Esempio n. 1
  * CookieList with multiple entries and some '+' chars and URL-encoded values converted to a JSON
  * document.
 public void convertEncodedCookieListToString() {
   String cookieStr =
       "name1=myCookieValue1;  "
           + "  name2=my+Cookie+Value+2;"
           + "name3=my%2BCookie%26Value%3B3%3D;"
           + "  name4=my%25CookieValue4;  "
           + "name5=myCookieValue5;"
           + "  name6=myCookieValue6;";
   String expectedCookieStr =
           + "\"name1\":\"myCookieValue1\","
           + "\"name2\":\"my Cookie Value 2\","
           + "\"name3\":\"my+Cookie&Value;3=\","
           + "\"name4\":\"my%CookieValue4\","
           + "\"name5\":\"myCookieValue5\","
           + "\"name6\":\"myCookieValue6\""
           + "}";
   JSONObject jsonObject = CookieList.toJSONObject(cookieStr);
   JSONObject expectedJsonObject = new JSONObject(expectedCookieStr);
   String cookieToStr = CookieList.toString(jsonObject);
   JSONObject finalJsonObject = CookieList.toJSONObject(cookieToStr);
   Util.compareActualVsExpectedJsonObjects(jsonObject, expectedJsonObject);
   Util.compareActualVsExpectedJsonObjects(finalJsonObject, expectedJsonObject);
Esempio n. 2
 /** Creates a CookieList from an empty string. */
 public void emptyStringCookieList() {
   String cookieStr = "";
   String expectedCookieStr = "";
   JSONObject jsonObject = CookieList.toJSONObject(cookieStr);
   assertTrue(jsonObject.length() == 0);
Esempio n. 3
 /** CookieList with a single a cookie which has a name/value pair and delimiter. */
 public void simpleCookieListWithDelimiter() {
   String cookieStr = "SID=31d4d96e407aad42;";
   String expectedCookieStr = "{\"SID\":\"31d4d96e407aad42\"}";
   JSONObject jsonObject = CookieList.toJSONObject(cookieStr);
   JSONObject expectedJsonObject = new JSONObject(expectedCookieStr);
   Util.compareActualVsExpectedJsonObjects(jsonObject, expectedJsonObject);
Esempio n. 4
 /** Attempts to create a CookieList from a malformed string. Expects a JSONException. */
 public void malFormedCookieListException() {
   String cookieStr = "thisCookieHasNoEqualsChar";
   try {
     assertTrue("should throw an exception", false);
   } catch (JSONException e) {
     /** Not sure of the missing char, but full string compare fails */
         "Expecting an exception message",
         e.getMessage().startsWith("Expected '=' and instead saw '")
             && e.getMessage().endsWith("' at 27 [character 28 line 1]"));
Esempio n. 5
 /** CookieList with multiple cookies consisting of name/value pairs with delimiters. */
 public void multiPartCookieList() {
   String cookieStr =
       "name1=myCookieValue1;  "
           + "  name2=myCookieValue2;"
           + "name3=myCookieValue3;"
           + "  name4=myCookieValue4;  "
           + "name5=myCookieValue5;"
           + "  name6=myCookieValue6;";
   String expectedCookieStr =
           + "\"name1\":\"myCookieValue1\","
           + "\"name2\":\"myCookieValue2\","
           + "\"name3\":\"myCookieValue3\","
           + "\"name4\":\"myCookieValue4\","
           + "\"name5\":\"myCookieValue5\","
           + "\"name6\":\"myCookieValue6\""
           + "}";
   JSONObject jsonObject = CookieList.toJSONObject(cookieStr);
   JSONObject expectedJsonObject = new JSONObject(expectedCookieStr);
   Util.compareActualVsExpectedJsonObjects(jsonObject, expectedJsonObject);
Esempio n. 6
 /** Attempts to create a CookieList from a null string. Expects a NullPointerException. */
 @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
 public void nullCookieListException() {
   String cookieStr = null;