailsVO.getFeedUrl(); // close connection // is.close(); // Read run details long defaultTimeout = 600000; Long timeoutLong = timeout.isEmpty() ? defaultTimeout : Long.parseLong(timeout); listener.getLogger().println("Flow execution timeout : " + timeoutLong + " ms"); // Wait the run will completed List<ExecutionSummaryVO> executionSummary; ExecutionStatusState executionStatusState; int prevStepCount = 0; Boolean newLine = false; do { Long sleepIntervalInMs = timeoutLong > 5000 ? 5000 : timeoutLong; timeoutLong -= (sleepIntervalInMs); Thread.sleep(sleepIntervalInMs); // Get run details HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(urlString + EXECUTIONS_API + runId + EXECUTE_SUMMARY_POSTFIX); // Handle CSRF tokens cookies client.setCookieStore(handleCsrfCookies(client.getCookieStore())); // Authenticate if (OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials() != null) { httpGet.addHeader( "Authorization", "Basic " + new String(OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials())); } // Execute the request HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpGet); // Verify the response is OK Assert.isTrue( response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200, "Invalid response code [" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + "]"); String responseBody = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()); executionSummary = gson.fromJson(responseBody, new TypeToken<List<ExecutionSummaryVO>>() {}.getType()); executionStatusState = executionSummary.get(0).getStatus(); // get steps details for steps progress httpGet = new HttpGet(urlString + EXECUTIONS_API + runId + EXECUTION_STEPS_COUNT_POSTFIX); // Handle CSRF tokens cookies client.setCookieStore(handleCsrfCookies(client.getCookieStore())); // Authenticate if (OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials() != null) { httpGet.addHeader( "Authorization", "Basic " + new String(OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials())); } // Execute the request response = client.execute(httpGet); // Verify the response is OK Assert.isTrue( response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200, "Invalid response code [" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + "]"); responseBody = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()); // printing steps progress int currentStepCount = gson.fromJson(responseBody, new TypeToken<Integer>() {}.getType()); if (currentStepCount > prevStepCount) { if (newLine) { listener.getLogger().println(); } listener.getLogger().println(currentStepCount + " steps were completed"); newLine = false; } else { listener.getLogger().print("."); newLine = true; } prevStepCount = currentStepCount; } while (timeoutLong > 0 && (executionStatusState.equals(ExecutionStatusState.RUNNING) || executionStatusState.equals(ExecutionStatusState.PENDING_PAUSE))); // get full status name String runResult; if (executionStatusState.equals(ExecutionStatusState.COMPLETED)) { runResult = executionStatusState + " - " + executionSummary.get(0).getResultStatusType(); } else { // TODO handle also paused runs runResult =; } WaitExecutionResult waitExecutionResult = new WaitExecutionResult(); waitExecutionResult.setLastExecutionResult(executionSummary.get(0).getResultStatusType()); waitExecutionResult.setLastExecutionStatus(executionStatusState); waitExecutionResult.setTimedOut( timeoutLong <= 0 && (executionStatusState.equals(ExecutionStatusState.RUNNING) || executionStatusState.equals(ExecutionStatusState.PENDING_PAUSE))); waitExecutionResult.setStepCount(prevStepCount); return waitExecutionResult; }
public TriggeredExecutionDetailsVO run10x( String selectedFlowUUID, List<OOArg> argsToUse, String urlString, String timeout, BuildListener listener, String runName) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(urlString + EXECUTIONS_API); // Convert inputs to the required type Map<String, String> inputs = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (OOArg arg : argsToUse) { inputs.put(arg.getName(), arg.getValue()); } // Create the POST object and add the parameters ExecutionVO executionVO = new ExecutionVO(); executionVO.setUuid(selectedFlowUUID); if (runName != null && !runName.equals("")) executionVO.setRunName(runName); executionVO.setInputs(inputs); String body = gson.toJson(executionVO); StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(body, "UTF-8"); httpPost.setEntity(entity); // Authenticate if (OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials() != null) { httpPost.addHeader( "Authorization", "Basic " + new String(OOBuildStep.getEncodedCredentials())); } // Add relevant headers httpPost.setHeader( "Content-Type", "application/json"); // this is mandatory in order for the request to work // Handle CSRF tokens cookies client.setCookieStore(handleCsrfCookies(client.getCookieStore())); // Execute the request HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpPost); // Verify the response is 201 Assert.isTrue( response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 201, "Invalid response code [" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + "]"); // Read the response body String responseBody = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()); // HttpEntity responseEntity = response.getEntity(); // InputStream is = responseEntity.getContent(); // Extract data from response // JsonObject element = (JsonObject) // (parser.parse(OOAccessibilityUtils.convertStreamToString(is))); TriggeredExecutionDetailsVO triggeredExecutionDetailsVO = gson.fromJson(responseBody, TriggeredExecutionDetailsVO.class); runId = triggeredExecutionDetailsVO.getExecutionId(); listener.getLogger().println("Run ID : " + runId); runURL = triggeredExecutionDetailsVO.getFeedUrl().split("/oo/")[0] + "/oo/#/runtimeWorkspace/runs/" + triggeredExecutionDetailsVO.getExecutionId(); listener.getLogger().println("Execution URL " + runURL); return triggeredExecutionDetailsVO; }